dunno if that is to call a manifest but here is
an quick overview how the OFileSelector is implemented
and whats the whole purpose is.

OFileSelector is meant to be extendable by design. It's divided
into a shell the class OFileSelector which is a dispatcher 
between worlds and gives a common interface to the programmer.
Then there is the OLister class which is a lister of files. 
It's responsible for taking care of a filesystem... but it's not limited
to local filesystem. You can have a FTP lister, Bluetooth Device Lister,
IrdaDevice Lister, Local Documents Lister, a PIM Lister an X-Ref lister...
they will operate on the level of filesystems....

A  OFileView is the other part of the FileSelector it's responsible
for the things represented to the USER.
There is a ListView and a IconView and possible more views to come.

Then there is a PixmapProvider which is responsible for providing pixmaps
for a mimetype. This can be used for something like a Pixmap preview....

The lister is told to reparse() then it adds it things to the mainview
on selection the URL get's generated in more than one step.
1. The UI notifies the lister about activation
2. The Lister assembles the URL
3. the Lister notifies the OFileSelector
4. the OFileSelector emits a signal