#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Excel.h" static xfrecord formatter[] = { { 0xe , DATEFORMAT, "%m/%d/%y"}, { 0xf , DATEFORMAT, "%d-%b-%y"}, { 0x10, DATEFORMAT, "%d-%b"}, { 0x11, DATEFORMAT, "%b-%y"}, { 0x12, DATEFORMAT, "%I:%M %p"}, { 0x13, DATEFORMAT, "%I:%M:%S %p"}, { 0x14, DATEFORMAT, "%H:%M"}, { 0x15, DATEFORMAT, "%H:%M:%S"}, { 0x16, DATEFORMAT, "%m/%d/%y %H:%M"}, { 0x2d, DATEFORMAT, "%M:%S"}, { 0x2e, DATEFORMAT, "%H:%M:%S"}, { 0x2f, DATEFORMAT, "%M:%S"}, { 0xa5, DATEFORMAT, "%m/%d/%y %I:%M %p"}, { 0x1 , NUMBERFORMAT, "%.0f"}, { 0x2 , NUMBERFORMAT, "%.2f"}, { 0x3 , NUMBERFORMAT, "#,##%.0f"}, { 0x4 , NUMBERFORMAT, "#,##%.2f"}, { 0x5 , NUMBERFORMAT, "$#,##%.0f"}, { 0x6 , NUMBERFORMAT, "$#,##%.0f"}, { 0x7 , NUMBERFORMAT, "$#,##%.2f"}, { 0x8 , NUMBERFORMAT, "$#,##%.2f"}, { 0x9 , NUMBERFORMAT, "%.0f%%"}, { 0xa , NUMBERFORMAT, "%.2f%%"}, { 0xb , NUMBERFORMAT, "%e"}, { 0x25, NUMBERFORMAT, "#,##%.0f;(#,##0)"}, { 0x26, NUMBERFORMAT, "#,##%.0f;(#,##0)"}, { 0x27, NUMBERFORMAT, "#,##%.2f;(#,##0.00)"}, { 0x28, NUMBERFORMAT, "#,##%.2f;(#,##0.00)"}, { 0x29, NUMBERFORMAT, "#,##%.0f;(#,##0)"}, { 0x2a, NUMBERFORMAT, "$#,##%.0f;($#,##0)"}, { 0x2b, NUMBERFORMAT, "#,##%.2f;(#,##0.00)"}, { 0x2c, NUMBERFORMAT, "$#,##%.2f;($#,##0.00)"}, { 0x30, NUMBERFORMAT, "##0.0E0"}, { 0, 0, ""} }; int ExcelBook::Integer2Byte(int b1, int b2) { int i1 = b1 & 0xff; int i2 = b2 & 0xff; int val = i2 << 8 | i1; return val; }; int ExcelBook::Integer4Byte(int b1,int b2,int b3,int b4) { int i1 = Integer2Byte(b1, b2); int i2 = Integer2Byte(b3, b4); int val = i2 << 16 | i1; return val; }; int ExcelBook::Integer2ByteFile(FILE *f) { int i1, i2; i1 = fgetc(f); i2 = fgetc(f); return Integer2Byte(i1,i2); }; float ExcelBook::Float4Byte(int b1, int b2, int b3, int b4) { int i; float f; unsigned char *ieee; ieee = (unsigned char *) &f; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) ieee[i] = 0; ieee[0] = ((int)b4) & 0xff; ieee[1] = ((int)b3) & 0xff; ieee[2] = ((int)b2) & 0xff; ieee[3] = ((int)b1) & 0xff; return f; }; double ExcelBook::Double4Byte(int b1, int b2, int b3, int b4) { long int rk; double value; rk=Integer4Byte(b1,b2,b3,b4); //printf("Double4Bytes:%d,%d,%d,%d\r\n",b1,b2,b3,b4); if ( (rk & 0x02) != 0) { long int intval = rk >> 2; //drops the 2 bits printf("Double4Byte:intval=%d, rk=%d, rk>>2=%d\r\n",intval,rk,rk>>2); value = (double) intval; printf("Double4Byte: VALUEINT=%f\r\n",value); if ( (rk & 0x01) != 0) { value /= 100.0; }; return value; }else { union { double d; unsigned long int b[2]; } dbl_byte; unsigned long int valbits = (rk & 0xfffffffc); #if defined(__arm__) && !defined(__vfp__) dbl_byte.b[0]=valbits; dbl_byte.b[1]=0; #else dbl_byte.b[0]=0; dbl_byte.b[1]=valbits; #endif printf("dbl_byte.b[0]=%d,dbl_byte.b[1]=%d\r\n",dbl_byte.b[0],dbl_byte.b[1]); value=dbl_byte.d; printf("Double4Byte: VALUE=%f\r\n",value); if ( (rk & 0x01) != 0) { value /= 100.0; }; return value; }; }; void ExcelBook::DetectEndian(void) { int end; long i = 0x44332211; unsigned char* a = (unsigned char*) &i; end = (*a != 0x11); if (end == 1) { endian = BIG_ENDIAN; printf("BIGENDIAN!