/********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include <qapplication.h> #include <qpixmap.h> #include "keyview.h" #include "keyboardimpl.h" /* XPM */ static const char * kb_xpm[] = { "28 13 81 1", " c None", ". c #000000", "+ c #E5E1D5", "@ c #FFFFFF", "# c #DBDBDB", "$ c #132B07", "% c #426362", "& c #558384", "* c #6E6D67", "= c #DCD8CD", "- c #929292", "; c #446463", "> c #558585", ", c #466565", "' c #558685", ") c #B7B7B7", "! c #A2A2A2", "~ c #9A9A9A", "{ c #959595", "] c #939393", "^ c #486767", "/ c #383838", "( c #303030", "_ c #2C2C2C", ": c #2A2A2A", "< c #292929", "[ c #333333", "} c #FFFFE9", "| c #FEFFDD", "1 c #E4E5AD", "2 c #202020", "3 c #466665", "4 c #2F2F2F", "5 c #FEFFC1", "6 c #575742", "7 c #191919", "8 c #2D2D2D", "9 c #29291F", "0 c #141414", "a c #122207", "b c #548584", "c c #111111", "d c #131313", "e c #1B2514", "f c #112106", "g c #416160", "h c #538484", "i c #2B2B2B", "j c #0F0F0F", "k c #14190F", "l c #192312", "m c #0F1F06", "n c #40605F", "o c #518483", "p c #9D9D9D", "q c #747474", "r c #2B2C2B", "s c #060704", "t c #0B0E09", "u c #12180D", "v c #17210F", "w c #0E1E04", "x c #3D5E5D", "y c #508382", "z c #898989", "A c #9C9C9C", "B c #050704", "C c #0A0D08", "D c #10170B", "E c #141E0C", "F c #0C1B04", "G c #395C5A", "H c #4F8181", "I c #242424", "J c #050604", "K c #090C06", "L c #0E1509", "M c #121C0A", "N c #0B1A03", "O c #375A58", "P c #4D807F", "...........+..@.@@@@@@@#.$%&", "..........*=.@.@.@@@@@##.-;>", "..............@.@.@@@###.-,'", ")!~{{]]]{]]].@.@.@@#.##-.-^'", "/(_::<<<:<<<..@.@@#..#--.-^'", "[}|12}|12}|12.#.@#.-.---.-3'", "4|567|567|567..@@...---.--,'", "81690169016901.@#.----.--a;b", "82700ccc0cccd.@@......--efgh", "i}|1c}|1c}|1j.@#.------klmno", "i|56c|56c|56.@#.--pqrstuvwxy", "i169c169c16.@#.--zAqrBCDEFGH", "82700ccc0cj...--IzAqrJKLMNOP"}; KeyboardImpl::KeyboardImpl() : input(0), icn(0), ref(0) { } KeyboardImpl::~KeyboardImpl() { delete input; delete icn; } QWidget *KeyboardImpl::inputMethod( QWidget *parent, Qt::WFlags f ) { if ( !input ) input = new Keyview( parent, "Keyview", f ); return input; } void KeyboardImpl::resetState() { /* if ( input ) input->resetState(); */ } QPixmap *KeyboardImpl::icon() { if ( !icn ) icn = new QPixmap( (const char **)kb_xpm ); return icn; } QString KeyboardImpl::name() { // return qApp->translate( "InputMethods", "Keyboard" ); return "Keyview"; } void KeyboardImpl::onKeyPress( QObject *receiver, const char *slot ) { Q_UNUSED( receiver ); Q_CONST_UNUSED( slot ); //if ( input ) //QObject::connect( input, SIGNAL(key(ushort,ushort,ushort,bool,bool)), receiver, slot ); } #ifndef QT_NO_COMPONENT QRESULT KeyboardImpl::queryInterface( const QUuid &uuid, QUnknownInterface **iface ) { *iface = 0; if ( uuid == IID_QUnknown ) *iface = this; else if ( uuid == IID_InputMethod ) *iface = this; else return QS_FALSE; if ( *iface ) (*iface)->addRef(); return QS_OK; } Q_EXPORT_INTERFACE() { Q_CREATE_INSTANCE( KeyboardImpl ) } #endif