        <source>Current scheme</source>
        <source>Tab style:</source>
        <source>Tabs w/icons</source>
        <source>Drop down list</source>
        <source>Drop down list w/icons</source>
        <source>Save Scheme</source>
        <source>Save scheme</source>
        <source>Scheme does already exist.</source>
        <source>Delete scheme</source>
        <source>Unable to delete current scheme.</source>
        <source>Styles control the way items such as buttons and scroll bars appear in all applications.

Click here to select an available style.</source>
        <translation>樣式控制了按鈕, 捲動軸等項目在所有應用程式中的顯示方式.

        <source>Click here to configure the currently selected style.

Note:  This option is not available for all styles.</source>

注意: 並非所有的樣式都有這個選項.</translation>
        <source>Window decorations control the way the application title bar and its buttons appear.

Click here to select an available decoration.</source>

        <source>Select the desired name, style and size of the default font applications will use.</source>
        <translation>選擇想要的名稱, 樣式和應用程式所使用的預設字型大小.</translation>
        <source>Color schemes are a collection of colors which are used for various parts of the display.

Click here to select an available scheme.</source>

        <source>Click here to change the colors in the current color scheme.</source>
        <source>Click here to delete the color scheme selected in the list to the left.</source>
        <source>Click here to name and save the current color scheme.</source>
        <source>Click here to select a desired style for tabbed dialogs (such as this application). The styles available are:

1. Tabs - normal tabs with text labels only
2. Tabs w/icons - tabs with icons for each tab, text label only appears on current tab
3. Drop down list - a vertical listing of tabs
4. Drop down list w/icons - a vertical listing of tabs with icons</source>
        <translation>按這裡以選擇想要的索引標籤對話盒(本應用程式屬之)樣式. 可用的樣式有:

1. 索引標籤 - 普通, 只有文字標籤的索引標籤
2. 有圖示的索引標籤 - 每個索引標籤都有圖示, 文字標籤只出現在目前的索引標籤
3. 直式索引標籤 - 垂直排列的索引標籤
4. 有圖示的直式索引標籤 - 垂直排列且有圖示的索引標籤</translation>
        <source>Click here so that tabs appear at the top of the window.</source>
        <source>Click here so that tabs appear at the bottom of the window.</source>
        <source>This is a preview window.  Look here to see your new appearance as options are changed.</source>
        <translation>這是一個預覽視窗. 在這裡可以看到在改變選項之後的新外觀.</translation>
        <source>Rotation direction:</source>
        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
        <source>Appearance Settings</source>
        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
        <source>Show Scrollbars on the left</source>
        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
        <source>Click here to display scrollbars on the left side instead of the right.</source>
        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
        <source>Edit scheme</source>
        <source>Click here to select a color for: </source>
        <translation>按這裡來選擇顏色: </translation>
        <source>Normal Item</source>
        <source>Disabled Item</source>
        <source>Normal Text</source>
        <source>Highlighted Text</source>
        <source>Check Box</source>
        <source>Sample window using the selected settings.</source>