<html><head><title>AQPkg: Apply changes</title></head><body>
<h1><img src="aqpkg/apply">AQPkg: Apply changes</h1>
Once all desired packages have been selected, this option will
either install, update or remove each package.  AQPkg will prompt
for whether a package already installed should be removed or
upgraded.&nbsp;After selecting this option from the menu or toolbar,
press the <b>Start</b> button to begin.
See <a href="aqpkg/configuration.html"><img src="SettingsIcon">
Configuration</a> for options to ignore dependencies, force reinstall, etc.
For people familiar with the command-line utility <i>ipkg</i>, this is
equivilent to running:&nbsp;<i>ipkg install</i> or <i>ipkg remove</i>