File Manager
The file manager allows easy access to your file system, letting you browse,
copy, move, delete and link files. You can also use it to open the file in an
application based upon the file type, or add the file to your "Documents" tab,
as well as several other filesystem related things.
To enter a directory, simply press its icon or name in the main view. There are
also two buttons in the toolbar which help with navigation. The back arrow will
take you back to the directory you were previously looking at, while the up
arrow will take you up one level in the directory structure (so, if you are in
/usr/bin, it will take you to /usr, regardless of where you were before). The
"Dir" menu shows the current path, with each directory as a menu item. So, if
you are in /opt/QtPalmtop/bin there will be four entries: /, opt, QtPalmtop, and
bin. Selecting one of these will take you immediately to that directory.
Selecting Files
When you click on a file, its selection status is toggled. So the first time you
click on it, it will be selected, and the second time it will be deselected. To
select multiple files, simply click on each one you want to select.
Moving Files
To copy a file from one directory to another, press and hold on the filename,
and select "Copy" from the menu that pops up. Then, change into the directory
that you want to copy it into, and press the "paste" icon (an image of a
clipboard and a piece of paper). To move a file, do the same thing, except
select "Cut" from the first menu, instead of "Copy". You can also move or
copy multiple files by selecting all of them and using the cut or copy buttons
in the toolbar.
Deleting Files
To delete a file, press and hold it to bring up its menu, then select
"Delete", and click "Yes" (or "No" to cancel). Delete will delete all the
currently selected files, which may be more than the one that you pressed and
held on.
Renaming Files
To change a file's name, first bring up the input method you want to use (unless
you are going to use the hardware keyboard), then press and hold on the
filename, and select "rename". A new file will appear with a "Name" field
that is editable, enter the new name, and click another file to keep the new
Creating Directories
To create a directory, first bring up the input method you want to use (if you
are using one), and then click the new directory button (an image of a file
folder with a "+" sign). A new folder will be created with the name "New
Folder", and the folder name will be editable. Enter the name you want and then
click another file to create the folder.
Viewing Files
To view a file, press and hold on a file, and the menu that comes up will
contain two entries for vieing the file, the first depends on the filetype, but
usually lets you open the file in a specific program. The second is "view as
text" which will open the file up in TextEdit (regardless of whether or not it
is actually a text file).
Adding to "Documents"
To add a file to your "Documents", press and hold the file, and select "Add
to documents" from the menu. This will add the file to the documents tab, which
you can use to quickly open the file (simply click on the icon for the file in
the Documents tab). Some programs also use the Documents list to aid in quickly
opening files.
Sorting Files
To sort the files, use the "Sort" menu to select wich field you want to sort
the files by ("by Name", for instance, will sort the file alphabetically by
name). If "Ascending" is checked, the files will be sorted in ascending order,
if it is not, they will be sorted in descending order. You can also press the
name of the column in the main view to sort by that field.
Viewing Options
The "View" menu lets you choose which files to view. If "Hidden" is checked,
hidden files will be visible (in Linux, hidden files start with a "."). If
"Symlinks" is checked, symbolic links (files or directories which are merely
links to other files or directories) will be visible.