/********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2001 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "event.h" #include "qfiledirect_p.h" #include <qpe/timeconversion.h> #include <qpe/stringutil.h> #include <qpe/recordfields.h> #include <qbuffer.h> #include <time.h> #include "vobject_p.h" #include <stdio.h> using namespace Qtopia; static void write( QString& buf, const Event::RepeatPattern &r ) { buf += " rtype=\""; switch ( r.type ) { case Event::Daily: buf += "Daily"; break; case Event::Weekly: buf += "Weekly"; break; case Event::MonthlyDay: buf += "MonthlyDay"; break; case Event::MonthlyDate: buf += "MonthlyDate"; break; case Event::Yearly: buf += "Yearly"; break; default: buf += "NoRepeat"; break; } buf += "\""; if ( r.days > 0 ) buf += " rweekdays=\"" + QString::number( static_cast<int>( r.days ) ) + "\""; if ( r.position != 0 ) buf += " rposition=\"" + QString::number( r.position ) + "\""; buf += " rfreq=\"" + QString::number( r.frequency ) + "\""; buf += " rhasenddate=\"" + QString::number( static_cast<int>( r.hasEndDate ) ) + "\""; if ( r.hasEndDate ) buf += " enddt=\"" + QString::number( r.endDateUTC ? r.endDateUTC : time( 0 ) ) + "\""; buf += " created=\"" + QString::number( r.createTime ) + "\""; } Qtopia::UidGen Event::sUidGen( Qtopia::UidGen::Qtopia ); Event::Event() : Record() { startUTC = endUTC = time( 0 ); typ = Normal; hAlarm = FALSE; hRepeat = FALSE; aMinutes = 0; aSound = Silent; pattern.type = NoRepeat; pattern.frequency = -1; } Event::Event( const QMap<int, QString> &map ) { setDescription( map[DatebookDescription] ); setLocation( map[Location] ); setCategories( idsFromString( map[DatebookCategory] ) ); setTimeZone( map[TimeZone] ); setNotes( map[Note] ); setStart( TimeConversion::fromUTC( map[StartDateTime].toUInt() ) ); setEnd( TimeConversion::fromUTC( map[EndDateTime].toUInt() ) ); setType( (Event::Type) map[DatebookType].toInt() ); setAlarm( ( map[HasAlarm] == "1" ? TRUE : FALSE ), map[AlarmTime].toInt(), (Event::SoundTypeChoice)map[SoundType].toInt() ); Event::RepeatPattern p; p.type = (Event::RepeatType) map[ RepeatPatternType ].toInt(); p.frequency = map[ RepeatPatternFrequency ].toInt(); p.position = map[ RepeatPatternPosition ].toInt(); p.days = map[ RepeatPatternDays ].toInt(); p.hasEndDate = map[ RepeatPatternHasEndDate ].toInt(); p.endDateUTC = map[ RepeatPatternEndDate ].toUInt(); setRepeat( p ); setUid( map[ DatebookUid ].toInt() ); } Event::~Event() { } int Event::week( const QDate& date ) { // Calculates the week this date is in within that // month. Equals the "row" is is in in the month view int week = 1; QDate tmp( date.year(), date.month(), 1 ); if ( date.dayOfWeek() < tmp.dayOfWeek() ) ++week; week += ( date.day() - 1 ) / 7; return week; } int Event::occurrence( const QDate& date ) { // calculates the number of occurrances of this day of the // week till the given date (e.g 3rd Wednesday of the month) return ( date.day() - 1 ) / 7 + 1; } int Event::dayOfWeek( char day ) { int dayOfWeek = 1; char i = Event::MON; while ( !