iso8859-1 MainWindow New Task Nova Tarefa Edit Task Editar Tarefa View Task Delete... Delete all... Delete completed Duplicate Beam Enviar Find Localizar Data Category Options New from template All Categories Out of space Sem Espaço Todo was unable to save your changes. Free up some space and try again. Quit Anyway? Tarefas não pode salvar suas mudanças. Libere algum espaço e tente novamente. Sair assim mesmo ? Todo Tarefas Can not edit data, currently syncing Impossível editar dados durante sincronização all tasks? all completed tasks? Unfiled <P>%1 new tasks arrived.<p>Would you like to add them to your Todolist? New Tasks Show completed tasks Show only over-due tasks Show task deadlines Show quick task bar QuickEdit OTaskEditor Overview Advanced Alarms Reminders X-Ref Recurrance QObject Enter Task Edit Task Editar Tarefa TableView C. C. Prior. Prior. Description Descrição Deadline Table View None %1 day(s) TaskEditorAdvanced State: Started Postponed Finished Not started Maintainer test ... Maintain Mode: Responsible Done By Coordinating Nothing TaskEditorAdvancedImpl Description Descrição TaskEditorAlarms empty &Add &Edit &Remove TaskEditorOverView Form1 Priority 1 - Very High 1 - Muito Alta 2 - High 2 - Alta 3 - Normal 3 - Normal 4 - Low 4 - Baixa 5 - Very Low 5 - Muito Baixa Progress 0 % 20 % 40 % 60 % 80 % 100 % Due Date: 1 Januar 2002 Start Date: 1 Januar 2001 Summary Complete work on buy organize get Update Create Plan Call Mail Completed Date Completed Category Enable Recurrance TaskEditorOverViewImpl Todo List Lista de Tarefas TemplateDialog Template Editor Add Edit Remove TemplateDialogImpl Name New Template %1 TemplateEditor Configure Templates Todo More Enter Cancel