/********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include <qdir.h> #include <qfile.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> #include <qtextstream.h> #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include "global.h" #include "resource.h" #include <qpe/qcopenvelope_qws.h> #include "alarmserver.h" #include <qpe/timeconversion.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #undef USE_ATD // not used anymore -- we run opie-alarm on suspend/resume struct timerEventItem { time_t UTCtime; QCString channel, message; int data; bool operator==( const timerEventItem &right ) const { return ( UTCtime == right.UTCtime && channel == right.channel && message == right.message && data == right.data ); } }; class TimerReceiverObject : public QObject { public: TimerReceiverObject() { } ~TimerReceiverObject() { } void resetTimer(); void setTimerEventItem(); void deleteTimer(); protected: void timerEvent( QTimerEvent *te ); #ifdef USE_ATD private: QString atfilename; #endif }; TimerReceiverObject *timerEventReceiver = NULL; QList<timerEventItem> timerEventList; timerEventItem *nearestTimerEvent = NULL; // set the timer to go off on the next event in the list void setNearestTimerEvent() { nearestTimerEvent = NULL; QListIterator<timerEventItem> it( timerEventList ); if ( *it ) nearestTimerEvent = *it; for ( ; *it; ++it ) if ( (*it)->UTCtime < nearestTimerEvent->UTCtime ) nearestTimerEvent = *it; if (nearestTimerEvent) timerEventReceiver->resetTimer(); else timerEventReceiver->deleteTimer(); } //store current state to file //Simple implementation. Should run on a timer. static void saveState() { QString savefilename = Global::applicationFileName( "AlarmServer", "saveFile" ); if ( timerEventList.isEmpty() ) { unlink( savefilename ); return ; } QFile savefile(savefilename + ".new"); if ( savefile.open(IO_WriteOnly) ) { QDataStream ds( &savefile ); //save QListIterator<timerEventItem> it( timerEventList ); for ( ; *it; ++it ) { ds << it.current()->UTCtime; ds << it.current()->channel; ds << it.current()->message; ds << it.current()->data; } savefile.close(); unlink( savefilename ); QDir d; d.rename(savefilename + ".new", savefilename); } } /*! Sets up the alarm server. Restoring to previous state (session management). */ void AlarmServer::initialize() { //read autosave file and put events in timerEventList QString savefilename = Global::applicationFileName( "AlarmServer", "saveFile" ); QFile savefile(savefilename); if ( savefile.open(IO_ReadOnly) ) { QDataStream ds( &savefile ); while ( !ds.atEnd() ) { timerEventItem *newTimerEventItem = new timerEventItem; ds >> newTimerEventItem->UTCtime; ds >> newTimerEventItem->channel; ds >> newTimerEventItem->message; ds >> newTimerEventItem->data; timerEventList.append( newTimerEventItem ); } savefile.close(); if (!timerEventReceiver) timerEventReceiver = new TimerReceiverObject; setNearestTimerEvent(); } } #ifdef USE_ATD static const char* atdir = "/var/spool/at/"; static bool triggerAtd( bool writeHWClock = FALSE ) { QFile trigger(QString(atdir) + "trigger"); if ( trigger.open(IO_WriteOnly | IO_Raw) ) { if ( trigger.writeBlock("\n", 2) != 2 ) { QMessageBox::critical( 0, QObject::tr( "Out of Space" ), QObject::tr( "Unable to schedule alarm.\nFree some memory and try again." ) ); trigger.close(); QFile::remove ( trigger.name() ); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } #else static bool writeResumeAt ( time_t wakeup ) { FILE *fp = ::fopen ( "/var/run/resumeat", "w" ); if ( fp ) { ::fprintf ( fp, "%d\n", (int) wakeup ); ::fclose ( fp ); } else qWarning ( "Failed to write wakeup time to /var/run/resumeat" ); return ( fp ); } #endif void TimerReceiverObject::deleteTimer() { #ifdef USE_ATD if ( !atfilename.isEmpty() ) { unlink( atfilename ); atfilename = QString::null; triggerAtd( FALSE ); } #else writeResumeAt ( 0 ); #endif } void TimerReceiverObject::resetTimer() { const int maxsecs = 2147000; QDateTime nearest = TimeConversion::fromUTC(nearestTimerEvent->UTCtime); QDateTime now = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); if ( nearest < now ) nearest = now; int secs = TimeConversion::secsTo( now, nearest ); if ( secs > maxsecs ) { // too far for millisecond timing secs = maxsecs; } // System timer (needed so that we wake from deep sleep), // from the Epoch in seconds. // int at_secs = TimeConversion::toUTC(nearest); // qDebug("reset timer to %d seconds from Epoch",at_secs); #ifdef USE_ATD QString fn = atdir + QString::number(at_secs) + "." + QString::number(getpid()); if ( fn != atfilename ) { QFile atfile(fn + ".new"); if ( atfile.open(IO_WriteOnly | IO_Raw) ) { int total_written; // just wake up and delete the at file QString cmd = "#!/bin/sh\nrm " + fn; total_written = atfile.writeBlock(cmd.latin1(), cmd.length()); if ( total_written != int(cmd.length()) ) { QMessageBox::critical( 0, tr("Out of Space"), tr("Unable to schedule alarm.