/********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #ifndef DATEBOOKMONTH #define DATEBOOKMONTH #include <qpe/event.h> #include <qvbox.h> #include <qhbox.h> #include <qdatetime.h> #include <qvaluelist.h> #include <qtable.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> #include "calendar.h" #include "timestring.h" class QToolButton; class QComboBox; class QSpinBox; class Event; class DateBookDB; class DateBookMonthHeaderPrivate; class DateBookMonthHeader : public QHBox { Q_OBJECT public: DateBookMonthHeader( QWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0 ); ~DateBookMonthHeader(); void setDate( int year, int month ); signals: void dateChanged( int year, int month ); protected slots: void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e ) { e->ignore(); } private slots: void updateDate(); void firstMonth(); void lastMonth(); void monthBack(); void monthForward(); private: QToolButton *begin, *back, *next, *end; QComboBox *month; QSpinBox *year; DateBookMonthHeaderPrivate *d; }; class DayItemMonthPrivate; class DayItemMonth : public QTableItem { public: DayItemMonth( QTable *table, EditType et, const QString &t ); ~DayItemMonth(); void paint( QPainter *p, const QColorGroup &cg, const QRect &cr, bool selected ); void setDay( int d ) { dy = d; } void setEvents( const QValueList<Event> &events ) { daysEvents = events; }; void setEvents( const QValueList<EffectiveEvent> &effEvents ); void clearEvents() { daysEvents.clear(); }; void clearEffEvents(); int day() const { return dy; } void setType( Calendar::Day::Type t ); Calendar::Day::Type type() const { return typ; } private: QBrush back; QColor forg; int dy; Calendar::Day::Type typ; QValueList<Event> daysEvents; // not used anymore... DayItemMonthPrivate *d; }; class DateBookMonthTablePrivate; class DateBookMonthTable : public QTable { Q_OBJECT public: DateBookMonthTable( QWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0, DateBookDB *newDb = 0 ); ~DateBookMonthTable(); void setDate( int y, int m, int d ); void redraw(); QSize minimumSizeHint() const { return sizeHint(); } QSize minimumSize() const { return sizeHint(); } void getDate( int& y, int &m, int &d ) const {y=selYear;m=selMonth;d=selDay;} void setWeekStart( bool onMonday ); signals: void dateClicked( int year, int month, int day ); protected: void viewportMouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent * ); protected slots: void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e ) { e->ignore(); } private slots: void dayClicked( int row, int col ); void dragDay( int row, int col ); private: void setupTable(); void setupLabels(); void findDay( int day, int &row, int &col ); void getEvents(); void changeDaySelection( int row, int col ); int year, month, day; int selYear, selMonth, selDay; QValueList<Event> monthsEvents; // not used anymore... DateBookDB *db; DateBookMonthTablePrivate *d; }; class DateBookMonthPrivate; class DateBookMonth : public QVBox { Q_OBJECT public: DateBookMonth( QWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0, bool ac = FALSE, DateBookDB *data = 0 ); ~DateBookMonth(); QDate selectedDate() const; signals: void dateClicked( int year, int month, int day ); public slots: void setDate( int y, int m ); void setDate( int y, int m, int d ); void setDate( QDate ); void redraw(); void slotWeekChange( bool ); protected slots: virtual void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e); private slots: void forwardDateClicked( int y, int m, int d ) { emit dateClicked( y, m, d ); } void finalDate(int, int, int); private: DateBookMonthHeader *header; DateBookMonthTable *table; int year, month, day; bool autoClose; class DateBookMonthPrivate *d; }; class DateButton : public QPushButton { Q_OBJECT public: DateButton( bool longDate, QWidget *parent, const char * name = 0 ); QDate date() const { return currDate; } signals: void dateSelected( int year, int month, int day ); public slots: void setDate( int y, int m, int d ); void setDate( QDate ); void setWeekStartsMonday( int ); void setDateFormat( DateFormat ); private slots: void pickDate(); void gotHide(); private: bool longFormat; bool weekStartsMonday; QDate currDate; DateFormat df; }; #endif