Contacts is a way to keep track of all the people you know, and how to contact
them. as well as other information, such as their birthday, the company they
work for, etc.
Adding Contacts
To Add a user, go to
or click the add icon in the toolbar (looks like a blank piece of paper).
First, you need to give the person a name. You can do this by either entering
their name in the name field, or by pressing "Full Name...", which will open
up a new dialog that lets you enter each part of their name individually. Three
of the entry fields have pulldown menus instead of labels that let you set which
parameter these input fields control. The File As field lets you control how
their name is displayed in the main view, use the pulldown arrow to select from
some common ways of ordering their first and last names, or type in a custom
one. You can also select a category for the user to be filed under, and clicking
the button labeled "..." lets you edit the available catagories (these are
convinient for displaying just the contacts you want when you have a lot of
The address tab lets you edit the contact's buisness and home addresses (select
which one you want to change from the pulldown menu at the top). The bottom
field behaves just like the three custom fields in the "General" tab (and if
you select the same thing from the pulldown list, it will modify the same
The Details tab is used for miscelaneous things like the person's position, the
name of their spouse, etc.
When you are done, click "Ok" in the top right of the screen (you can always
edit their profile later), click the "x" to cancel, and not add the contact.
Editing Contacts
To edit the contacts, select the person you want to edit, anc click the pencil
icon, or go to Contact&arrow;Edit,
and it will open up the same dialog used to add a user, except their information
that is already entered will already be filled in. To finalise the changes,
click "Ok", or to cancel them, click "x".
Deleting Contacts
To delete a contact, select the person from the list of contacts, and click the
trash can icon, or go to Contact
&arrow;Delete. A dialog will pop up asking if you
want to actually delete that contact, click yes to delete it, no will cancel.
Editing Contacts
To find a specific person, click the find icon (green magnifying glass), or go
to Contact&arrow;Find. A dialog
will pop up, and in the "Find what" input, enter the string you want to search
for. You can also select if you want the search to be case sensative, and if you
want it to search backwards from the currently selected user. The Category drop
down menu lets you search only a specific category ("All" to search all of
them). When you click "Find", it will start search for the string in all the
fields in all the contacts. When it finds a match, it will highlight the user in
the main view. You can use this to search for (as an example) who a certain
phone number belongs to, by entering the phone number in the "find what" field,
and clicking "Find".
Viewing Contacts
To view only the contacts in a certain category, go to the View menu, and check
the categories you want to view.
The list of letters on the bottom of the window lets you look at only the
contacts who's names begin with that letter. These work much like entering text
on a mobile phone. For example, to view all the contacts whos name starts with
"B", press the "ABC" group twice (since "B" is the second letter in that
group). To go back to displaying all of the letters, click it two more times
(pressing it four times brings you back to all the letters, so you pressed it 2
times to get to "B" and 2 more times to get back to all letters. 2+2=4).
Beaming Contacts
To beam a contact to another device, you must first have the IrDA Applet installed, and you must enable IrDA in it.
(see ). Once this is done, you can select the contact you would like to beam, and press the
beam icon in the toolbar, or select Contact&arrow;Beam Entry. Opie will then send the contact using the IrDA and
OBEX protocols to any waiting device.
Personal Details
Change your personal details by going to Contact
My Personal Details. This is used in today to
display who the device belongs to, as well as other apps.