<chapter><title>VNC Viewer</title> <para> The OPIE VNC Viewer allows you to connect to servers that are compatible with the Remote Frame Buffer (RFB) protocol, most commonly used by the VNC remote access software. </para> <section><title>Adding a bookmark</title> <para> To add a new bookmark to your bookmark list, lick the New icon on the window's toolbar. The "VNC Viewer Connection" dialog will appear. Enter the hostname or IP address of the computer you would like to connect to in the "Host Name" field. In the "Display Number" field, enter the number of the display you would like to connect to. If you are connecting to a Windows or Mac OS server, you typically select display 0. Unix servers typically use display 1 or higher. You must also enter the password for the server you would like to connect to if it requires one. If you are having difficulties entering the password, you can select "Show Password" to show the password you are entering. You must also add a descriptive name for the bookmark if you would like it to be saved. You can then either select the OK button to save the bookmark and connect to the server, or the cancel button to return to the bookmark list. </para> </section> <section><title>Connecting to a bookmarked server</title> <para> To connect to a server that has already been bookmarked, select the bookmark from the list and press the "Open" icon on the toolbar. The "VNC Viewer Connection" dialog will appear, and you will have the chance to modify the bookmark before actually connecting. Pressing the OK button will connect to the server, and pressing the cancel button will return to the bookmark list. </para> </section> <section><title>Deleting a bookmark</title> <para> To delete a bookmark, choose the bookmark that you would like to delete, and select the delete item from the toolbar. </para> </section> <section><title>Advanced Connection Options</title> <para> In addition to the display number, hostname, and password, you can choose many advanced options from the "VNC Viewer Connection" dialog box that will affect the performance of the connection. </para> <para> On the options tab you can set the delay in between requesting updates to the screen, a higher value will result in a more up to date screen, but you will use more bandwidth. You can also choose to restrict your connection to 8 bit color, which is much faster than using the color depth of the remote server at the cost of image quality. Requesting a shared session tells the RFB server that you are willing to let other users connect at the same time. You can use the scaling factor on fit more of the remote screen into the space available on your PDA, if you are willing to accept the performance hit involved in the scaling. </para> <para> The Encodings tab allows you to select which of the supported encodings you would would like the VNC Viewer to use to communicate with the remote server. In most cases you don't need to modify anything on this tab. </para> </chapter>