<html><head><title>OSearch: Addressbook</title></head><body>
<img src="addressbook/AddressBook.png">
<h1>OSearch: Contacts</h1>
Searches your addressbook data for its
<a href="#results">fields</a>.
When the <a href="osearch/search.html#key">search key</a>
is changed the search will be redone automaticly if the
<a href="osearch/search.html#group">searchgroup</a>
is expanded.
By pressing on the item for a long time the possible options will be displayed.
For the description of the options see <a href="settings.html">Settings</a> <br>
<a name="results"><h2>Search Fields</h2></a>
<b> <img src="addressbook/identity.png"> Identity </b> <br>
Fields: Title, JobTitle, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, Suffix, Nickname, FileAs <br>
<b> <img src="addressbook/email.png"> Email</b> <br>
<b> <img src="osearch/addresshome.png"> Home Address </b> <br>  
Fields: HomeStreet, HomeCity, HomeState, HomeZip, HomeCountry:
<b> <img src="addressbook/phonehome.png"> Home Phone </b> <br>
<b> <img src="addressbook/faxhome.png"> Home Fax </b> <br>
<b> <img src="addressbook/mobilehome.png"> Home Mobile </b> <br>
<b> <img src="addressbook/webpagehome.png"> Home WebPage </b> <br>
<b> <img src="osearch/addresshome.png"> Business Address </b> <br>  	
Fields: Company, BusinessCity, BusinessStreet, BusinessZip, BusinessCountry, Department, Office, Manager, BusinessPager, Profession
<b> <img src="addressbook/phonework.png"> Business Phone </b> <br>
<b> <img src="addressbook/faxwork.png"> Business Fax </b> <br>
<b> <img src="addressbook/mobilework.png"> Business Mobile </b> <br>
<b> <img src="addressbook/webpagework.png"> Business WebPage </b> <br>
<b> <img src="osearch/personal.png"> persons</b> <br>
Fields: Assistant, Spouse, Children
<b> <img src="osearch/clock.png"> Date </b> <br>
Fields: Birthday, Anniversary
<b> <img src="inline/txt.png"> Notes </b> <br>