/**************************************************************************** ** outputEdit.cpp ** ** Copyright: Fri Apr 12 15:12:58 2002 L.J. Potter ****************************************************************************/ #include "output.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* XPM */ static char * filesave_xpm[] = { "16 16 78 1", " c None", ". c #343434", "+ c #A0A0A0", "@ c #565656", "# c #9E9E9E", "$ c #525252", "% c #929292", "& c #676767", "* c #848484", "= c #666666", "- c #D8D8D8", "; c #FFFFFF", "> c #DBDBDB", ", c #636363", "' c #989898", ") c #2D2D2D", "! c #909090", "~ c #AEAEAE", "{ c #EAEAEA", "] c #575757", "^ c #585858", "/ c #8A8A8A", "( c #828282", "_ c #6F6F6F", ": c #C9C9C9", "< c #050505", "[ c #292929", "} c #777777", "| c #616161", "1 c #3A3A3A", "2 c #BEBEBE", "3 c #2C2C2C", "4 c #7C7C7C", "5 c #F6F6F6", "6 c #FCFCFC", "7 c #6B6B6B", "8 c #959595", "9 c #4F4F4F", "0 c #808080", "a c #767676", "b c #818181", "c c #B8B8B8", "d c #FBFBFB", "e c #F9F9F9", "f c #CCCCCC", "g c #030303", "h c #737373", "i c #7A7A7A", "j c #7E7E7E", "k c #6A6A6A", "l c #FAFAFA", "m c #505050", "n c #9D9D9D", "o c #333333", "p c #7B7B7B", "q c #787878", "r c #696969", "s c #494949", "t c #555555", "u c #949494", "v c #E6E6E6", "w c #424242", "x c #515151", "y c #535353", "z c #3E3E3E", "A c #D4D4D4", "B c #0C0C0C", "C c #353535", "D c #474747", "E c #ECECEC", "F c #919191", "G c #7D7D7D", "H c #000000", "I c #404040", "J c #858585", "K c #323232", "L c #D0D0D0", "M c #1C1C1C", " ...+ ", " @#$%&..+ ", " .*=-;;>,..+ ", " ')!~;;;;;;{]..", " ^/(-;;;;;;;_:<", " [}|;;;;;;;{12$", " #34-55;;;;678$+", " 90ab=c;dd;e1fg ", " [ahij((kbl0mn$ ", " op^q^^7r&]s/$+ ", "@btu;vbwxy]zAB ", "CzDEvEv;;DssF$ ", "G.H{E{E{IxsJ$+ ", " +...vEKxzLM ", " +...z]n$ ", " +... "}; Output::Output( const QStringList commands, QWidget* parent, const char* name, bool modal, WFlags fl) : QDialog( parent, name, modal, fl ) { QStringList cmmds; // cmmds=QStringList::split( " ", commands, false); cmmds=commands; // qDebug("count %d", cmmds.count()); if ( !name ) setName( tr("Output")); resize( 196, 269 ); setCaption( name ); OutputLayout = new QGridLayout( this ); OutputLayout->setSpacing( 2); OutputLayout->setMargin( 2); QPushButton *docButton; docButton = new QPushButton( QPixmap(( const char** ) filesave_xpm ) ,"",this,"saveButton"); docButton->setFixedSize( QSize( 20, 20 ) ); connect( docButton,SIGNAL(released()),this,SLOT( saveOutput() )); // docButton->setFlat(TRUE); OutputLayout->addMultiCellWidget( docButton, 0,0,3,3 ); OutputEdit = new QMultiLineEdit( this, "OutputEdit" ); OutputLayout->addMultiCellWidget( OutputEdit, 1,1,0,3 ); proc = new OProcess(); connect(proc, SIGNAL(processExited(OProcess *)), this, SLOT( processFinished())); connect(proc, SIGNAL(receivedStdout(OProcess *, char *, int)), this, SLOT(commandStdout(OProcess *, char *, int))); connect(proc, SIGNAL(receivedStderr(OProcess *, char *, int)), this, SLOT(commandStderr(OProcess *, char *, int))); // connect( , SIGNAL(received(const QByteArray &)), // this, SLOT(commandStdin(const QByteArray &))); // * proc << commands.latin1(); for ( QStringList::Iterator it = cmmds.begin(); it != cmmds.end(); ++it ) { qDebug( "%s", (*it).latin1() ); * proc << (*it).latin1(); } if(!proc->start(OProcess::NotifyOnExit, OProcess::All)) { OutputEdit->append("Process could not start"); OutputEdit->setCursorPosition( OutputEdit->numLines() + 1,0,FALSE); perror("Error: "); QString errorMsg="Error\n"+(QString)strerror(errno); OutputEdit->append( errorMsg); OutputEdit->setCursorPosition( OutputEdit->numLines() + 1,0,FALSE); } } Output::~Output() { } void Output::saveOutput() { InputDialog *fileDlg; fileDlg = new InputDialog(this,tr("Save output to file (name only)"),TRUE, 0); fileDlg->exec(); if( fileDlg->result() == 1 ) { QString filename = QPEApplication::documentDir(); if(filename.right(1).find('/') == -1) filename+="/"; QString name = fileDlg->LineEdit1->text(); filename+="text/plain/"+name; qDebug(filename); QFile f(filename); f.open( IO_WriteOnly); if( f.writeBlock( OutputEdit->text(), qstrlen( OutputEdit->text()) ) != -1) { DocLnk lnk; lnk.setName(name); //sets file name lnk.setFile(filename); //sets File property lnk.setType("text/plain"); if(!lnk.writeLink()) { qDebug("Writing doclink did not work"); } } else qWarning("Could not write file"); f.close(); } } void Output::commandStdout(OProcess*, char *buffer, int buflen) { qWarning("received stdout %d bytes", buflen); // QByteArray data(buflen); // data.fill(*buffer, buflen); // for (uint i = 0; i < data.count(); i++ ) { // printf("%c", buffer[i] ); // } // printf("\n"); QString lineStr = buffer; lineStr=lineStr.left(lineStr.length()-1); OutputEdit->append(lineStr); OutputEdit->setCursorPosition( OutputEdit->numLines() + 1,0,FALSE); } void Output::commandStdin( const QByteArray &data) { qWarning("received stdin %d bytes", data.size()); // recieved data from the io layer goes to sz proc->writeStdin(data.data(), data.size()); } void Output::commandStderr(OProcess*, char *buffer, int buflen) { qWarning("received stderrt %d bytes", buflen); QString lineStr = buffer; // lineStr=lineStr.left(lineStr.length()-1); OutputEdit->append(lineStr); OutputEdit->setCursorPosition( OutputEdit->numLines() + 1,0,FALSE); } void Output::processFinished() { delete proc; OutputEdit->append( "\nFinished\n"); OutputEdit->setCursorPosition( OutputEdit->numLines() + 1,0,FALSE); // close(); // disconnect( layer(), SIGNAL(received(const QByteArray &)), // this, SLOT(commandStdin(const QByteArray &))); } //============================== InputDialog::InputDialog( QWidget* parent, const char* name, bool modal, WFlags fl ) : QDialog( parent, name, modal, fl ) { if ( !name ) setName( "InputDialog" ); resize( 234, 50 ); setMaximumSize( QSize( 240, 50 ) ); setCaption( tr(name ) ); LineEdit1 = new QLineEdit( this, "LineEdit1" ); LineEdit1->setGeometry( QRect( 10, 10, 216, 22 ) ); connect(LineEdit1,SIGNAL(returnPressed()),this,SLOT(returned() )); } InputDialog::~InputDialog() { inputText = LineEdit1->text(); } void InputDialog::setInputText(const QString &string) { LineEdit1->setText( string); } void InputDialog::returned() { inputText = LineEdit1->text(); this->accept(); }