#include "okeyconfigwidget.h"

#include <opie2/olistview.h>

#include <qgroupbox.h>
#include <qradiobutton.h>
#include <qpushbutton.h>
#include <qbuttongroup.h>

#include <qaccel.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qlabel.h>

using namespace Opie::Ui;

 * The default Constructor of a OKeyPair.
 * A Key and a Modifier ( Alt/Shift/Ctrl )
 * needs to be supplied.
 * Use Qt::Key for the information.
 * The default arguments  create an Empty OKeyPair. If you
 * want to get an empty OKeyPair use the static method for getting
 * the emptyKey()
 * @see OKeyPair OKeyPair::emptyKey()
OKeyPair::OKeyPair( int key, int mod )
    : m_key( key ), m_mod( mod )

 * The destructor
OKeyPair::~OKeyPair() {}

 * Is this OKeyPair empty/valid?
bool OKeyPair::isEmpty()const {
    return ( ( m_key == -1 )&& ( m_mod == -1 ) );

 * get the keycode for this OKeyPair. The Key relates to Qt::Key.
 * @see Qt::Key
 * @see setKey
int OKeyPair::keycode()const {
    return m_key;

 * get the modifier key for this OKeyPair. The Modifier State relates
 * to the Qt::ButtonState
 * @see Qt::ButtonState
 * @see setModifier
int OKeyPair::modifier()const {
    return m_mod;

 * Set the keycode
 * @param key The Keycode to set
 * @see keycode()
 * @see Qt::Key
void OKeyPair::setKeycode( int key ) {
    m_key = key;

 * Set the modifier key
 * @param the Modifier key
 * @see Qt::ButtonState
 * @see modifier()
void OKeyPair::setModifier( int mod ) {
    m_mod = mod;

 * Return  an OKeyPair for the Return Key without any modifier.
OKeyPair OKeyPair::returnKey() {
    return OKeyPair( Qt::Key_Return, 0 );

 * Return an OKeyPair for the Left Arrow Key
 * without any modifier Key
OKeyPair OKeyPair::leftArrowKey() {
    return OKeyPair( Qt::Key_Left, 0 );

 * Return an OKeyPair for the Right Arrow Key
 * without any modifier Key
OKeyPair OKeyPair::rightArrowKey() {
    return OKeyPair( Qt::Key_Right, 0 );

 * Return an OKeyPair for the Up Arrow Key
 * without any modifier Key
OKeyPair OKeyPair::upArrowKey() {
    return OKeyPair( Qt::Key_Up, 0 );

 * Return an OKeyPair for the Down Arrow Key
 * without any modifier Key
OKeyPair OKeyPair::downArrowKey() {
    return OKeyPair( Qt::Key_Down, 0 );

 * Return an Empty OKeyPair
OKeyPair OKeyPair::emptyKey() {
    return OKeyPair();

 * This functions uses the Opie::Core::ODevice::buttons
 * for OKeyPairList
 * @see Opie::Core::ODevice
 * @see Opie::Core::ODeviceButton
 * @see Opie::Core::ODevice::button
OKeyPair::List OKeyPair::hardwareKeys() {
    const QValueList<Opie::Core::ODeviceButton> but = Opie::Core::ODevice::inst()->buttons();
    OKeyPair::List lst;

    for ( QValueList<Opie::Core::ODeviceButton>::ConstIterator it = but.begin();
          it != but.end(); ++it )
        lst.append( OKeyPair( (*it).keycode(), 0 ) );

    return lst;

 * Equals operator. Check if two OKeyPairs have the same key and modifier
 * @see operator!=
bool OKeyPair::operator==( const OKeyPair& pair) {
    if ( m_key != pair.m_key ) return false;
    if ( m_mod != pair.m_mod ) return false;

    return true;

 * Not equal operator. calls the equal operator internally
bool OKeyPair::operator!=( const OKeyPair& pair) {
    return !(*this == pair);

