<html><head><title>OSearch: Documents</title></head><body>
<img src="osearch/documents.png">
<h1>OSearch: Documents</h1>
The Documentssearch search all your documents,
for text documents it
<a href="osearch/settings.html#datebook">optionaly</a>
searches its content too.
When the <a href="osearch/search.html#key">search key</a>
is changed the search will <b>not</b> be redone
automaticly, since it takes quite long.
By pressing on the item for a long time the possible
<a href="osearch/settings.html#doclnk">options</a>
will be displayed.
<a name="fields"><h2>Search Fields</h2></a>
<b> name </b> <br>
<b> comment </b> <br>
<b> executable </b> <br>
<b> content (<a href="osearch/settings.html#datebook">optionaly</a>) <b> <br>