( i & day ) && i <= Event::SUN ) { i <<= 1; ++dayOfWeek; } return dayOfWeek; } int Event::monthDiff( const QDate& first, const QDate& second ) { return ( second.year() - first.year() ) * 12 + second.month() - first.month(); } QMap<int, QString> Event::toMap() const { QMap<int, QString> m; m.insert( DatebookDescription, description() ); m.insert ( Location, location() ); m.insert ( DatebookCategory, idsToString( categories() ) ); m.insert ( TimeZone, timeZone() ); m.insert ( Note, notes() ); m.insert ( StartDateTime, QString::number( TimeConversion::toUTC( start() ) ) ); m.insert ( EndDateTime, QString::number( TimeConversion::toUTC( end() ) ) ); m.insert ( DatebookType, QString::number( (int)type() ) ); m.insert ( HasAlarm, ( hasAlarm() ? "1" : "0" ) ); m.insert ( SoundType, QString::number( (int)alarmSound() ) ); m.insert ( AlarmTime, QString::number( alarmTime() ) ); m.insert ( RepeatPatternType, QString::number( static_cast<int>( repeatPattern().type ) ) ); m.insert ( RepeatPatternFrequency, QString::number( repeatPattern().frequency ) ); m.insert ( RepeatPatternPosition, QString::number( repeatPattern().position ) ); m.insert ( RepeatPatternDays, QString::number( repeatPattern().days ) ); m.insert ( RepeatPatternHasEndDate, QString::number( static_cast<int>( repeatPattern().hasEndDate ) ) ); m.insert ( RepeatPatternEndDate, QString::number( repeatPattern().endDateUTC ) ); m.insert( DatebookUid, QString::number( uid()) ); return m; } void Event::setRepeat( const RepeatPattern &p ) { setRepeat( p.type != NoRepeat, p ); } void Event::setDescription( const QString &s ) { descript = s; } void Event::setLocation( const QString &s ) { locat = s; } // void Event::setCategory( const QString &s ) // { // categ = s; // } void Event::setType( Type t ) { typ = t; } void Event::setStart( const QDateTime &d ) { startUTC = TimeConversion::toUTC( d ); } void Event::setStart( time_t time ) { startUTC = time; } void Event::setEnd( const QDateTime &d ) { endUTC = TimeConversion::toUTC( d ); } void Event::setEnd( time_t time ) { endUTC = time; } void Event::setTimeZone( const QString &z ) { tz = z; } void Event::setAlarm( bool b, int minutes, SoundTypeChoice s ) { hAlarm = b; aMinutes = minutes; aSound = s; } void Event::setRepeat( bool b, const RepeatPattern &p ) { hRepeat = b; pattern = p; } void Event::setNotes( const QString &n ) { note = n; } const QString &Event::description() const { return descript; } const QString &Event::location() const { return locat; } // QString Event::category() const // { // return categ; // } Event::Type Event::type() const { return typ; } QDateTime Event::start( bool actual ) const { QDateTime dt = (startUTC > 0) ? TimeConversion::fromUTC( startUTC ) : QDateTime::currentDateTime(); if ( actual && typ == AllDay ) { QTime t = dt.time(); t.setHMS( 0, 0, 0 ); dt.setTime( t ); } return dt; } QDateTime Event::end( bool actual ) const { QDateTime dt = (endUTC > 0) ? TimeConversion::fromUTC( endUTC ) : QDateTime::currentDateTime(); if ( actual && typ == AllDay ) { QTime t = dt.time(); t.setHMS( 23, 59, 59 ); dt.setTime( t ); } return dt; } const QString &Event::timeZone() const { return tz; } bool Event::hasAlarm() const { return hAlarm; } int Event::alarmTime() const { return aMinutes; } Event::SoundTypeChoice Event::alarmSound() const { return aSound; } bool Event::hasRepeat() const { return doRepeat(); } const Event::RepeatPattern &Event::repeatPattern() const { return pattern; } Event::RepeatPattern &Event::repeatPattern() { return pattern; } const QString &Event::notes() const { return note; } bool Event::operator==( const Event &e ) const { return ( e.descript == descript && e.locat == locat && e.categ == categ && e.typ == typ && e.startUTC == startUTC && e.endUTC == endUTC && e.tz == tz && e.hAlarm == hAlarm && e.aMinutes == aMinutes && e.aSound == aSound && e.hRepeat == hRepeat && e.pattern == pattern && e.note == note ); } void Event::save( QString& buf ) { buf += " description=\"" + Qtopia::escapeString(descript) + "\""; if ( !locat.isEmpty() ) buf += " location=\"" + Qtopia::escapeString(locat) + "\""; // save the categoies differently.... QString strCats = idsToString( categories() ); buf += " categories=\"" + Qtopia::escapeString(strCats) + "\""; buf += " uid=\"" + QString::number( uid() ) + "\""; if ( (Type)typ != Normal ) buf += " type=\"AllDay\""; if ( hAlarm ) { buf += " alarm=\"" + QString::number( aMinutes ) + "\" sound=\""; if ( aSound == Event::Loud ) buf += "loud"; else buf += "silent"; buf += "\""; } if ( hRepeat ) write( buf, pattern ); buf += " start=\"" + QString::number( startUTC ) + "\""; buf += " end=\"" + QString::number( endUTC ) + "\""; if ( !note.isEmpty() ) buf += " note=\"" + Qtopia::escapeString( note ) + "\""; buf += customToXml(); } bool Event::RepeatPattern::operator==( const Event::RepeatPattern &right ) const { // *sigh* return ( type == right.type && frequency == right.frequency && position == right.position && days == right.days && hasEndDate == right.hasEndDate && endDateUTC == right.endDateUTC && createTime == right.createTime ); } class EffectiveEventPrivate { public: //currently the existence of the d pointer means multi-day repeating, //msut be changed if we use the d pointer for anything else. QDate startDate; QDate endDate; }; EffectiveEvent::EffectiveEvent() { mDate = QDate::currentDate(); mStart = mEnd = QTime::currentTime(); d = 0; } EffectiveEvent::EffectiveEvent( const Event &e, const QDate &date, Position pos ) { mEvent = e; mDate = date; if ( pos & Start ) mStart = e.start( TRUE ).time(); else mStart = QTime( 0, 0, 0 ); if ( pos & End ) mEnd = e.end( TRUE ).time(); else mEnd = QTime( 23, 59, 59 ); d = 0; } EffectiveEvent::~EffectiveEvent() { delete d; } EffectiveEvent::EffectiveEvent( const EffectiveEvent &e ) { d = 0; *this = e; } EffectiveEvent& EffectiveEvent::operator=( const EffectiveEvent & e ) { if ( &e == this ) return *this; delete d; if ( e.d ) { d = new EffectiveEventPrivate; d->startDate = e.d->startDate; d->endDate = e.d->endDate; } else { d = 0; } mEvent = e.mEvent; mDate = e.mDate; mStart = e.mStart; mEnd = e.mEnd; return *this; } // QString EffectiveEvent::category() const // { // return mEvent.category(); // } const QString &EffectiveEvent::description( ) const { return mEvent.description(); } const QString &EffectiveEvent::location( ) const { return mEvent.location(); } const QString &EffectiveEvent::notes() const { return mEvent.notes(); } const Event &EffectiveEvent::event() const { return mEvent; } const QTime &EffectiveEvent::end() const { return mEnd; } const QTime &EffectiveEvent::start() const { return mStart; } const QDate &EffectiveEvent::date() const { return mDate; } int EffectiveEvent::length() const { return (mEnd.hour() * 60 - mStart.hour() * 60) + QABS(mStart.minute() - mEnd.minute() ); } void EffectiveEvent::setDate( const QDate &dt ) { mDate = dt; } void EffectiveEvent::setStart( const QTime &start ) { mStart = start; } void EffectiveEvent::setEnd( const QTime &end ) { mEnd = end; } void EffectiveEvent::setEvent( Event e ) { mEvent = e; } bool EffectiveEvent::operator<( const EffectiveEvent &e ) const { if ( mDate < e.date() ) return TRUE; if ( mDate == e.date() ) return ( mStart < e.start() ); else return FALSE; } bool EffectiveEvent::operator<=( const EffectiveEvent &e ) const { return (mDate <= e.date() ); } bool EffectiveEvent::operator==( const EffectiveEvent &e ) const { return ( mDate == e.date() && mStart == e.start() && mEnd == e.end() && mEvent == e.event() ); } bool EffectiveEvent::operator!