\r\n"); } else { endian = LITTLE_ENDIAN; printf("LITTLEENDIAN!\r\n"); } }; double ExcelBook::Double8Byte(int b1, int b2, int b3, int b4, int b5, int b6, int b7, int b8) { int i; double d; unsigned char *ieee; ieee = (unsigned char *)&d; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) ieee[i] = 0; if (endian == BIG_ENDIAN) { ieee[0] = ((int)b8) & 0xff;ieee[1] = ((int)b7) & 0xff; ieee[2] = ((int)b6) & 0xff;ieee[3] = ((int)b5) & 0xff; ieee[4] = ((int)b4) & 0xff;ieee[5] = ((int)b3) & 0xff; ieee[6] = ((int)b2) & 0xff;ieee[7] = ((int)b1) & 0xff; } else { ieee[0] = ((int)b1) & 0xff;ieee[1] = ((int)b2) & 0xff; ieee[2] = ((int)b3) & 0xff;ieee[3] = ((int)b4) & 0xff; ieee[4] = ((int)b5) & 0xff;ieee[5] = ((int)b6) & 0xff; ieee[6] = ((int)b7) & 0xff;ieee[7] = ((int)b8) & 0xff; } return d; }; bool ExcelBook::OpenFile(char *Filename) { printf("Opening excel file!\r\n"); File= fopen(Filename, "r"); Position=0; // first byte index in file XFRecords.resize(0); SharedStrings.resize(0); Names.resize(0); Sheets.resize(0); if(File==NULL) return false; printf("Opened excel file!\r\n"); return true; }; bool ExcelBook::CloseFile(void) { int w1; for(w1=0;w1<(int)XFRecords.count();w1++) { if(XFRecords[w1]!=NULL) {delete XFRecords[w1];XFRecords[w1]=NULL;}; }; for(w1=0;w1<(int)SharedStrings.count();w1++) { if(SharedStrings[w1]!=NULL) {delete SharedStrings[w1];SharedStrings[w1]=NULL;}; }; for(w1=0;w1<(int)Names.count();w1++) { if(Names[w1]!=NULL) {delete Names[w1];Names[w1]=NULL;}; }; for(w1=0;w1<(int)Sheets.count();w1++) { if(Sheets[w1]!=NULL) {delete Sheets[w1];Sheets[w1]=NULL;}; }; XFRecords.resize(0); SharedStrings.resize(0); Names.resize(0); Sheets.resize(0); fclose(File); printf("closed excel file!\r\n"); if(File==NULL) return true; return false; }; void ExcelBook::SeekPosition(int pos) { if(!feof(File)) { Position=pos; //printf("SeekPosition:Pos:%d\r\n",Position); fseek(File,pos,SEEK_SET); }; }; void ExcelBook::SeekSkip(int pos) { if(!feof(File)) { Position=Position+pos; //printf("SeekSkip:Pos:%d\r\n",Position); fseek(File, Position, SEEK_SET); }; }; int ExcelBook::FileEOF(void) { if(File!=NULL) return(feof(File)); else return 0; //EOF is defined in stdlib as -1 }; int ExcelBook::Get2Bytes(void) { int i1,i2; i1=0; i2=0; if (!feof(File)) { i1=fgetc(File); Position++; }; if (!feof(File)) { i2=fgetc(File); Position++; }; return Integer2Byte(i1,i2); }; char* ExcelBook::Read(int pos, int length) { int i; char *data; data= new char[length]; SeekPosition(pos); for(i=0; i=0 && num<(int)SharedStrings.count()) { return