 * The normal Constructor  to create a OKeyConfigItem
 * You can set the the key paramater of this item but if
 * you use this item with the OKeyConfigManager your setting
 * will be overwritten.
 * You can also specify a QObject and slot which sould get called
 * once this item is activated. This slot only works if you
 * use the OKeyConfigManager.
 * The actual Key is read by load()
 * \code
 * void MySlot::create(){
 *    OKeyConfigItem item(tr("Delete"),"delete",Resource::loadPixmap("trash"),
 *                        123, OKeyPair(Qt::Key_D,Qt::ControlButton),
 *                        this,SLOT(slotDelete(QWidget*,QKeyEvent*)));
 * }
 * \endcode
 * @param text The text exposed to the user
 * @param config_key The key used in the config
 * @param pix A Pixmap associated  with this Item
 * @param def The OKeyPair used as default
 * @param caller The object where the slot exists
 * @param slot The slot which should get called
OKeyConfigItem::OKeyConfigItem( const QString& text, const QCString& config_key,
                                const QPixmap& pix, int id, const OKeyPair& def,
                                QObject *caller,
                                const char* slot )
    : m_text( text ), m_config( config_key ), m_pix( pix ),
      m_id( id ), m_def( def ),
      m_obj( caller ), m_str( slot ) {}

 * A special Constructor for converting from an Opie::Core::ODeviceButton
 * delivered by Opie::Core::ODevice::buttons()
 * There is no Config Key set and both default key and key are set
 * to Opie::Core::ODeviceButton::keycode() and 0 to modifier
 * @see Opie::Core::ODevice
 * @see Opie::Core::ODeviceButton
 * @see Opie::Core::ODevice::buttons()
OKeyConfigItem::OKeyConfigItem( const Opie::Core::ODeviceButton& b )
    : m_text( b.userText() ), m_pix( b.pixmap() ), m_id( -1 ),
      m_key( OKeyPair( b.keycode(), 0 ) ), m_def( OKeyPair( b.keycode(), 0 ) )

 * Destructor
OKeyConfigItem::~OKeyConfigItem() {}

 * The text exposed to the user
 * @see setText
QString OKeyConfigItem::text()const {
    return m_text;

 * The pixmap shown to the user for your action/key
 * @see setPixmap
QPixmap OKeyConfigItem::pixmap()const {
    return m_pix;

 * Return the OKeyPair this OKeyConfigItem is configured for.
 * @see setKeyPair
OKeyPair OKeyConfigItem::keyPair()const {
    return m_key;

 * Return the default OKeyPair
 * @see setDefaultKeyPair
OKeyPair OKeyConfigItem::defaultKeyPair()const {
    return m_def;

 * Return the Id you assigned to this item.
 * setting is only possible by the constructor
int OKeyConfigItem::id()const{
    return m_id;

 * reutrn the Config Key. Setting it is only possible
 * by the constructor
QCString OKeyConfigItem::configKey()const {
    return m_config;

 * @internal
QObject* OKeyConfigItem::object()const{
    return m_obj;

 * @internal
QCString OKeyConfigItem::slot()const {
    return m_str;

 * Set the text
 * @param text Set the Text of this Action to text
 * @see text()
void OKeyConfigItem::setText( const QString& text ) {
    m_text = text;

 * Set the pixmap of this action
 * @param pix The Pixmap to set
 * @see pixmap()
void OKeyConfigItem::setPixmap( const QPixmap& pix ) {
    m_pix = pix;

 * Set the KeyPair the OKeyConfigItem uses.
 * Your set Key could get overwritten if you use
 * the manager or GUI to configure the key
 * @param key Set the OKeyPair used
 * @see keyPair()
void OKeyConfigItem::setKeyPair( const OKeyPair& key) {
    m_key = key;

 * Set the default KeyPair.
 * @param key The default keypair
 * @see defaultKeyPair()
void OKeyConfigItem::setDefaultKeyPair( const OKeyPair& key ) {
    m_def = key;

