<html><head><title>Welcome to AQPkg</title></head><body> AQPkg is the default package manager for Opie.<br> <h3>Basic Instructions:</h3> On startup, you will be shown a window. The main part of the window is taken up by a list box showing packages. The packages shown will depend on the server selected.<br> The servers list contains network servers containing feeds of packages that can be downloaded and installed onto your handheld. These are held in the file /etc/ipkg.conf and can be maintained using AQPkg. In addition to the servers defined in ipkg.conf file, there are two other servers - local and local IPKGs. These are not network servers but views of your handheld.<br> The local server shows all installed packages, and the local IPKGs server shows all ipks that are stored on your handheld.<br> On the local server, you can only remove packages. On the local IPKGs server you can only install and delete packages - removing installed packages is currently not working. On all other servers you can install, uninstall, upgrade and download packages.<br> To get the latest package list for a server (or refresh the view), select the server you wish to update and click the Refresh List button.<br> To download a package from a remote server, select the server (any except local and local IPKGs), then select the package(s) you wish to download (by tapping in the box next to the package name so that a tick appears in the box) and click the Download button. Enter the path where you want the package to be downloaded to and click OK to download the package.<br> To install, upgrade or remove a package select the packages you wish to install and click the Apply button. You will then be shown a dialog which allows you to select which destination you wish to install the package to, which packages will be installed, removed and upgraded. You can also set various options. (for the moment, see the documentation for IPKG for more details on these options). To start the process, click Start. This will perform the necessary operations and will show you what is happening. Once everything has completed click the Close button.<br> Note: Currently, the operation to perform for a package is automatically decided based on the following rules:<br> If a package isn't installed, then it will be installed.<br> If a package is installed and there isn't a later version available then it will be removed.<br> If a package is installed and a different version is available then it will be upgraded. (Note, I haven't yet found a way to determine if an available package is newer or older than the one currently installed so it is possible that a package may be downgraded).<br> As previously mentioned, a package can be explicitly removed by using the local server.<br><br> A couple of last notes, in the main window, the following may be useful:<br> If a package is installed then it will have (installed) after it.<br> If a different version is available then it will have a * after the package name.<br> You can view details of a package by tapping twice (quickly) on the package name (NOT the box next to the package name). This will show you a brief description of the package, the version installed (if it is installed), and the version available for download/installation (if a different on is available).<br><br><br> Well, hope you enjoy using this program. If you have any ideas/suggestions/ideas for improvements then please let me know at andy.qua@blueyonder.co.uk.<br><br> Thanks for using this. Andy. </body></html>