        <source>Launching authentication plugins...</source>
        <translation>Palaižam autentifikācijas spraudņus...</translation>
        <source>Congratulations! Your authentication has been successful.</source>
        <translation>Apsveicam! Jūsu autentifikācija izdevās.</translation>
        <source>Welcome to Opie</source>
        <translation>Laipni lūgti Opie</translation>
        <source>Note: this &apos;exit&apos; button only appears during &lt;b&gt;simulations&lt;/b&gt;, like the one we are in. If you don&apos;t succeed a step, remember you can &lt;b&gt;skip&lt;/b&gt; it.</source>
        <translation>PIezīme: šī &quot;iziet&quot; poga parādās &lt;b&gt;simulāciju&lt;/b&gt; laikā, kā piemēram tagad.  Ja tas neizdodas, atceraties jūs varat &lt;b&gt;izlaist&lt;/b&gt; to.</translation>
        <source>You have &lt;b&gt;not&lt;/b&gt; succeeded enough authentication steps!</source>
        <translation>Jums &lt;b&gt;neizdevās&lt;/b&gt; iziet pietiekošu autorizāciju soļu!</translation>
        <source>Be careful: if this was not a &lt;b&gt;simulation&lt;/b&gt;, you would have to go back through all the steps now.</source>
        <translation>Esiet uzmanīti: ja šī nebija &lt;b&gt;simulācija&lt;/b&gt;, jums nepieciešams atkārtot visus soļus.</translation>
        <source>Please contact the owner (directions follow), or try again clicking of this screen (and waiting for the penalty time) if you are the legitimate owner</source>
        <translation>Lūdzu meklējiet īpašnieku (skat. zemāk), vai mēģiniet atkal klikšķinot uz šī ekrāna (un sagaidot soda laiku) ja tiešām esat īpašnieks</translation>