<html><head><title>Welcome to Opie Console</title></head><body> <p align="center"> <img src="console/console.png"> <h1>Opie Console</h1> <P align="center">Opie Console is a Terminal Emulator Application. It supports VT100,VT102, ANSI, Linux-Console and Xterm emulation, and can connect to a remote host over serial and modem or just your plain old local console. On top of that it supports sending and receiving of files via X-Modem, Y-Modem and Z-Modem. <br> <ul align="left"> <li><a href="opie-console/gettingstarted.html">Getting started</a> <li><a href="opie-console/menubar.html">Menu bar</a> <li><a href="opie-console/profiles.html">Profiles and Configuration</a> <li><a href="opie-console/filetransfer.html">File transfer</a> <li><a href="opie-console/fullscreen.html">Full screen</a> <li><a href="opie-console/scripting.html">Scripting</a> <li><a href="opie-console/about.html">About</a> </ul> </body></html>