 * @internal
void OKeyConfigItem::setConfigKey( const QCString& str) {
    m_config = str;

 * @internal
void OKeyConfigItem::setId( int id ) {
    m_id = id;

 * If the item is not configured isEmpty() will return true
 * It is empty if no text is present and no default
 * and no configured key
bool OKeyConfigItem::isEmpty()const {
    if ( !m_def.isEmpty()  ) return false;
    if ( !m_key.isEmpty()  ) return false;
    if ( !m_text.isEmpty() ) return false;

    return true;

 * Check if the KeyPairs are the same
bool OKeyConfigItem::operator==( const OKeyConfigItem& conf ) {
    if ( isEmpty() == conf.isEmpty() ) return true;
    else if ( isEmpty() != conf.isEmpty() ) return false;
    else if ( !isEmpty()!= conf.isEmpty() ) return false;

    if ( m_id != conf.m_id )     return false;
    if ( m_text != conf.m_text ) return false;
    if ( m_key != conf.m_key )   return false;
    if ( m_def != conf.m_def )   return false;

    return true;


bool OKeyConfigItem::operator!=( const OKeyConfigItem& conf ) {
    return !( *this == conf );

 * \brief c'tor
 * The Constructor for a OKeyConfigManager
 * You can use this manager in multiple ways. Either make it handle
 * QKeyEvents
 * \code
 * Opie::Core::Config conf = oApp->config();
 * Opie::Ui::OKeyPairList blackList;
 * blackList.append(Opie::Ui::OKeyPair::leftArrowKey());
 * blackList.append(Opie::Ui::OKeyPair::rightArrowKey());
 * Opie::Ui::OKeyConfigManager *manager = new Opie::Ui::OKeyConfigManager(conf,"key_actions",blackList,
 *                                                                        false);
 * QListView *view = new QListView();
 * manager->handleWidget(view);
 * manager->addKeyConfig( Opie::Ui::OKeyPair::returnKey());
 * manager->load();
 * connect(manager,SIGNAL(actionActivated(QWidget*,QKeyEvent*,const Opie::Ui::OKeyConfigItem&)),
 *         this,SLOT(slotHandleKey(QWidget*,QKeyEvent*,const Opie::Ui::OKeyConfigItem&)));
 * ....
 * void update(){
 *  QDialog diag(true);
 *  QHBoxLayout *lay = new QHBoxLayout(&diag);
 *  Opie::Ui::OKeyConfigWidget *wid = new Opie::Ui::OKeyConfigWidget(manager,&diag);
 *  wid->setChangeMode(Opie::Ui::OKeyConfigWidget::Queu);
 *  lay->addWidget(wid);
 *  if(QPEApplication::execDialog( &diag)== QDialog::Accepted){
 *        wid->save();
 *  }
 * }
 * ....
 * MyListView::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent* e ){
 *     Opie::Ui::OKeyConfigItem item = manager->handleKeyEvent(e);
 *     if(!item.isEmpty() ){
 *         switch(item.id()){
 *           case My_Delete_Key:
 *             break;
 *         }
 *     }
 * }
 * \endcode
 * @param conf The Config where the KeySetting should be stored
 * @param group The group where the KeySetting will be stored
 * @param black Which keys shouldn't be allowed to handle
 * @param grabkeyboard Calls QPEApplication::grabKeyboard to allow handling of DeviceButtons
 * @param par The parent/owner of this manager
 * @param name The name of this object
OKeyConfigManager::OKeyConfigManager( Opie::Core::OConfig* conf,
                                      const QString& group,
                                      const OKeyPair::List& black,
                                      bool grabkeyboard, QObject* par,
                                      const char* name)
    : QObject( par, name ), m_conf( conf ), m_group( group ),
      m_blackKeys( black ), m_grab( grabkeyboard ), m_map( 0 ){
    if ( m_grab )

 * Destructor
OKeyConfigManager::~OKeyConfigManager() {
    if ( m_grab )

