config LIBOPIE2PIM boolean "libopie2pim (pim related classes)" default "y" depends ( LIBQPE || LIBQPE-X11 ) && LIBOPIE2CORE && ( LIBOPIE2DB || !LIBOPIE2DB ) comment "libopie2pim needs a libqpe and libopie2core" depends !(( LIBQPE || LIBQPE-X11 ) && LIBOPIE2CORE && ( LIBOPIE2DB || !LIBOPIE2DB )) config SQL_PIM_BACKEND boolean "Enable SQL Backend for libopie2pim" default n help This adds the SQL-Support, using SQLite. Which database is used by the backends is defined by the file "pimaccess.conf" in the directory "Settings". There currently do exist to groups "[contact]" and "[todo]". You can select the used backend by the variable "usebackend=<type>", where <type> is "sql" or "xml". "xml" is the default ! Important: The SQLite-library "" must be installed ! depends LIBOPIE2PIM && LIBOPIE2DB comment "SQL-Support needs libopie2pim and libopie2db (and libsqlite)" depends !( LIBOPIE2PIM && LIBOPIE2DB )