iso8859-1 ColorConfig Background: Selected: Sets the background color of the editing area Sets the background color of the selection. To set the text color for selected text, use the &quot;<b>Configure Highlighting</b>&quot; dialog. EditConfigTab &Word wrap Replace &tabs with spaces &Remove trailing spaces &Auto brackets Group &undos &Show tabs Smart &home &Page up/down moves cursor Wrap &cursor Wrap Words At: Tab/Indent Width: Undo steps: Encoding: Word wrap is a feature that causes the editor to automatically start a new line of text and move (wrap) the cursor to the beginning of that new line. KateView will automatically start a new line of text when the current line reaches the length specified by the Wrap Words At: option.<p><b>NOTE:<b> Word Wrap will not change existing lines or wrap them for easy reading as in some applications. If the Word Wrap option is selected this entry determines the length (in characters) at which the editor will automatically start a new line. KateView will replace any tabs with the number of spaces indicated in the Tab Width: entry. If the Replace Tabs By Spaces option is selected this entry determines the number of spaces with which the editor will automatically replace tabs. KateView will automatically eliminate extra spaces at the ends of lines of text. When the user types a left bracket ([,(, or {) KateView automatically enters the right bracket (}, ), or ]) to the right of the cursor. Checking this will cause sequences of similar actions to be undone at once. The editor will display a symbol to indicate the presence of a tab in the text. Not yet implemented. If this is selected, the insertion cursor will be moved to the first/last line when pressing the page up/down buttons.<p>If not selected, it will remain at it's relative position in the visible text. Sets the number of undo/redo steps to record. More steps uses more memory. When on, moving the insertion cursor using the <b>Left</b> and <b>Right</b> keys will go on to previous/next line at beginning/end of the line, similar to most editors.<p>When off, the insertion cursor cannot be moved left of the line start, but it can be moved off the line end, which can be very handy for programmers. GotoLineDialog Goto Line &Goto Line: HighlightDialog Highlight Settings HighlightDialogPage &Defaults Default Item Styles Item: &Highlight Modes Config Select Item Style Highlight Auto Select Highlight: File Extensions: Mime Types: Default HlEditDialog Highlight Conditions Syntax structure New Context New Item Options Can't find template file Description: Attribute: LineEnd: Type: Parameter: Context switch: Delete this item HlManager Normal Keyword Data Type Decimal/Value Base-N Integer Floating Point Character String Comment Others IndentConfigTab &Auto Indent Indent With &Spaces &Backspace Key Indents &Tab Key Indents Keep Indent &Profile &Keep Extra Spaces When <b>Auto indent</b> is on, KateView will indent new lines to equal the indent on the previous line.<p>If the previous line is blank, the nearest line above with text is used Check this if you want to indent with spaces rather than tabs.<br>A Tab will be converted to <u>Tab-width</u> as set in the <b>edit</b> options This allows the <b>backspace</b> key to be used to indent. This allows the <b>tab</b> key to be used to indent. This retains current indentation settings for future documents. Indentations of more than the selected number of spaces will not be shortened. KDialogBase Ok Apply Cancel Close KLocale pm am concatenation of dates and time %1 %2 Monday Mon Tuesday Tue Wednesday Wed Thursday Thu Friday Fri Saturday Sat Sunday Sun Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday January Jan February Feb March Mar April Apr May short May June Jun July Jul August Aug September Sep October Oct November Nov December Dec January February March April May long May June July August September October November December KMessageBox Sorry Warning Question Ok Cancel Error Information KateDocument The file %1 has changed on disk. Do you want to reload it? If you cancel you will lose these changes next time you save this file File has changed on Disk Yes KateView Undo/Redo &History... &Configure Editor... &Highlight Mode &Deselect All Invert &Selection Increase Font Sizes Decrease Font Sizes Apply Word Wrap Editing Co&mmand Toggle &Bookmark Clear Bookmarks &Bookmarks Show &IconBorder &Indent &Unindent &Clean Indentation C&omment Unco&mment &Vertical Selection &End Of Line Und&o Re&do The current Document has been modified. Would you like to save it? Could not save the document. Discard it and continue? &Discard Undo/Redo History End of document reached. Continue from the beginning? Find Continue Beginning of document reached. Continue from the end? Search string '%1' not found! %1 replacement(s) made Replace %1 replacement(s) made. End of document reached. Continue from the beginning? Stop %1 replacement(s) made. Beginning of document reached. Continue from the end? Configure Editor Colors Fonts Indent Select Edit Highlighting QObject Out of Space Plus de Mémoire There was a problem creating KateConfiguration Information for this program. Please free up some space and try again. Un problème est apparu lors de la création de la configuration de Kate pour ce programme. Veuillez libérer de la mémoire avant de rééssayer. ReplacePrompt Replace Text &All &No &Yes Replace this occurence? SearchDialog Find Text &Text To Find: Regular Expression Replace Text &Replace With: Options C&ase Sensitive &Whole Words Only &From Beginning Find &Backwards &Selected Text &Prompt On Replace SelectConfigTab &Persistent Selections &Overwrite Selections Mouse &Autocopy &X11-like Single Selection &Vertical Selections &Toggle Old Enabling this prevents key input or cursor movement by way of the arrow keys from causing the elimination of text selection.<p><b>Note:</b> If the Overwrite Selections option is activated then any typed character input or paste operation will replace the selected text. When this is on, any keyed character input or paste operation will replace the selected text. When this is on, any text selected with the mouse will be automatically copied to the clipboard. Not implemented yet. Enabling this allows you to make vertical selections. Not yet implemented. StyleChanger Normal: Selected: Bold Italic SyntaxDocument Can't open %1 Other UndoHistory Undo List Redo List &Undo &Redo &Close