# This is a Qt message file in .po format.  Each msgid starts with
# a scope.  This scope should *NOT* be translated - eg. translating
# from French to English, "Foo::Bar" would be translated to "Pub",
# not "Foo::Pub".
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2001-02-23 18:22:10 EST\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2001-03-19\n"
"Last-Translator: Patricia Jung <trish@trolltech.com>\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n"

#: textedit.cpp:110
msgid "TextEdit::Edit"
msgstr "Szerkeszt�s"

#: textedit.cpp:109
msgid "TextEdit::File"
msgstr "File"

#: textedit.cpp:102
msgid "TextEdit::Insert"
msgstr "Besz�r�s"

#: textedit.cpp:115
msgid "TextEdit::Bold"
msgstr "K�v�r"

#: textedit.cpp:191
msgid "TextEdit::Bullet List"
msgstr "Lista"

#: textedit.cpp:140
msgid "TextEdit::Center"
msgstr "K�z�p"

#: textedit.cpp:170
msgid "TextEdit::Close Find"
msgstr ""

#: textedit.cpp:69
msgid "TextEdit::Close"
msgstr "Bez�r"

#: textedit.cpp:79
msgid "TextEdit::Copy"
msgstr "M�sol�s"

#: textedit.cpp:74
msgid "TextEdit::Cut"
msgstr "Kiv�g�s"

#: textedit.cpp:194
msgid "TextEdit::Enumerated List"
msgstr "Sz�mozott lista"

#: textedit.cpp:94
msgid "TextEdit::Find Next"
msgstr "K�vetkez�"

#: textedit.cpp:89
msgid "TextEdit::Find..."
msgstr "Keres�s..."

#: textedit.cpp:120
msgid "TextEdit::Italic"
msgstr "D�lt"

#: textedit.cpp:134
msgid "TextEdit::Left"
msgstr "Balra"

#: textedit.cpp:61
msgid "TextEdit::New"
msgstr "�j"

#: textedit.cpp:65
msgid "TextEdit::Open"
msgstr "Megnyit�s"

#: textedit.cpp:84
msgid "TextEdit::Paste"
msgstr "Beilleszt�s"

#: textedit.cpp:145
msgid "TextEdit::Right"
msgstr "Jobbra"

#: textedit.cpp:188
msgid "TextEdit::Standard"
msgstr "Norm�l"

#: textedit.cpp:104
msgid "TextEdit::Table..."
msgstr "T�bla..."

#: textedit.cpp:570
msgid "TextEdit::Text Editor"
msgstr "Sz�vegszerkesz�"

#: textedit.cpp:125
msgid "TextEdit::Underline"
msgstr "Al�h�zott"

#: textedit.cpp:569
msgid "TextEdit::Unnamed"
msgstr "N�vtelen"