<html><head><title>Mail It</title></head><body>
<img src="SettingsIcon.png"></img>
<h1>Account settings</h1>
Chosing either <b>New</b> or a specific account from the <b>Account menut </b> opens the <i>Account settings dialog</i><br>
Here you can fill out several fields:
<i>Account name </i> A descriptive name as shown in the account menus<p>
<i>Your name </i> Your name to be used as the From: name<p>
<i>EMail address </i> Your email address to be used as the From: address<p>
<i>POP user name </i> Your login name on the POP3 server<p>
<i>POP password </i> Your password on the POP3 server <p>
<i>POP server </i> The POP3 mailserver to get mail from<p>
<i>SMTP server </i> The SMTP mailserver to send mail to<p>

If the <i>synchronize </i> checkbox is active only mail will be downloaded which is not in the inbox yet.<br>
The <i>mail size </i> spinbox defines the maximum mai size to fetch, mails larger than this limit will only be fetched as headers.<p>

Click the ok button in the upper right corner to accept or the cancel icon beneath it to abort.