/* This file is part of the KDE libraries Copyright (C) 2000 Daniel M. Duley <mosfet@kde.org> Copyright (C) 2002 Hamish Rodda <meddie@yoyo.its.monash.edu.au> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* OPIE */ #include <opie2/opopupmenu.h> #include <opie2/oconfig.h> #include <opie2/odebug.h> /* QT */ #include <qdrawutil.h> #include <qtimer.h> using namespace Opie::Core; using namespace Opie::Ui; OPopupTitle::OPopupTitle(QWidget *parent, const char *name) : QWidget(parent, name) { setMinimumSize(16, fontMetrics().height()+8); } OPopupTitle::OPopupTitle(OPixmapEffect::GradientType /* gradient */, const QColor &/* color */, const QColor &/* textColor */, QWidget *parent, const char *name) : QWidget(parent, name) { setMinimumSize(16, fontMetrics().height()+8); } OPopupTitle::OPopupTitle(const OPixmap & /* background */, const QColor &/* color */, const QColor &/* textColor */, QWidget *parent, const char *name) : QWidget(parent, name) { setMinimumSize(16, fontMetrics().height()+8); } void OPopupTitle::setTitle(const QString &text, const QPixmap *icon) { titleStr = text; if (icon) miniicon = *icon; else miniicon.resize(0, 0); int w = miniicon.width()+fontMetrics().width(titleStr); int h = QMAX( fontMetrics().height(), miniicon.height() ); setMinimumSize( w+16, h+8 ); } void OPopupTitle::setText( const QString &text ) { titleStr = text; int w = miniicon.width()+fontMetrics().width(titleStr); int h = QMAX( fontMetrics().height(), miniicon.height() ); setMinimumSize( w+16, h+8 ); } void OPopupTitle::setIcon( const QPixmap &pix ) { miniicon = pix; int w = miniicon.width()+fontMetrics().width(titleStr); int h = QMAX( fontMetrics().height(), miniicon.height() ); setMinimumSize( w+16, h+8 ); } void OPopupTitle::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { QRect r(rect()); QPainter p(this); #if QT_VERSION >= 0x030000 qApp->style().drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_HeaderSection, &p, r, palette().active()); #else #warning OPopupMenu is not fully functional on Qt2 #endif if (!miniicon.isNull()) p.drawPixmap(4, (r.height()-miniicon.height())/2, miniicon); if (!titleStr.isNull()) { p.setPen(palette().active().text()); QFont f = p.font(); f.setBold(true); p.setFont(f); if(!miniicon.isNull()) { p.drawText(miniicon.width()+8, 0, width()-(miniicon.width()+8), height(), AlignLeft | AlignVCenter | SingleLine, titleStr); } else { p.drawText(0, 0, width(), height(), AlignCenter | SingleLine, titleStr); } } p.setPen(palette().active().highlight()); p.drawLine(0, 0, r.right(), 0); } QSize OPopupTitle::sizeHint() const { return(minimumSize()); } class OPopupMenu::OPopupMenuPrivate { public: OPopupMenuPrivate () : noMatches(false) , shortcuts(false) , autoExec(false) , lastHitIndex(-1) , m_ctxMenu(0) {} ~OPopupMenuPrivate () { delete m_ctxMenu; } QString m_lastTitle; // variables for keyboard navigation QTimer clearTimer; bool noMatches : 1; bool shortcuts : 1; bool autoExec : 1; QString keySeq; QString originalText; int lastHitIndex; // support for RMB menus on menus QPopupMenu* m_ctxMenu; static bool s_continueCtxMenuShow; static int s_highlightedItem; static OPopupMenu* s_contextedMenu; }; int OPopupMenu::OPopupMenuPrivate::s_highlightedItem(-1); OPopupMenu* OPopupMenu::OPopupMenuPrivate::s_contextedMenu(0); bool OPopupMenu::OPopupMenuPrivate::s_continueCtxMenuShow(true); OPopupMenu::OPopupMenu(QWidget *parent, const char *name) : QPopupMenu(parent, name) { d = new OPopupMenuPrivate; resetKeyboardVars(); connect(&(d->clearTimer), SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(resetKeyboardVars())); } OPopupMenu::~OPopupMenu() { if (OPopupMenuPrivate::s_contextedMenu == this) { OPopupMenuPrivate::s_contextedMenu = 0; OPopupMenuPrivate::s_highlightedItem = -1; } delete d; } int OPopupMenu::insertTitle(const QString &text, int id, int index) { OPopupTitle *titleItem = new OPopupTitle(); titleItem->setTitle(text); int ret = insertItem(titleItem, id, index); setItemEnabled(id, false); return ret; } int OPopupMenu::insertTitle(const QPixmap &icon, const QString &text, int id, int index) { OPopupTitle *titleItem = new OPopupTitle(); titleItem->setTitle(text, &icon); int ret = insertItem(titleItem, id, index); setItemEnabled(id, false); return ret; } void OPopupMenu::changeTitle(int id, const QString &text) { QMenuItem *item = findItem(id); if(item){ if(item->widget()) ((OPopupTitle *)item->widget())->setTitle(text); #ifndef NDEBUG else owarn << "KPopupMenu: changeTitle() called with non-title id " << id << "" << oendl; #endif } #ifndef NDEBUG else owarn << "KPopupMenu: changeTitle() called with invalid id " << id << "" << oendl; #endif } void OPopupMenu::changeTitle(int id, const QPixmap &icon, const QString &text) { QMenuItem *item = findItem(id); if(item){ if(item->widget()) ((OPopupTitle *)item->widget())->setTitle(text, &icon); #ifndef NDEBUG else owarn << "KPopupMenu: changeTitle() called with non-title id " << id << "" << oendl; #endif } #ifndef NDEBUG else owarn << "KPopupMenu: changeTitle() called with invalid id " << id << "" << oendl; #endif } QString OPopupMenu::title(int id) const { if(id == -1) // obsolete return(d->m_lastTitle); QMenuItem *item = findItem(id); if(item){ if(item->widget()) return(((OPopupTitle *)item->widget())->title()); else owarn << "OPopupMenu: title() called with non-title id " << id << "." << oendl; } else owarn << "OPopupMenu: title() called with invalid id " << id << "." << oendl; return(QString::null); } QPixmap OPopupMenu::titlePixmap(int id) const { QMenuItem *item = findItem(id); if(item){ if(item->widget()) return(((OPopupTitle *)item->widget())->icon()); else owarn << "KPopupMenu: titlePixmap() called with non-title id " << id << "." << oendl; } else owarn << "KPopupMenu: titlePixmap() called with invalid id " << id << "." << oendl; QPixmap tmp; return(tmp); } /** * This is re-implemented for keyboard navigation. */ void OPopupMenu::closeEvent(QCloseEvent*e) { if (d->shortcuts) resetKeyboardVars(); QPopupMenu::closeEvent(e); } void OPopupMenu::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* e) { if (!d->shortcuts) { // continue event processing by Qpopup //e->ignore(); QPopupMenu::keyPressEvent(e); return; } int i = 0; bool firstpass = true; QString keyString = e->text(); // check for common commands dealt with by QPopup int key = e->key(); if (key == Key_Escape || key == Key_Return || key == Key_Enter || key == Key_Up || key == Key_Down || key == Key_Left || key == Key_Right || key == Key_F1) { resetKeyboardVars(); // continue event processing by Qpopup //e->ignore(); QPopupMenu::keyPressEvent(e); return; } // check to see if the user wants to remove a key from the sequence (backspace) // or clear the sequence (delete) if (!d->keySeq.isNull()) { if (key == Key_Backspace) { if (d->keySeq.length() == 1) { resetKeyboardVars(); return; } // keep the last sequence in keyString keyString = d->keySeq.left(d->keySeq.length() - 1); // allow sequence matching to be tried again resetKeyboardVars(); } else if (key == Key_Delete) { resetKeyboardVars(); // clear active item setActiveItem(0); return; } else if (d->noMatches) { // clear if there are no matches resetKeyboardVars(); // clear active item setActiveItem(0); } else { // the key sequence is not a null string // therefore the lastHitIndex is valid i = d->lastHitIndex; } } else if (key == Key_Backspace && parentMenu) { // backspace with no chars in the buffer... go back a menu. hide(); resetKeyboardVars(); return; } d->keySeq += keyString; int seqLen = d->keySeq.length(); for (; i < (int)count(); i++) { // compare typed text with text of this entry int j = idAt(i); // don't search disabled entries if (!isItemEnabled(j)) continue; QString thisText; // retrieve the right text // (the last selected item one may have additional ampersands) if (i == d->lastHitIndex) thisText = d->originalText; else thisText = text(j); // if there is an accelerator present, remove it if ((int)accel(j) != 0) thisText = thisText.replace(QRegExp("&"), ""); // chop text to the search length thisText = thisText.left(seqLen); // do the search if (thisText.find(d->keySeq, 0, false) == 0) { if (firstpass) { // match setActiveItem(i); // check to see if we're underlining a different item if (d->lastHitIndex != i) // yes; revert the underlining changeItem(idAt(d->lastHitIndex), d->originalText); // set the original text if it's a different item if (d->lastHitIndex != i || d->lastHitIndex == -1) d->originalText = text(j); // underline the currently selected item changeItem(j, underlineText(d->originalText, d->keySeq.length())); // remeber what's going on d->lastHitIndex = i; // start/restart the clear timer d->clearTimer.start(5000, true); // go around for another try, to see if we can execute firstpass = false; } else { // don't allow execution return; } } // fall through to allow execution } if (!firstpass) { if (d->autoExec) { // activate anything activateItemAt(d->lastHitIndex); resetKeyboardVars(); } else if (findItem(idAt(d->lastHitIndex)) && findItem(idAt(d->lastHitIndex))->popup()) { // only activate sub-menus activateItemAt(d->lastHitIndex); resetKeyboardVars(); } return; } // no matches whatsoever, clean up resetKeyboardVars(true); //e->ignore(); QPopupMenu::keyPressEvent(e); } QString OPopupMenu::underlineText(const QString& text, uint length) { QString ret = text; for (uint i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (ret[2*i] != '&') ret.insert(2*i, "&"); } return ret; } void OPopupMenu::resetKeyboardVars(bool noMatches /* = false */) { // Clean up keyboard variables if (d->lastHitIndex != -1) { changeItem(idAt(d->lastHitIndex), d->originalText); d->lastHitIndex = -1; } if (!noMatches) { d->keySeq = QString::null; } d->noMatches = noMatches; } void OPopupMenu::setKeyboardShortcutsEnabled(bool enable) { d->shortcuts = enable; } void OPopupMenu::setKeyboardShortcutsExecute(bool enable) { d->autoExec = enable; } /** * End keyboard navigation. */ /** * RMB menus on menus */ QPopupMenu* OPopupMenu::contextMenu() { if (!d->m_ctxMenu) { d->m_ctxMenu = new QPopupMenu(this); installEventFilter(this); connect(d->m_ctxMenu, SIGNAL(aboutToHide()), this, SLOT(ctxMenuHiding())); } return d->m_ctxMenu; } void OPopupMenu::cancelContextMenuShow() { OPopupMenuPrivate::s_continueCtxMenuShow = false; } int OPopupMenu::contextMenuFocusItem() { return OPopupMenuPrivate::s_highlightedItem; } OPopupMenu* OPopupMenu::contextMenuFocus() { return OPopupMenuPrivate::s_contextedMenu; } void OPopupMenu::itemHighlighted(int /* whichItem */) { if (!d->m_ctxMenu || !d->m_ctxMenu->isVisible()) { return; } d->m_ctxMenu->hide(); showCtxMenu(mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos())); } void OPopupMenu::showCtxMenu(QPoint pos) { OPopupMenuPrivate::s_highlightedItem = idAt(pos); if (OPopupMenuPrivate::s_highlightedItem == -1) { OPopupMenuPrivate::s_contextedMenu = 0; return; } emit aboutToShowContextMenu(this, OPopupMenuPrivate::s_highlightedItem, d->m_ctxMenu); if (!OPopupMenuPrivate::s_continueCtxMenuShow) { OPopupMenuPrivate::s_continueCtxMenuShow = true; return; } OPopupMenuPrivate::s_contextedMenu = this; d->m_ctxMenu->popup(this->mapToGlobal(pos)); connect(this, SIGNAL(highlighted(int)), this, SLOT(itemHighlighted(int))); } void OPopupMenu::ctxMenuHiding() { disconnect(this, SIGNAL(highlighted(int)), this, SLOT(itemHighlighted(int))); OPopupMenuPrivate::s_continueCtxMenuShow = true; } bool OPopupMenu::eventFilter(QObject* obj, QEvent* event) { if (d->m_ctxMenu && obj == this) { if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease) { if (d->m_ctxMenu->isVisible()) { return true; } } #if QT_VERSION >= 0x030000 else if (event->type() == QEvent::ContextMenu) #else else if ( (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress) && ( (QMouseEvent*) event )->button() == QMouseEvent::RightButton ) #endif { showCtxMenu(mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos())); return true; } } return QWidget::eventFilter(obj, event); } void OPopupMenu::hideEvent(QHideEvent*) { if (d->m_ctxMenu) { d->m_ctxMenu->hide(); } } /** * end of RMB menus on menus support */ // Obsolete OPopupMenu::OPopupMenu(const QString& title, QWidget *parent, const char *name) : QPopupMenu(parent, name) { d = new OPopupMenuPrivate; setTitle(title); } // Obsolete void OPopupMenu::setTitle(const QString &title) { OPopupTitle *titleItem = new OPopupTitle(); titleItem->setTitle(title); insertItem(titleItem); d->m_lastTitle = title; } void OPopupTitle::virtual_hook( int, void* ) { /*BASE::virtual_hook( id, data );*/ } void OPopupMenu::virtual_hook( int, void* ) { /*BASE::virtual_hook( id, data );*/ }