DocTabSettings Enable the Documents Tab <b>Note:</b> Changing these settings may need restarting Opie to become effective. Check, if you want the Documents Tab to be visible. InputMethodSettings Resize application on Popup Enable floating and resizing <b>Note:</b> Changing these settings may need restarting Opie to become effective. Check, if you want the application to be automatically resized if the input method pops up. Check, if you want to move and/or resize input methods Specify the percentage of the screen width for the input method LauncherSettings Launcher Settings Ustawienia Launcher'a Taskbar Pasek zadan O-Menu O-Menu Tabs Zakladki InputMethods DocTab MenuSettings Load applets in O-Menu: W O-Menu laduj applety: Show Launcher tabs in O-Menu W O-Menu pokazuj zakladki Launcher'a Check the applets that you want to have included in the O-Menu. Zaznacz applety, ktore maja byc umieszczone w O-Menu. Adds the contents of the Launcher Tabs as menus in the O-Menu. Dodaje zawartosc zakladek Launcher'a jako menu w O-Menu. Show Applications in subpopups QObject Sample 1 Przyklad 1 Sample 2 Przyklad 2 Sample 3 Przyklad 3 TabDialog Edit Tab Edytuj zakladke Background Tlo Font Czcionka Icons Ikony Previewing %1 Podglad %1 This is a rough preview of what the currently selected Tab will look like. To ogolny podglad tego jak bedzie wygladac aktualnie wybrana zakladka. Use a custom font Uzyj wlasnej czcionki Type: Typ: Ruled Paski Solid color Jednolity kolor Image Tapeta Select... Wybierz... Default Domyslne Size: Rozmiar: Small Male Large Duze Color: Kolor: TabsSettings Launcher Tabs: Zakladki Launcher'a: foobar foobar New Nowa Edit Edytuj Delete Usun Enable big busy indicator Wlacz duzy wskaznik zajetosci Enable blinking busy indicator Wlacz migajacy wskaznik zajetosci Select the Launcher Tab you want to edit or delete. Wybierz zakladke, ktora chcesz edytowac lub usunac. Adds a new Tab to the Launcher. Dodaje nowa zakladke do Launcher'a. Opens a new dialog to customize the select Tab. Otwiera okno z ustawieniami wybranej zakladki. Deletes a Tab from the Launcher. Usuwa zakladke. Activate this, if you want a big busy indicator in the middle of the screen instead of the one in taskbar. Wybierz to, jesli chcesz miec duzy wskaznik zajetosci na srodku ekranu zamiast tego w pasku zadan. Activate this, if you want a blinking busy indicator for starting applications in the Launcher. Wybierz to, jasli chcesz aby ikonki uruchamianych aplikacji migaly przy starcie. All Tabs Wszystkie zakladki Documents Dokumenty Error Blad Not implemented yet Nie zaimplementowane Enable animated busy indicator Activate this, if you want an animatedbusy indicator for starting applications in the Launcher. TaskbarSettings Load applets in Taskbar: Applety do zaladowania w pasku zadan: Check the applets that you want displayed in the Taskbar. Zaznacz applety, ktore maja sie pokazywac w pasku zadan.