/********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "timestring.h" #include <qobject.h> #include "qpeapplication.h" //for qApp #include "config.h" class TimeStringFormatKeeper : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: static DateFormat currentFormat() { if ( !self ) self = new TimeStringFormatKeeper; return self->format; } private slots: void formatChanged( DateFormat f ) { format = f; } private: static TimeStringFormatKeeper *self; DateFormat format; TimeStringFormatKeeper() : QObject( qApp ) { Config config("qpe"); config.setGroup( "Date" ); format = DateFormat(QChar(config.readEntry("Separator", "/")[0]), (DateFormat::Order)config .readNumEntry("ShortOrder", DateFormat::DayMonthYear), (DateFormat::Order)config.readNumEntry("LongOrder", DateFormat::DayMonthYear)); connect( qApp, SIGNAL( dateFormatChanged(DateFormat) ), this, SLOT( formatChanged( DateFormat ) ) ); } }; TimeStringFormatKeeper *TimeStringFormatKeeper::self = 0; QString DateFormat::toNumberString() const { QString buf = ""; // for each part of the order for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // switch on the relavent 3 bits. switch((_shortOrder >> (i * 3)) & 0x0007) { case 0x0001: buf += QObject::tr( "D" ); break; case 0x0002: buf += QObject::tr( "M" ); break; case 0x0004: buf += QObject::tr( "Y" ); break; } if (i < 2) buf += _shortSeparator; } return buf; } QString DateFormat::toWordString() const { QString buf = ""; // for each part of the order for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // switch on the relavent 3 bits. switch((_longOrder >> (i * 3)) & 0x0007) { case 0x0001: buf += QObject::tr( "day" ); if (i < 2) { if ((_shortOrder << ((i+1) * 3)) & 0x0007) buf += ", "; else buf += " "; } break; case 0x0002: buf += QObject::tr( "month" ); if (i < 2) buf += " "; break; case 0x0004: buf += QObject::tr( "year" ); if (i < 2) buf += ", "; break; } } return buf; } QString DateFormat::numberDate(const QDate &d, int v) const { QString buf = ""; int pad = 2; // for each part of the order for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // switch on the relavent 3 bits. switch((_shortOrder >> (i * 3)) & 0x0007) { case 0x0001: if (pad==2) buf += QString().sprintf("%02d",d.day()); else buf += QString().sprintf("%d",d.day()); break; case 0x0002: if (i==0) { // no padding with only MM/DD/YY format pad=0; } if (pad==2) buf += QString().sprintf("%02d",d.month()); else buf += QString().sprintf("%d",d.month()); break; case 0x0004: { int year = d.year(); if (!(v & longNumber)) year = year % 100; buf += QString().sprintf("%02d",year); } break; } if (i < 2) buf += _shortSeparator; } return buf; } QString DateFormat::wordDate(const QDate &d, int v) const { QString buf = ""; // for each part of the order if (v & showWeekDay) { QString weekDay = d.dayName(d.dayOfWeek()); if (!(v & longWord)) { weekDay = weekDay.left(3); } buf += weekDay; if ((_longOrder & 0x0007) == 0x0002) buf += ' '; else buf += ", "; } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // switch on the relavent 3 bits. switch((_longOrder >> (i * 3)) & 0x0007) { case 0x0001: if (i==1) { buf += QString().sprintf("%02d, ",d.day()); } else { buf += QString().sprintf("%2d",d.day()); if (separator()=='.') // 2002/1/11 buf += ". "; else buf += " "; } break; case 0x0002: { QString monthName = d.monthName(d.month()); if (!(v & longWord)) { monthName = monthName.left(3); } buf += monthName; } if (i < 2) buf += " "; break; case 0x0004: { int year = d.year(); if (!(v & longNumber)) year = year % 100; if (year < 10) buf += "0"; buf += QString::number(year); } if (i < 2) buf += ", "; break; } } return buf; } #ifndef QT_NO_DATASTREAM void DateFormat::save(QDataStream &d) const { d << _shortSeparator.unicode(); uint v= _shortOrder; d << v; v = _longOrder; d << v; } void DateFormat::load(QDataStream &d) { ushort value; d >> value; _shortSeparator = QChar(value); uint v = 0; d >> v; _shortOrder = (Order)v; v = 0; d >> v; _longOrder = (Order)v; } QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &s, const DateFormat&df) { df.save(s); return s; } QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &s, DateFormat&df) { df.load(s); return s; } #endif QString TimeString::shortDate( const QDate &d, DateFormat dtf ) { return dtf.wordDate(d); } QString TimeString::dateString( const QDate &d, DateFormat dtf ) { return dtf.wordDate(d, DateFormat::longNumber | DateFormat::longWord); } QString TimeString::longDateString( const QDate &d, DateFormat dtf ) { return dtf.wordDate(d, DateFormat::showWeekDay | DateFormat::longNumber | DateFormat::longWord); } DateFormat TimeString::currentDateFormat() { return TimeStringFormatKeeper::currentFormat(); } QString TimeString::dateString( const QDateTime &dt, bool ampm, bool seconds, DateFormat dtf ) { const QDate& d = dt.date(); const QTime& t = dt.time(); // based on QDateTime::toString() QString buf = timeString(t,ampm,seconds); buf += " "; buf += longDateString( d, dtf ); return buf; } QString TimeString::timeString( const QTime &t, bool ampm, bool seconds ) { if ( !ampm ) { if ( seconds ) return t.toString(); QString r = QString::number(t.hour()); if ( t.hour() < 10 ) r.prepend( "0" ); r.append( ":" ); if ( t.minute() < 10 ) r.append( "0" ); r.append(QString::number(t.minute())); return r; } // ### else the hard case that should disappear in Qt 3.0 QString argString = seconds ? "%4:%5:%6 %7" : "%4:%5 %7"; int hour = t.hour(); QString strMin = QString::number( t.minute() ); QString strSec = QString::number( t.second() ); if ( hour > 12 ) argString = argString.arg( hour - 12, 2 ); else { if ( hour == 0 ) argString = argString.arg( 12 ); else argString = argString.arg( hour, 2 ); } if ( t.minute() < 10 ) strMin.prepend( "0" ); if ( t.second() < 10 ) strSec.prepend( "0" ); argString = argString.arg( strMin ); if ( seconds ) argString = argString.arg( strSec ); if ( hour >= 12 ) argString = argString.arg( QObject::tr("PM") ); else argString = argString.arg( QObject::tr("AM") ); return argString; } QString TimeString::shortTime( bool ampm, bool seconds ) { static const char* const day[] = { QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QObject", "Mon" ), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QObject", "Tue" ), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QObject", "Wed" ), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QObject", "Thu" ), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QObject", "Fri" ), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QObject", "Sat" ), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QObject", "Sun" ) }; // just create a shorter time String QDateTime dtTmp = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); QString strTime; strTime = QObject::tr( day[dtTmp.date().dayOfWeek()-1] ) + " " + timeString( dtTmp.time(), ampm, seconds ); return strTime; } QString TimeString::dateString( const QDateTime &t, bool ampm ) { return dateString(t,ampm,FALSE); } QString TimeString::timeString( const QTime &t, bool ampm) { return timeString(t,ampm,FALSE); } QString TimeString::shortTime( bool ampm ) { return shortTime(ampm,FALSE); } QString TimeString::numberDateString( const QDate &d, DateFormat dtf ) { return dtf.numberDate(d); } QString TimeString::longNumberDateString( const QDate &d, DateFormat dtf ) { return dtf.numberDate(d,DateFormat::longNumber); } #include "timestring.moc"