<!DOCTYPE TS><TS> <context> <name>SnakeGame</name> <message> <source>Snake</source> <translation>Waz</translation> </message> <message> <source>New Game</source> <translation>Nowa gra</translation> </message> <message> <source>SNAKE!</source> <translation>WAZ!</translation> </message> <message> <source>Use the arrow keys to guide the snake to eat the mouse. You must not crash into the walls, edges or its tail.</source> <translation>Uzywaj klawiszy strzalek do kierowania wezem tak by zjadal myszy. Nie mozesz wpadac na sciany, krawedzie i swoj ogon.</translation> </message> <message> <source> Score : %1 </source> <translation> Wynik : %1 </translation> </message> <message> <source>GAME OVER! Your Score: %1</source> <translation>KONIEC GRY! Twoj wynik: %1</translation> </message> <message> <source>Press any key to start</source> <translation>Wcisnij dowolny przycisk by zaczac</translation> </message> <message> <source>Press any key to begin a new game.</source> <translation>Wcisnij dowolny przycisk by zaczac nowa gre.</translation> </message> </context> </TS>