# This is a Qt message file in .po format.  Each msgid starts with
# a scope.  This scope should *NOT* be translated - eg. translating
# from French to English, "Foo::Bar" would be translated to "Pub",
# not "Foo::Pub".
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2001-06-24 17:46:13 CEST\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2001-06-24\n"
"Last-Translator: Szab�, Bal�zs <dlux@kapu.hu>\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n"

#: solitaire.cpp:775
msgid "CanvasCardWindow::&About"
msgstr "&N�vjegy"

#: solitaire.cpp:768
msgid "CanvasCardWindow::&Change Card Backs"
msgstr "K�rty�k h�t�nak v�ltoztat�sa"

#: solitaire.cpp:762
msgid "CanvasCardWindow::&Close"
msgstr "&Bez�r"

#: solitaire.cpp:763
msgid "CanvasCardWindow::&File"
msgstr "&File"

#: solitaire.cpp:777
msgid "CanvasCardWindow::&Help"
msgstr "&Seg�ts�g"

#: solitaire.cpp:760
msgid "CanvasCardWindow::&New Game of Freecell"
msgstr "�j Freecell j�t�k"

#: solitaire.cpp:759
msgid "CanvasCardWindow::&New Game of Solitaire"
msgstr "�j Passzi�nsz j�t�k"

# #: solitaire.cpp:760
# msgid "CanvasCardWindow::&New Game of Freecell"
# msgstr "Neues Freecell-Spiel"

#: solitaire.cpp:770
msgid "CanvasCardWindow::&Settings"
msgstr "&Be�ll�t�sok"

#: solitaire.cpp:769
msgid "CanvasCardWindow::&Snap On/Off"
msgstr "&M�gnes Be/Ki"

#: solitaire.cpp:829
msgid "CanvasCardWindow::"
"<h3>About Qt Card Games</h3>"
"These games were implemented<br>easily using Qt.<br>"
"The canvas widget was used<br> as the basis"
"on which<br>the playing area is drawn.<br>"
"Each card is an object on the canvas,<br>as "
"are the decorations.<br>All the animation is "
"done by Qt."
msgstr "<h3>A k�rtyaj�t�kokr�l...</h3>"
"Ezek a j�t�kok Qt haszn�lat�val<br>egyszer�en implement�lhat�ak voltak.<br>"
"A canvas widgetet haszn�ltuk<br>, erre rajzoltuk a j�t�kteret.<br>"
"Minden k�rtya egy objektum a canvasen,<br> mint dekor�ci�.<br>"
"Az anim�l�sokat a Qt v�gzi."

#: solitaire.cpp:864
msgid "CanvasCardWindow::"
"The object of the game is to stack all the<br>"
"cards on the top right 4 piles from the Aces<br>"
"to the Kings in suit. The rules are that<br>"
"you can only move red cards of the next<br>"
"lowest values on top of black cards, or<br>"
"or black ones on to red ones in order.<br>"
"You can move any card to the remaining<br>"
"vacant freecells to help you move the cards."
"<p>Good luck and enjoy playing Freecell!"
msgstr "<h3>Freecell</h3>"
"A j�t�k c�lja, hogy a k�rty�kat a 4 jobb<br>"
"fels� helyre rakjuk az �szt�l a Kir�lyig<br>"
"sorban. A piros k�rty�kat csak az ut�na<br>"
"k�vetkez� fekete karty�kra teheted,<br>"
"illetve a feket�t a pirosra. Annyi k�rty�t<br>"
"mozgathatsz egyszerre, amennyit a<br>"
"fennmarad� szabad helyek megengednek<br>"
"<p>Sok szerencs�t a Freecell j�t�khoz"

#: solitaire.cpp:850
msgid "CanvasCardWindow::"
"The object of the game is to stack all the<br>"
"cards on the top piles from the Aces to<br>"
"the Kings in suit. The rules are that you<br>"
"can only move a red card of the next lowest<br>"
"values on top of black cards in the lower<br>"
"playing area, or a black on a red in order.<br>"
"You can get new cards from the face down<br>"
"stack to help you move the cards."
"<p>Good luck and enjoy playing Solitaire!"
msgstr "<h3>Passzi�nsz</h3>"
"A j�t�k c�lja, hogy a k�rty�kat a 4 jobb<br>"
"fels� helyre rakjuk az �szt�l a Kir�lyig<br>"
"sorban. Az als� j�t�kt�rben a piros k�rty�kat<br>"
"csak az ut�na k�vetkez� fekete k�rty�ra teheted,<br>"
"illetve a feket�t a pirosra. A bal fels� sarokban<br>"
"tal�lhat� paklib�l �j k�rty�kat szerezhetsz, hogy<br>"
"megk�nny�tse a pakol�st!<br>"
"<p>Sok szerencs�t a Passzi�nsz j�t�khoz"

#: solitaire.cpp:799
msgid "CanvasCardWindow::About"
msgstr "N�vjegy"

#: solitaire.cpp:791
msgid "CanvasCardWindow::Change Card Backs"
msgstr "K�rty�k h�t�nak v�ltoztat�sa"

#: solitaire.cpp:793
msgid "CanvasCardWindow::Change Cards Drawn"
msgstr "H�zott k�rty�k sz�m�nak v�ltoztat�sa"

#: solitaire.cpp:785
msgid "CanvasCardWindow::Close"
msgstr "Bez�r"

#: solitaire.cpp:881
msgid "CanvasCardWindow::Dismiss"
msgstr "Bez�r"

#: solitaire.cpp:786
msgid "CanvasCardWindow::File"
msgstr "File"

#: solitaire.cpp:691
msgid "CanvasCardWindow::Freecell"
msgstr "Freecell"

#: solitaire.cpp:802
msgid "CanvasCardWindow::Help"
msgstr "Seg�ts�g"

#: solitaire.cpp:783
msgid "CanvasCardWindow::New Game of Freecell"
msgstr "�j Freecell j�t�k"

#: solitaire.cpp:782
msgid "CanvasCardWindow::New Game of Solitaire"
msgstr "�j Passzi�nsz j�t�k"

# #: solitaire.cpp:783
# msgid "CanvasCardWindow::New Game of Freecell"
# msgstr "Neues Freecell-Spiel"

#: solitaire.cpp:828
msgid "CanvasCardWindow::Qt Card Game Example"
msgstr "Qt K�rtyaj�t�k p�lda"

#: solitaire.cpp:863
msgid "CanvasCardWindow::Qt Freecell"
msgstr "Qt Freecell"

#: solitaire.cpp:889
msgid "CanvasCardWindow::Qt Solitaire"
msgstr "Qt Passzi�nsz"

#: solitaire.cpp:794
msgid "CanvasCardWindow::Settings"
msgstr "Be�ll�t�sok"

#: solitaire.cpp:792
msgid "CanvasCardWindow::Snap On/Off"
msgstr "M�gnes be/ki"

#: solitaire.cpp:677
msgid "CanvasCardWindow::Solitaire"
msgstr "Passzi�nsz"