<chapter><title>What is &opie;?</title>

<figure><title>&opie; logo</title>
    <imagedata fileref="logo-small.png">

<ulink url="http://opie.handhelds.org">&opie;</ulink> is a GUI (Graphical User Interface) for the Linux operating system (and
might work on other OSes as well).  It was originally designed for handheld
computers (such as the Compaq/HP &ipaq; and the Sharp &zaurus;), but could
function well in other environments requiring a light GUI, such as an
old laptop, or an internet kiosk.  It is based upon <ulink url="http://www.trolltech.com/products/embedded/index.html">&qt;/Embedded from Trolltech</ulink>,
which is in turn a graphical environment designed for embedded applications,
based upon the &qt; toolkit.
&opie; has been designed for devices with small screens, and a touchscreen input
device (ie, only one mouse click, and no constant mouse position), as well as
designed to fit in a relatively small amount of storage space (about 5 megabytes
for the base libraries and the launcher).