From a UNIX point of view we want to do something like minicom with a better GUI. It should feature some terminal emulation vt100/102, ansi, filetransfer via {x,y,z}modem, and some sort of session management. Besides this requirement we would like to be able to execute 'scripts' in a session. A script would just write to the TEmulation and then be sent via an IOlayer. Then we would like to send keys? Do we want that? > what kind of keys would we send? We want a modular architecture which might support plugins in the future (Almost) DONE: Framework Serial IOLayer Saving and Restoring Profiles ConfigDialog Framework TASKS in progress: Profile->Session and MainWidget --- Harlekin IOLayer - wazlaf TE - ibotty Scripting - wazlaf FilesendingLayer Session->Profile - hash => why is this needed? you can not change any settings after you start the session, so all you would do is create a duplicate of the profile used to open the current session. maybe needed later when you can change settings while the session is running (colors, fonts...) OPEN tasks: Irda ConfigWidget - Harlekin BT ConfigWidget Keys - hash IRDA-Layer - open Bluetooth-Layer - open Fullscreen mode ( maybe spy at vnc viewer )