\n" "Please free up space and try again") ); atfile.close(); QFile::remove ( atfile.name() ); return ; } atfile.close(); unlink( atfilename ); QDir d; d.rename(fn + ".new", fn); chmod(fn.latin1(), 0755); atfilename = fn; triggerAtd( FALSE ); } else { qWarning("Cannot open atd file %s", fn.latin1()); } } #else writeResumeAt ( at_secs ); #endif // Qt timers (does the actual alarm) // from now in milliseconds // qDebug("AlarmServer waiting %d seconds", secs); startTimer( 1000 * secs + 500 ); } void TimerReceiverObject::timerEvent( QTimerEvent * ) { bool needSave = FALSE; killTimers(); if (nearestTimerEvent) { if ( nearestTimerEvent->UTCtime <= TimeConversion::toUTC(QDateTime::currentDateTime()) ) { #ifndef QT_NO_COP QCopEnvelope e( nearestTimerEvent->channel, nearestTimerEvent->message ); e << TimeConversion::fromUTC( nearestTimerEvent->UTCtime ) << nearestTimerEvent->data; #endif timerEventList.remove( nearestTimerEvent ); needSave = TRUE; } setNearestTimerEvent(); } else { resetTimer(); } if ( needSave ) saveState(); } /*! \class AlarmServer alarmserver.h \brief The AlarmServer class allows alarms to be scheduled and unscheduled. Applications can schedule alarms with addAlarm() and can unschedule alarms with deleteAlarm(). When the time for an alarm to go off is reached the specified \link qcop.html QCop\endlink message is sent on the specified channel (optionally with additional data). Scheduling an alarm using this class is important (rather just using a QTimer) since the machine may be asleep and needs to get woken up using the Linux kernel which implements this at the kernel level to minimize battery usage while asleep. \ingroup qtopiaemb \sa QCopEnvelope */ /*! Schedules an alarm to go off at (or soon after) time \a when. When the alarm goes off, the \link qcop.html QCop\endlink \a message will be sent to \a channel, with \a data as a parameter. If this function is called with exactly the same data as a previous call the subsequent call is ignored, so there is only ever one alarm with a given set of parameters. \sa deleteAlarm() */ void AlarmServer::addAlarm ( QDateTime when, const QCString& channel, const QCString& message, int data) { if ( qApp->type() == QApplication::GuiServer ) { bool needSave = FALSE; // Here we are the server so either it has been directly called from // within the server or it has been sent to us from a client via QCop if (!timerEventReceiver) timerEventReceiver = new TimerReceiverObject; timerEventItem *newTimerEventItem = new timerEventItem; newTimerEventItem->UTCtime = TimeConversion::toUTC( when ); newTimerEventItem->channel = channel; newTimerEventItem->message = message; newTimerEventItem->data = data; // explore the case of already having the event in here... QListIterator<timerEventItem> it( timerEventList ); for ( ; *it; ++it ) if ( *(*it) == *newTimerEventItem ) return ; // if we made it here, it is okay to add the item... timerEventList.append( newTimerEventItem ); needSave = TRUE; // quicker than using setNearestTimerEvent() if ( nearestTimerEvent ) { if (newTimerEventItem->UTCtime < nearestTimerEvent->UTCtime) { nearestTimerEvent = newTimerEventItem; timerEventReceiver->killTimers(); timerEventReceiver->resetTimer(); } } else { nearestTimerEvent = newTimerEventItem; timerEventReceiver->resetTimer(); } if ( needSave ) saveState(); } else { #ifndef QT_NO_COP QCopEnvelope e( "QPE/System", "addAlarm(QDateTime,QCString,QCString,int)" ); e << when << channel << message << data; #endif } } /*! Deletes previously scheduled alarms which match \a when, \a channel, \a message, and \a data. Passing null values for \a when, \a channel, or for the \link qcop.html QCop\endlink \a message, acts as a wildcard meaning "any". Similarly, passing -1 for \a data indicates "any". If there is no matching alarm, nothing happens. \sa addAlarm() */ void AlarmServer::deleteAlarm (QDateTime when, const QCString& channel, const QCString& message, int data) { if ( qApp->type() == QApplication::GuiServer) { bool needSave = FALSE; if ( timerEventReceiver != NULL ) { timerEventReceiver->killTimers(); // iterate over the list of events QListIterator<timerEventItem> it( timerEventList ); time_t deleteTime = TimeConversion::toUTC( when ); for ( ; *it; ++it ) { // if its a match, delete it if ( ( (*it)->UTCtime == deleteTime || when.isNull() ) && ( channel.isNull() || (*it)->channel == channel ) && ( message.isNull() || (*it)->message == message ) && ( data == -1 || (*it)->data == data ) ) { // if it's first, then we need to update the timer if ( (*it) == nearestTimerEvent ) { timerEventList.remove(*it); setNearestTimerEvent(); } else { timerEventList.remove(*it); } needSave = TRUE; } } if ( nearestTimerEvent ) timerEventReceiver->resetTimer(); } if ( needSave ) saveState(); } else { #ifndef QT_NO_COP QCopEnvelope e( "QPE/System", "deleteAlarm(QDateTime,QCString,QCString,int)" ); e << when << channel << message << data; #endif } } /*! Writes the system clock to the hardware clock. */ void Global::writeHWClock() { #ifdef USE_ATD if ( !triggerAtd( TRUE ) ) { // atd not running? set it ourselves system("/sbin/hwclock --systohc"); // ##### UTC? } #else // hwclock is written on suspend #endif }