=( const EffectiveEvent &e ) const { return !(*this == e); } bool EffectiveEvent::operator>( const EffectiveEvent &e ) const { return !(*this <= e ); } bool EffectiveEvent::operator>=(const EffectiveEvent &e) const { return !(*this < e); } void EffectiveEvent::setEffectiveDates( const QDate &from, const QDate &to ) { if ( !from.isValid() ) { delete d; d = 0; return; } if ( !d ) d = new EffectiveEventPrivate; d->startDate = from; d->endDate = to; } QDate EffectiveEvent::startDate() const { if ( d ) return d->startDate; else if ( mEvent.hasRepeat() ) return mDate; // single day, since multi-day should have a d pointer else return mEvent.start().date(); } QDate EffectiveEvent::endDate() const { if ( d ) return d->endDate; else if ( mEvent.hasRepeat() ) return mDate; // single day, since multi-day should have a d pointer else return mEvent.end().date(); } int EffectiveEvent::size() const { return ( mEnd.hour() - mStart.hour() ) * 3600 + (mEnd.minute() - mStart.minute() * 60 + mEnd.second() - mStart.second() ); } // vcal conversion code static inline VObject *safeAddPropValue( VObject *o, const char *prop, const QString &value ) { VObject *ret = 0; if ( o && !value.isEmpty() ) ret = addPropValue( o, prop, value.latin1() ); return ret; } static inline VObject *safeAddProp( VObject *o, const char *prop) { VObject *ret = 0; if ( o ) ret = addProp( o, prop ); return ret; } static VObject *createVObject( const Event &e ) { VObject *vcal = newVObject( VCCalProp ); safeAddPropValue( vcal, VCVersionProp, "1.0" ); VObject *event = safeAddProp( vcal, VCEventProp ); safeAddPropValue( event, VCDTstartProp, TimeConversion::toISO8601( e.start() ) ); safeAddPropValue( event, VCDTendProp, TimeConversion::toISO8601( e.end() ) ); safeAddPropValue( event, "X-Qtopia-NOTES", e.description() ); safeAddPropValue( event, VCDescriptionProp, e.description() ); safeAddPropValue( event, VCLocationProp, e.location() ); if ( e.hasAlarm() ) { VObject *alarm = safeAddProp( event, VCAAlarmProp ); QDateTime dt = e.start(); dt = dt.addSecs( -e.alarmTime()*60 ); safeAddPropValue( alarm, VCRunTimeProp, TimeConversion::toISO8601( dt ) ); safeAddPropValue( alarm, VCAudioContentProp, (e.alarmSound() == Event::Silent ? "silent" : "alarm" ) ); } safeAddPropValue( event, "X-Qtopia-TIMEZONE", e.timeZone() ); if ( e.type() == Event::AllDay ) safeAddPropValue( event, "X-Qtopia-AllDay", e.timeZone() ); // ### repeat missing // ### categories missing return vcal; } static Event parseVObject( VObject *obj ) { Event e; bool haveAlarm = FALSE; bool haveStart = FALSE; bool haveEnd = FALSE; QDateTime alarmTime; Event::SoundTypeChoice soundType = Event::Silent; VObjectIterator it; initPropIterator( &it, obj ); while( moreIteration( &it ) ) { VObject *o = nextVObject( &it ); QCString name = vObjectName( o ); QCString value = vObjectStringZValue( o ); if ( name == VCDTstartProp ) { e.setStart( TimeConversion::fromISO8601( value ) ); haveStart = TRUE; } else if ( name == VCDTendProp ) { e.setEnd( TimeConversion::fromISO8601( value ) ); haveEnd = TRUE; } else if ( name == "X-Qtopia-NOTES" ) { e.setNotes( value ); } else if ( name == VCDescriptionProp ) { e.setDescription( value ); } else if ( name == VCLocationProp ) { e.setLocation( value ); } else if ( name == VCAudioContentProp ) { haveAlarm = TRUE; VObjectIterator nit; initPropIterator( &nit, o ); while( moreIteration( &nit ) ) { VObject *o = nextVObject( &nit ); QCString name = vObjectName( o ); QCString value = vObjectStringZValue( o ); if ( name == VCRunTimeProp ) alarmTime = TimeConversion::fromISO8601( value ); else if ( name == VCAudioContentProp ) { if ( value == "silent" ) soundType = Event::Silent; else soundType = Event::Loud; } } } else if ( name == "X-Qtopia-TIMEZONE") { e.setTimeZone( value ); } else if ( name == "X-Qtopia-AllDay" ) { e.setType( Event::AllDay ); } #if 0 else { printf("Name: %s, value=%s\n", name.data(), vObjectStringZValue( o ) ); VObjectIterator nit; initPropIterator( &nit, o ); while( moreIteration( &nit ) ) { VObject *o = nextVObject( &nit ); QCString name = vObjectName( o ); QString value = vObjectStringZValue( o ); printf(" subprop: %s = %s\n", name.data(), value.latin1() ); } } #endif } if ( !haveStart && !haveEnd ) e.setStart( QDateTime::currentDateTime() ); if ( !haveEnd ) { e.setType( Event::AllDay ); e.setEnd( e.start() ); } if ( haveAlarm ) { int minutes = alarmTime.secsTo( e.start() ) / 60; e.setAlarm( TRUE, minutes, soundType ); } return e; } void Event::writeVCalendar( const QString &filename, const QValueList<Event> &events) { QFileDirect f( filename.utf8().data() ); if ( !f.open( IO_WriteOnly ) ) { qWarning("Unable to open vcard write"); return; } QValueList<Event>::ConstIterator it; for( it = events.begin(); it != events.end(); ++it ) { VObject *obj = createVObject( *it ); writeVObject( f.directHandle() , obj ); cleanVObject( obj ); } cleanStrTbl(); } void Event::writeVCalendar( const QString &filename, const Event &event) { QFileDirect f( filename.utf8().data() ); if ( !f.open( IO_WriteOnly ) ) { qWarning("Unable to open vcard write"); return; } VObject *obj = createVObject( event ); writeVObject( f.directHandle() , obj ); cleanVObject( obj ); cleanStrTbl(); } QValueList<Event> Event::readVCalendar( const QString &filename ) { VObject *obj = Parse_MIME_FromFileName( (char *)filename.utf8().data() ); QValueList<Event> events; while ( obj ) { QCString name = vObjectName( obj ); if ( name == VCCalProp ) { VObjectIterator nit; initPropIterator( &nit, obj ); while( moreIteration( &nit ) ) { VObject *o = nextVObject( &nit ); QCString name = vObjectName( o ); if ( name == VCEventProp ) events.append( parseVObject( o ) ); } } else if ( name == VCEventProp ) { // shouldn't happen, but just to be sure events.append( parseVObject( obj ) ); } VObject *t = obj; obj = nextVObjectInList(obj); cleanVObject( t ); } return events; } bool Event::match( const QRegExp &r ) const { bool returnMe; returnMe = false; if ( descript.find( r ) > -1 ) returnMe = true; else if ( locat.find( r ) > -1 ) returnMe = true; else if ( TimeConversion::fromUTC( startUTC ).toString().find( r ) > -1 ) returnMe = true; else if ( TimeConversion::fromUTC( endUTC ).toString().find( r ) > -1 ) returnMe = true; else if ( tz.find( r ) > -1 ) returnMe = true; else if ( note.find( r ) > -1 ) returnMe = true; else if ( doRepeat() ) { if ( pattern.hasEndDate ) if ( TimeConversion::fromUTC( pattern.endDateUTC ).toString().find(r) > -1 ) returnMe = true; } return returnMe; }