
Advanced File Manager

    AdvancedFm is an advanced file management for Opie. Using the two tabs, you can move, rename, copy, symlink, set file permissions between the two directories.
All actions on a file can be found by holding your stylus down on a file. A popup menu will appear.
If you have a Control key available, you can select multiple files, by holding the Ctrl key while you highlight the files. This way you can symlink selected files in a directory to the directory in the other tab.

    You can also run commands on files, on in a directory by selecting "Run Command" from the menu. "Run Command with output" will send the standard output from your command to a widget so you can see, or study it. You can also save it to a file if you wish.

    The buttons at top change your current directory to (from left to right)
[$QPEDIR] [/mnt/cf] [/mnt/sd] (<-for those that have it) [cd up parent dir] [~/Documents] [$HOME]

    You can type a directory into the edit combo at the top, hit enter and change to it.

    The titlebar at top tells you what filesystem is used on the current directory, and how much free space is available there.

© 2002ljp llornkcor@handhelds.org
Last modified: Thu Oct 17 23:45:41 +0000 2002