 * LGPLv2 zecke@handhelds.org

#include <qwidget.h>

namespace Opie {
namespace Core {
    class OPluginManager;
    class OGenericPluginLoader;
namespace Ui {
 * API IDEA - not usable this moment!
 * With this widget you can configure one or many PluginLoaders either
 * through an already existing Opie::Core::OPluginManager or Opie::Core::OGenericPluginLoader
 * The sorted state will be read from the Loader.
 * As with Opie::Ui::OKeyConfigWidget you can have two options. To either apply your changes
 * directly through Opie::Core::OPluginManager or to use Queued where you manually need to
 * call save.
 * Internally we operate on Opie::Core::OPluginManager. You can insert any numbers of loaders
 * or pluginmanagers.  But you need to call load() after you've inserted new items.
 * @see Opie::Ui::OKeyConfigWidget
 * @see Opie::Core::OPluginLoader
 * @see Opie::Core::OPluginManager
 * @author zecke
 * @since Opie 1.1.5
class OPluginConfigWidget :  public QWidget {
    enum ChangeMode { Queued, Immediate };
    OPluginConfigWidget( QWidget* wid = 0, const char* name = 0, WFlags fl = 0);
    OPluginConfig( Opie::Core::OPluginManager* manager, QWidget* wid = 0,
                   const char* name = 0, WFlags fl = 0);
    OPluginConfig( Opie::Core::OGenericPluginLoader* loader, QWidget* wid, const char* name,
                   WFlags fl );

    virtual ~OPluginConfig();

    void setChangeMode( enum ChangeMode );
    ChangeMode mode()const;

    void insert(  const QString&, const Opie::Core::OPluginManager* );
    void insert(  const QString&, const Opie::Core::OGenericPluginLoader*  );

     * A PluginItem was changed. This signal is only emitted if you're
     * in the immediate ChangeMode.
     * This is emitted on any change ( disable,enable,pos)
     * @param item The OPluginItem that was changed. This is how it looks now
     * @param old_state If  it was enabled before
    void pluginChanged ( const Opie::Core::OPluginItem& item, bool old_state);

     * emitted only if you're in Immediate when an Item was enabled
     * @param item The Item that was enabled
    void pluginEnabled ( const Opie::Core::OPluginItem& item);

     * emitted only if you're in Immediate when an Item was enabled
     * @param item The Item was disabled
    void pluginDisabled( const Opie::Core::OPluginItem& item);

     * Data was saved(). Normally this is emitted when save() is called
     * @see changed
    void changed();

    void load();
    void save();
    ChangeMode m_mode;
    QMap<Opie::Core::OPluginManager*, bool> m_items;

