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<h2>The Advanced File Manager</h2>
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<P><B>AdvancedFm</b> is a file manager for Opie. Using the two
tabs, you can move, rename, copy, symlink, set file permissions between the two directories.
<br>All actions on a file can be found by holding your stylus down on a
file. A popup menu will appear.
<br>If you have a <b>Control</b> key available, you can select multiple
files, by holding the <b>Ctrl</b> key while you highlight the files.
This way you can symlink all the selected files in a directory to the directory
in the other tab.

<P>You can also run commands on files, on in a directory by
selecting <b>"Run Command"</b> from the menu. <b>"Run Command with output"</b> will
send the standard output from your command to a widget so you can see, or study it. You
can also save it to a file if you wish.

<P>The buttons at top change your current directory to (from left to
<b>[cd up parent dir] [$QPEDIR] [CF card] [SD] [Documents directory]  [$HOME]</b>
<br>The button to the left of the combo box, is a directory
bookmark. Click on it to bookmark the current directory, so you can
come back to it easily.
<P>You can type a directory into the edit combo at the top, hit enter
and change to it.

<P>The titlebar at top tells you what filesystem is used on the
current directory, and how much free space is available there.

&copy; 2002-2003<a href="mailto:llornkcor@handhelds.org">ljp</a> llornkcor@handhelds.org</a></pre></address>
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Last modified: Mon Jun  9 15:11:16 MDT 2003
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