 * Copyright (C) 2004
 * LGPL v2  zecke@handhelds.org


#include <opie2/oconfig.h>
#include <opie2/odevice.h>

#include <qstring.h>
#include <qpixmap.h>
#include <qcstring.h>
#include <qhbox.h>
#include <qvaluelist.h>

class QKeyEvent;
class QLabel;
class QPushButton;
class QListViewItem;
class QRadioButton;
class QTimer;

namespace Opie {
namespace Ui {
namespace Internal {
    class OKeyConfigWidgetPrivate;
    typedef QValueList<OKeyConfigWidgetPrivate> OKeyConfigWidgetPrivateList;
    class OKeyListViewItem;
    class OListViewItem;
    class OListView;

 * \brief small class representing a Key with possible modifiers
 * This class holds information about key code and possible
 * modifier state. That is the lowest level of the key input
 * functions.
 * There are also static methods to get special keys.
 * OKeyPair will be used with \see OKeyConfigItem
 * @since 1.2
class OKeyPair {
    typedef QValueList<OKeyPair> List;
    OKeyPair( int key = -1, int modifier = -1);

    bool operator==( const OKeyPair& )const;
    bool operator!=( const OKeyPair& )const;

    bool isEmpty()const;

    int keycode()const;
    int modifier()const;

    void setKeycode( int );
    void setModifier( int );

    static OKeyPair returnKey();
    static OKeyPair leftArrowKey();
    static OKeyPair rightArrowKey();
    static OKeyPair upArrowKey();
    static OKeyPair downArrowKey();
    static OKeyPair emptyKey();
    static OKeyPair::List hardwareKeys();

    int m_key;
    int m_mod;
    class Private;
    Private* d;

 * A class to represent an OKeyPair.
 * It consists out of a Text exposed to the user, Config Key Item,
 * Pixmap, A default OKeyPair and the set OKeyPair.
 * You can also pass an id to it
 * @since 1.1.2
class OKeyConfigItem {
    friend class OKeyConfigManager;
    typedef QValueList<OKeyConfigItem> List;
    OKeyConfigItem( const QString& text = QString::null , const QCString& config_key = QCString(),
                    const QPixmap& symbol  = QPixmap(),
                    int id = -1,
                    const OKeyPair& def = OKeyPair::emptyKey(),
                    QObject *caller = 0, const char* slot = 0);
    OKeyConfigItem( const Opie::Core::ODeviceButton& );

    bool operator==( const OKeyConfigItem& )const;
    bool operator!=( const OKeyConfigItem& )const;

    QString text()const;
    QPixmap pixmap()const;
    int id()const;

    OKeyPair keyPair()const;
    OKeyPair defaultKeyPair()const;
    QCString configKey()const;

    void setText( const QString& text );
    void setPixmap( const QPixmap& );
    void setKeyPair( const OKeyPair& );
    void setDefaultKeyPair( const OKeyPair& );

    bool isEmpty()const;

    QObject *object()const;
    QCString slot()const;
    void setId( int id );
    void setConfigKey( const QCString& );

    QString  m_text;
    QCString m_config;
    QPixmap  m_pix;
    int m_id;
    OKeyPair m_key;
    OKeyPair m_def;
    QObject *m_obj;
    QCString m_str;
    class Private;
    Private *d;

 * \brief A manager  to load and save Key Actions and get notified
 * This is the Manager for KeyActions.
 * You can say from which config and group to read data, to grab the
 * keyboard to handle hardware keys, you can supply a blacklist of
 * keys which should not be used by allowed to be used.
 * You can even pass this manager to a Widget to do the configuration for you.
 * You need to add OKeyConfigItem for your keys and then issue a load() to
 * read the Key information.
 * You can either handle the QKeyEvent yourself and ask this class if it is
 * handled by your action and let give you the action. Or you can install
 * the event filter and get a signal.
 * You need to load ans save yourself!
 * @since 1.1.2
class OKeyConfigManager : public QObject {
    typedef QMap<int, OKeyConfigItem::List> OKeyMapConfigPrivate;
    OKeyConfigManager(Opie::Core::OConfig *conf = 0,
                      const QString& group = QString::null,
                      const OKeyPair::List &block = OKeyPair::List(),
                      bool grabkeyboard = false,  QObject * par = 0,
                      const char* name = 0      );

    void load();
    void save();

