<!DOCTYPE TS><TS> <context> <name>HelpDialog</name> <message> <source>Form1</source> <translation>表單1</translation> </message> </context> <context> <name>KBill</name> <message> <source>kBill</source> <translation>K比爾</translation> </message> <message> <source>New game</source> <translation>新遊戲</translation> </message> <message> <source>Pause game</source> <translation>暫停遊戲</translation> </message> <message> <source>Story of kBill</source> <translation>K比爾的故事</translation> </message> <message> <source>Rules</source> <translation>規則</translation> </message> <message> <source>&File</source> <translation>檔案(&F)</translation> </message> <message> <source>&Help</source> <translation>說明(&H)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Pause Game</source> <translation>暫停遊戲</translation> </message> <message> <source><b>The Story</b><p>Yet again, the fate of the world rests in your hands! An evil computer hacker, known only by his handle 'Bill', has created the ultimate computer virus. A virus so powerful that it has the power to transmute an ordinary computer into a toaster oven. (oooh!) 'Bill' has cloned himself into a billion-jillion micro-Bills. Their sole purpose is to deliver the nefarious virus, which has been cleverly diguised as a popular operating system. As System Administrator and Exterminator, your job is to keep Bill from succeeding at his task.</source> <translation><b>故事</b>這個世界的命運又再度掌握在你的手裡! 有一個邪惡的電腦駭客, 只知道他的代號是 'Bill', 已經製造了一種終極的電腦病毒. 這個病毒的威力十分強大, 甚至可以把一般的電腦變成一臺烤麵包機. (噢!) 'Bill' 已經把自己複製成多得數不清的微型比爾. 他們唯一的目的就是要散佈這個凶惡的病毒, 而它已經被巧妙地偽裝成一個非常熱門的作業系統. 身為系統管理者與病毒剋星, 你的工作是阻止比爾完成他的野心.</translation> </message> <message> <source>The story of KBill</source> <translation>K比爾的故事</translation> </message> <message> <source>The rules of KBill</source> <translation>K比爾的規則</translation> </message> <message> <source><b>The Rules</b><p>kBill has been painstakingly designed and researched in order to make it as easy to use for the whole family as it is for little Sally. Years - nay - days of beta testing and consulting with the cheapest of human interface designers have resulted in a game that is easy to use, yet nothing at all like a Macintosh.<p><UL><LI>Whack the Bills (click)</LI><LI>Restart the computer (click)</LI><LI>Pick up stolen OSes & return (drag) them to their respective computers</LI><LI>Drag the bucket to extinguish sparks</LI><LI>Scoring is based on total uptime, with bonuses for killing Bills.</LI></UL><P>As for the rest, you can probably work it out for yourself. We did, so it can't be too hard</source> <translation><b>規則</b&lgt;K比爾經過辛勤的設計與研究使它變得很容易而適合全家人, 正如適合小 Sally 一樣. 日復一日的 beta 測試加上向廉價人工智慧設計師諮詢終於產生容易使用的遊戲, 不過一點也不像麥金塔.<p><UL><LI>敲打比爾(點一下)</LI><LI>重新啟動電腦(點一下)</LI><LI>撿起被偷的作業系統 & 把它們交還(拖放)給各自的電腦</LI><LI>拖拉水桶去澆熄火花</LI><LI>分數是以花費的時間計算, 殺掉比爾還有紅利.</LI></UL><P>至於剩下的部份, 您應該可以靠自己解決. 我們做到了, 所以它應該不會太難.</translation> </message> </context> <context> <name>UI</name> <message> <source>After Level</source> <translation>經過關卡</translation> </message> <message> <source>Your score</source> <translation>您的分數</translation> </message> </context> </TS>