 * Load the Configuration  from the OConfig
 * If a Key is restricted but was in the config we will
 * make it be the empty key paur
 * We will change the group of the OConfig Item!
 * @see OKeyPair::emptyKey
void OKeyConfigManager::load() {
    m_conf->setGroup( m_group );

     * Read each item
    int key, mod;
    for( OKeyConfigItem::List::Iterator it = m_keys.begin();
         it != m_keys.end(); ++it ) {
        key = m_conf->readNumEntry( (*it).configKey()+"key", (*it).defaultKeyPair().keycode()  );
        mod = m_conf->readNumEntry( (*it).configKey()+"mod", (*it).defaultKeyPair().modifier() );
        OKeyPair okey( key, mod );
        if (  !m_blackKeys.contains( okey ) && key != -1  && mod != -1 )
            (*it).setKeyPair( OKeyPair(key, mod) );
            (*it).setKeyPair( OKeyPair::emptyKey() );
    delete m_map; m_map = 0;

 * We will save the current configuration
 * to the OConfig. We will change the group.
void OKeyConfigManager::save() {
    m_conf->setGroup( m_group );

     * Write each item
    for( OKeyConfigItem::List::Iterator it = m_keys.begin();
         it != m_keys.end(); ++it ) {
        if ( (*it).isEmpty() )
        OKeyPair pair = (*it).keyPair();
        OKeyPair deft = (*it).defaultKeyPair();
        /* don't write if it is the default setting */
        if (  (pair.keycode() == deft.keycode()) &&
              (pair.modifier()== deft.modifier() ) )

        m_conf->writeEntry((*it).configKey()+"key", pair.keycode()  );
        m_conf->writeEntry((*it).configKey()+"mod", pair.modifier() );

 * This is function uses a QMap internally  but you can have the same keycode
 * with different modifier key. The behaviour is undefined if you add a OKeyConfigItem
 * with same keycode and modifier key. The GUI takes care that a user can't
 * cofigure two keys.
 * Make sure you call e->ignore if you don't want to handle this event
OKeyConfigItem OKeyConfigManager::handleKeyEvent( QKeyEvent* e ) {
    * Fix Up issues with Qt/E, my keybard, and virtual input
    * methods
    * First my Keyboard delivers 256,512,1024 for shift/ctrl/alt instead of the button state
    * Also key() on virtual inputmethods are zero and only ascii. We need to fix upper and lower
    * case ascii
    int key = e->key();
    int mod = e->state();

 * virtual keyboard
 * else change the button mod only
    qWarning( "handleKeyEvent...." );
    if ( key == 0 ) {
        key = e->ascii();
        if (  key > 96 && key < 123)
            key -=  32;
        int new_mod = 0;
        if ( mod & 256 )
            new_mod |= Qt::ShiftButton;
        else if ( mod & 512 )
            new_mod |= Qt::AltButton;
        else if ( mod & 1024 )
            new_mod |= Qt::ControlButton;

        mod = new_mod == 0? mod : new_mod;

    OKeyConfigItem::List _keyList =  keyList( key );
    if ( _keyList.isEmpty() )
        return OKeyConfigItem();

    OKeyConfigItem item;
    for ( OKeyConfigItem::List::Iterator it = _keyList.begin(); it != _keyList.end();
          ++it ) {
        if ( (*it).keyPair().modifier() == mod ) {
            item = *it;


    return item;

 * Return the associated id of the item or -1 if no item
 * matched the key
 * @see handleKeyEvent
int OKeyConfigManager::handleKeyEventId( QKeyEvent* ev) {
    return handleKeyEvent( ev ).id();

 * Add Key Config to the List of items
void OKeyConfigManager::addKeyConfig( const OKeyConfigItem& item ) {
    m_keys.append( item );
    delete m_map; m_map = 0;

 * Remove the Key from the Config. Internal lists will be destroyed
 * and rebuild on demand later
void OKeyConfigManager::removeKeyConfig( const OKeyConfigItem& item ) {
    m_keys.remove( item );
    delete m_map; m_map = 0;