    OKeyConfigItem handleKeyEvent( QKeyEvent* );
    int            handleKeyEventId( QKeyEvent* );

    void addKeyConfig( const OKeyConfigItem& );
    void removeKeyConfig( const OKeyConfigItem& );
    void clearKeyConfig();

    void addToBlackList( const OKeyPair& );
    void removeFromBlackList( const OKeyPair& );
    void clearBlackList();
    OKeyPair::List blackList()const;

    void handleWidget( QWidget* );

    bool eventFilter( QObject*, QEvent* );

    OKeyConfigItem::List keyConfigList()const;
     * The Signals are triggered on KeyPress and KeyRelease!
     * You can check the isDown of the QKeyEvent
     * @see QKeyEvent
    void actionActivated( QWidget*, QKeyEvent*, const Opie::Ui::OKeyConfigItem& );

     * This Signal correspondents to the OKeyConfigItem slot
     * and object
     * @see OKeyConfigItem::slot
     * @see OKeyConfigItem::object
    void actionActivated( QWidget* par, QKeyEvent* key);

    OKeyConfigItem::List keyList( int );
    OKeyConfigItem::List m_keys;
    QValueList<QWidget*> m_widgets;
    Opie::Core::OConfig *m_conf;
    QString m_group;
    OKeyPair::List m_blackKeys;
    bool m_grab : 1;
    OKeyMapConfigPrivate *m_map;
    class Private;
    Private *d;

 * With this Widget you can let the Keyboard Shortcuts
 * be configured by the user.
 * There are two ways you can use this widget. Either in a tab were
 * all changes are immediately getting into effect or in a queue
 * were you ask for saving. Save won't write the data but only set
 * it to the OKeyConfigManager
 * @since 1.2
class OKeyConfigWidget : public QWidget {

     * Immediate Apply the change directly to the underlying OKeyConfigManager
     * Queue Save all items and then apply when you save()
    enum ChangeMode { Imediate, Queue };
    OKeyConfigWidget( QWidget* parent = 0, const char* name = 0, WFlags fl = 0 );

    void setChangeMode( enum ChangeMode );
    ChangeMode changeMode()const;

    void insert( const QString& name, OKeyConfigManager* );

    void load();
    void save();

private slots:
    void slotListViewItem(  QListViewItem* );
    void slotNoKey();
    void slotDefaultKey();
    void slotCustomKey();
    void slotConfigure();

    static bool sanityCheck(  Opie::Ui::Internal::OKeyListViewItem* man,
                              const OKeyPair& newItem );
    void updateItem( Opie::Ui::Internal::OKeyListViewItem* man,
                     const OKeyPair& newItem);
    void initUi();
    Opie::Ui::OListView *m_view;
    Opie::Ui::Internal::OKeyConfigWidgetPrivateList m_list;
    QLabel *m_lbl;
    QPushButton *m_btn;
    QRadioButton *m_def, *m_cus, *m_none;
    QWidget* m_box;
    ChangeMode m_mode;
    class Private;
    Private *d;

 * This is a small dialog that allows you to
 * capture a key sequence.
 * If you want it to close after a key was captured you
 * can use this code snippet.
 * \code
 *  OKeyChooserConfigDialog diag(0,0,true);
 *  connect(&diag,SIGNAL(keyCaptured()),
 *         this,SLOT(accept()));
 *  if( QPEApplication::execDialog(&diag) == QDialog::Accept ){
 *     take_the_key_and_do_something
 *  }
 * \endcode
class OKeyChooserConfigDialog : public QDialog {
    OKeyChooserConfigDialog( QWidget* parent = 0, const char* name = 0, bool modal = false, WFlags fl = 0 );

    OKeyPair keyPair()const;

    void keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent* );
    void keyReleaseEvent( QKeyEvent* );

    void keyCaptured();

private slots:
    void  slotTimeUp();

    QTimer *m_timer;
    QLabel *m_lbl;
    bool m_virtKey : 1;
    OKeyPair m_keyPair;
    int m_key, m_mod;
    class Private;
    Private *d;

