
\subsection{Database Relations}
TODOLIST \{ UID, DueDate, StartDate, EndDate, Completed, Description, Summary, Priority, Progress, Parent, Status \}\\
DueDate can be null \\
StartDate and EndDate are for timetracking reasons.
DATEBOOK \{ UID, ID, Item, Value \}\\
ID autoincrement\\
Type element \{ Description, Location, Type, start, end, note, created \}\\
RECURRANCE \{ UID, TID, RType, RWeekDays, RPosition, RFreq, RHasEndDate, REndDate \} \\
The TID (TableID) is needed here, since both, TODOLIST and DATEBOOK use it, and in future maybe more.\\
ADDRESSBOOK \{UID, ID, Item, Value \}\\
ID autoincrement\\
For contact to a person:\\
Type element \{Title, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, Suffix, Note \}\\  
For contact to a company:\\
Type element \{ CompanyName, Department, Note \}\\
POSTAL \{ UID, TID, Type, Street, City, State, Zip, Country \} \\
where Type can be Home, Business as predefined or any other as custom fields (not syncable) \\
PERSONAL\_DATA \{ UID, ID, Type, Priority, Value \}\\
ID autoincrement \\
Type element \{ Personal, Company, University,  Birthday, Aniversary,  Gender, Child, Jobtitle, Department, 
Office, Profession, Assistant, Nickname, Spouse, Manager, Note, Email, WebPage, Phone, Fax \}\\
Priority: Highest = 1, Undefined = 0\\
TABLEID \{ TID, Name, DefaultRep, Version \}  \\
TID Autoincrement \\
The first 3 TIDs are set: 0 == datebook, 1 == addressbook, 2 == todolist.\\
The rest can are assigned in order of registration of the service/app.
DefaultRep is the default representation. That are fields from the table of the app itself which should be shown when crosslinked\footnote{This should be described much more detailed to be clear! (se)}. \\
CROSSREF \{ TID1, UID1, ID1, TID2, UID2, ID2 \}\\
ID\emph{x} defines the ``line'' in the table (grouped by UID) which should be linked. It may be empty if no special field should be addressed. \\
Maybe add a field ``discription'' like ``verwaltet'', ``schaut an''
Still unclear is, how to synchronize our database (as XML-File, directly or via C++ Interface access) with outlook or other systems, without loosing this cross reference. We could not expect that this fine granularity or referencing may be supported by other systems...\\
ALARM \{ TID, UID, Sound, Day, Month, Year, Time \}\\
TID is needed since more then one app can have alarms and UID is not necessarly unique over different apps. \\
A exclusive table for all alarms\\
CATEGORY \{ UID, Parent, Name, ApplicationName, ForeGroundColor, BackGroundColor \}\\
UID due to making syncing sane\\
Parent is used for subcategories \\
FILES \{ UID, Type, Url \}\\ 
LOCATION \{ UID, Name\}\\