 * Clears the complete list
void OKeyConfigManager::clearKeyConfig() {
    delete m_map; m_map = 0;

 * Add this OKeyPair to the blackList.
 * Internal lists will be destroyed
void OKeyConfigManager::addToBlackList( const OKeyPair& key) {
    m_blackKeys.append( key );
    delete m_map; m_map = 0;

 * Remove this OKeyPair from the black List
 * Internal lists will be destroyed
void OKeyConfigManager::removeFromBlackList( const OKeyPair& key ) {
    m_blackKeys.remove( key );
    delete m_map; m_map = 0;

 * Clear the blackList
void OKeyConfigManager::clearBlackList() {
    delete m_map; m_map = 0;

 * Return a copy of the blackList
OKeyPair::List OKeyConfigManager::blackList()const {
    return m_blackKeys;

 * Ask the Manager to handle KeyEvents for you.
 * All handled keys will emit a QSignal and return true
 * that it handled the keyevent
void OKeyConfigManager::handleWidget( QWidget* wid ) {
    wid->installEventFilter( this );

 * @internal
bool OKeyConfigManager::eventFilter( QObject* obj, QEvent* ev) {
    if ( !obj->isWidgetType() )
        return false;

    if ( ev->type() != QEvent::KeyPress && ev->type() != QEvent::KeyRelease )
        return false;

    QKeyEvent *key = static_cast<QKeyEvent*>( ev );
    OKeyConfigItem item =  handleKeyEvent( key );

    if ( item.isEmpty() )
        return false;

    QWidget *wid = static_cast<QWidget*>( obj );

    if ( item.object() && !item.slot().isEmpty() ) {
        connect( this, SIGNAL( actionActivated(QWidget*, QKeyEvent*)),
                 item.object(), item.slot().data() );
        emit actionActivated(wid, key);
        disconnect( this, SIGNAL(actionActivated(QWidget*,QKeyEvent*)),
                    item.object(), item.slot().data() );
    emit actionActivated( wid, key, item );

    return true;

 * @internal
OKeyConfigItem::List OKeyConfigManager::keyList( int keycode) {
    * Create the map if not existing anymore
    if ( !m_map ) {
        m_map = new OKeyMapConfigPrivate;
        /* for every key */
        for ( OKeyConfigItem::List::Iterator it = m_keys.begin();
              it!= m_keys.end(); ++it ) {

            bool add = true;
            /* see if this key is blocked */
            OKeyPair pair = (*it).keyPair();
            for ( OKeyPair::List::Iterator pairIt = m_blackKeys.begin();
                  pairIt != m_blackKeys.end(); ++pairIt ) {
                if ( (*pairIt).keycode()  == pair.keycode() &&
                     (*pairIt).modifier() == pair.modifier() ) {
                    add = false;
            /* check if we added it */
            if ( add )
                (*m_map)[pair.keycode()].append( *it );
    return (*m_map)[keycode];

//////// Widget Starts Here
namespace Opie {
namespace Ui {
namespace Private {
    static QString keyToString( const OKeyPair& );
    class OKeyListViewItem : public Opie::Ui::OListViewItem {
        OKeyListViewItem( const OKeyConfigItem& item, OKeyConfigManager*, Opie::Ui::OListViewItem* parent);

        void setDefault();

        OKeyConfigItem& item();
        void setItem( const OKeyConfigItem& item );

        OKeyConfigManager *manager();
        OKeyConfigItem m_item;
        OKeyConfigManager* m_manager;


    OKeyListViewItem::OKeyListViewItem( const OKeyConfigItem& item, OKeyConfigManager* man, OListViewItem* parent)
        : Opie::Ui::OListViewItem( parent ), m_manager( man )  {
        setItem( item );
    OKeyListViewItem::~OKeyListViewItem() {}
    OKeyConfigItem &OKeyListViewItem::item(){
        return m_item;
    OKeyConfigManager* OKeyListViewItem::manager() {
        return m_manager;
    void OKeyListViewItem::setItem( const OKeyConfigItem& item ) {
        setPixmap( 0, m_item.pixmap() );
        setText  ( 1, m_item.text() );
        setText  ( 2, keyToString( m_item.keyPair() ) );
        setText  ( 3, keyToString( m_item.defaultKeyPair() ) );
        m_item  = item;

