<html><head><title>Opie Console: serial via bluetooth  connection</title></head><body>
<h1>Opie Console: serial via bluetooth connection</h1>
<b> what it is</b>
make a terminal connection via a serial bluetooth link
<b> what you need </b>
- peer bluetooth device that supports rfcomm ( serial ) connections
Basic settings that also apply to serial connection via bluetooth: 
<a href="opie-console/serialsettings.html">common serial settings</a> 
<b> special options </b>
Either choose a device for an allready existing serial link or input the peers MAC address. Case  there is no connection yet to that MAC  address Opie-console will try to get a serial link to that device.
<b> commen errors and problem solving</b>
P: blah <br>
S: blub <br>