    QString keyToString( const OKeyPair& pair ) {
        int mod = 0;
        if ( pair.modifier() & Qt::ShiftButton )
            mod |= Qt::SHIFT;
        if ( pair.modifier() & Qt::ControlButton )
            mod |= Qt::CTRL;
        if ( pair.modifier() & Qt::AltButton )
            mod |= Qt::ALT;

        return QAccel::keyToString( mod + pair.keycode() );

    struct OKeyConfigWidgetPrivate{
        OKeyConfigWidgetPrivate(const QString& = QString::null,
                                OKeyConfigManager* = 0);
        bool operator==( const OKeyConfigWidgetPrivate& );
        QString name;
        OKeyConfigManager *manager;

    OKeyConfigWidgetPrivate::OKeyConfigWidgetPrivate( const QString& _name,
                                                      OKeyConfigManager* man )
        : name( _name ), manager( man ){}

    bool OKeyConfigWidgetPrivate::operator==( const OKeyConfigWidgetPrivate& item) {
        if ( manager != item.manager) return false;
        if ( name    !=  item.name  ) return false;

        return true;



 * This is a c'tor. You still need to pass the OKeyConfigManager
 * and then issue a load.
 * The default mode is Immediate
OKeyConfigWidget::OKeyConfigWidget( QWidget* parent, const char *name, WFlags fl )
    : QWidget( parent, name, fl ) {

 * c'tor
OKeyConfigWidget::~OKeyConfigWidget() {

 * @internal
void OKeyConfigWidget::initUi() {
    QBoxLayout *layout   = new QVBoxLayout( this );
    QGridLayout *gridLay = new QGridLayout( 2, 2 );
    layout->addLayout( gridLay, 10 );
    gridLay->setRowStretch( 1, 10 ); // let only the ListView strecth

 * LISTVIEW with the Keys
    m_view = new Opie::Ui::OListView( this );
    m_view->setAllColumnsShowFocus( true );
    m_view->addColumn( tr("Pixmap") );
    m_view->addColumn( tr("Name","Name of the Action in the ListView Header" ) );
    m_view->addColumn( tr("Key" ) );
    m_view->addColumn( tr("Default Key" ) );
    connect(m_view, SIGNAL(currentChanged(QListViewItem*)),
            this, SLOT(slotListViewItem(QListViewItem*)) );

    gridLay->addMultiCellWidget( m_view, 1, 1, 0, 1 );

 * GROUP with button info

    QGroupBox *box = new QGroupBox( this );
    box ->setEnabled( false );
    box ->setTitle(  tr("Shortcut for Selected Action") );
    box ->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Box | QFrame::Sunken );
    layout->addWidget( box, 1 );

    gridLay = new QGridLayout( box, 3, 4 );
    gridLay->addRowSpacing( 0, fontMetrics().lineSpacing() );
    gridLay->setMargin( 4 );

    QButtonGroup *gr = new QButtonGroup( box );
    gr->setExclusive( true );

    QRadioButton *rad = new QRadioButton( tr( "&None" ), box );
    connect( rad, SIGNAL(clicked()),
             this, SLOT(slotNoKey()) );
    gr->insert( rad, 10 );
    gridLay->addWidget( rad, 1, 0 );
    m_none = rad;

    rad = new QRadioButton( tr("&Default" ), box );
    connect( rad, SIGNAL(clicked()),
             this, SLOT(slotDefaultKey()) );
    gr->insert( rad, 11 );
    gridLay->addWidget( rad, 1, 1 );
    m_def = rad;

    rad = new QRadioButton( tr("C&ustom"), box );
    connect( rad, SIGNAL(clicked()),
             this, SLOT(slotCustomKey()) );
    gr->insert( rad, 12 );
    gridLay->addWidget( rad, 1, 2 );
    m_cus = rad;

    m_btn = new QPushButton( tr("Configure Key"), box );
    gridLay->addWidget( m_btn, 1, 4 );

    m_lbl= new QLabel( tr( "Default: " ), box );
    gridLay->addWidget( m_lbl, 2, 0 );

    m_box = gr;

 * Set the ChangeMode.
 * You need to call this function prior to load
 * If you call this function past load the behaviour is undefined
 * But caling load again is safe
void OKeyConfigWidget::setChangeMode( enum ChangeMode mode) {
    m_mode = mode;

 * return the current mode
OKeyConfigWidget::ChangeMode OKeyConfigWidget::changeMode()const {
    return m_mode;

 * insert these items before calling load
void OKeyConfigWidget::insert( const QString& str, OKeyConfigManager* man ) {
    Opie::Ui::Private::OKeyConfigWidgetPrivate root( str, man );

 * loads the items and allows editing them
void OKeyConfigWidget::load() {


 * Saves if in Queue Mode. It'll update the supplied
 * OKeyConfigManager objects.
 * If in Queue mode it'll just return
void OKeyConfigWidget::save() {


 * @internal
void OKeyConfigWidget::slotListViewItem( QListViewItem* _item) {
    if ( !_item || !_item->parent() ) {
        m_box->setEnabled( false );
        m_none->setChecked( true );
        m_btn ->setEnabled( false );
        m_def ->setChecked( false );
        m_cus ->setChecked( false );
        m_box->setEnabled( true );
        Opie::Ui::Private::OKeyListViewItem *item = static_cast<Opie::Ui::Private::OKeyListViewItem*>( _item );
        OKeyConfigItem keyItem= item->item();
        if ( keyItem.keyPair().isEmpty() ) {
            m_none->setChecked( true );
            m_btn ->setEnabled( false );
            m_def ->setChecked( false );
            m_cus ->setChecked( false );
        }else {
            m_none->setChecked( false );
            m_cus ->setChecked( true );
            m_btn ->setEnabled( true );
            m_def ->setChecked( false );

void OKeyConfigWidget::slotNoKey() {
    m_none->setChecked( true );
    m_cus ->setChecked( false );
    m_btn ->setEnabled( false );
    m_def ->setChecked( false );

    if ( !m_view->currentItem() || m_view->currentItem()->parent() )

     * If immediate we need to remove and readd the key
    Opie::Ui::Private::OKeyListViewItem *item =  static_cast<Opie::Ui::Private::OKeyListViewItem*>(m_view->currentItem());
    if ( m_mode == Imediate )
        item->manager()->removeKeyConfig( item->item() );
    item->item().setKeyPair( OKeyPair::emptyKey() );

    if ( m_mode == Imediate )
        item->manager()->addKeyConfig( item->item() );


void OKeyConfigWidget::slotDefaultKey() {
    m_none->setChecked( true );
    m_cus ->setChecked( false );
    m_btn ->setEnabled( false );
    m_def ->setChecked( false );

    if ( !m_view->currentItem() || m_view->currentItem()->parent() )

    Opie::Ui::Private::OKeyListViewItem *item =  static_cast<Opie::Ui::Private::OKeyListViewItem*>(m_view->currentItem());

    * If immediate we need to remove and readd the key
    if ( m_mode == Imediate )
        item->manager()->removeKeyConfig( item->item() );

    item->item().setKeyPair( item->item().defaultKeyPair() );

    if ( m_mode == Imediate )
        item->manager()->addKeyConfig( item->item() );

void OKeyConfigWidget::slotCustomKey() {
    m_cus ->setChecked( true );
    m_btn ->setEnabled( true );
    m_def ->setChecked( false );
    m_none->setChecked( false );

    if ( !m_view->currentItem() || m_view->currentItem()->parent() )