SharedStrings[num]; }; return new QString(""); }; int ExcelBook::SeekBOF(void) { int opcode,version,streamtype,length,ret=0; char *data; while(!feof(File)) { opcode=Get2Bytes(); if(opcode==XL_BOF) { length=Get2Bytes(); data=Read(Position,length); version=Integer2Byte(data[0], data[1]); streamtype=Integer2Byte(data[2], data[3]); printf("SEEKBOF:opcode=XLBOF, %d ,version %d\r\n",Position,version); delete data; data=NULL; if (version==BIFF8) ret=8; else if(version==BIFF7) ret=7; printf("SEEKBOF:versionBIFF%d\r\n",ret); if(streamtype==WBKGLOBAL) return ret *2; else if(streamtype==WRKSHEET) return ret *1; return 1; }; }; return 0; }; ExcelBREC* ExcelBook::GetBREC(void) { ExcelBREC* rec; rec= new ExcelBREC; if(FileEOF()) return NULL; rec->data=NULL; rec->code=Get2Bytes(); rec->length=Get2Bytes(); rec->position=Position; SeekSkip(rec->length); return rec; }; ExcelBREC* ExcelBook::PeekBREC(void) { int oldpos; ExcelBREC* NextRec; oldpos=Position; NextRec=GetBREC(); SeekPosition(oldpos); return NextRec; }; char* ExcelBook::GetDataOfBREC(ExcelBREC* record) { if(record->data==NULL) { ConvertCharToArray(record,Read(record->position,record->length),record->length); }; return record->data;//new? }; void ExcelBook::ConvertCharToArray(ExcelBREC* record, char* chars, int length) { record->data=new char[length]; for(int w1=0;w1<=length-1;w1++) record->data[w1]=chars[w1]; }; bool ExcelSheet::InitCells() { int r; Cells.resize(rows * cols + cols+1); if(Cells.count()==0) return false; for(r=0;r < Cells.count();r++) { Cells[r]=NULL; }; return true; }; void ExcelSheet::Set(int row, int col, ExcelCell* cell) { if(cell!=NULL&&(row*cols+col)code) { case XL_DIMENSION: data = GetDataOfBREC(record); if (record->length == 10) { sheet->rows = Integer2Byte(data[2], data[3]); sheet->cols = Integer2Byte(data[6], data[7]); } else { sheet->rows = Integer4Byte(data[4], data[5], data[6], data[7]); sheet->cols = Integer2Byte(data[10], data[11]); } sheet->InitCells(); break; case XL_LABELSST: HandleLabelSST(sheet, record); break; case XL_RK: case XL_RK2: HandleRK(sheet, record); break; case XL_MULRK: HandleMulrk(sheet, record); break; case XL_ROW: break; case XL_NUMBER: HandleNumber(sheet, record); break; case XL_BOOLERR: break; case XL_CONTINUE: break; case XL_FORMULA: case XL_FORMULA2: HandleFormula(sheet, record); break; case XL_LABEL: break; case XL_NAME: HandleName(sheet, record); break; case XL_BOF: break; case XL_EOF: return 0; default: break; }; return 1; }; int ExcelBook::ReadSheet(ExcelSheet* sheet) { ExcelBREC* record; int oldpos; oldpos = Position; SeekPosition(sheet->position); record = GetBREC(); while (record!=NULL) { if (!SheetHandleRecord(sheet, record)) break; record=GetBREC(); }; SeekPosition(oldpos); return 1; }; ExcelSheet* ExcelBook::GetSheet(void) { ExcelSheet* sh=NULL; int type; type=SeekBOF(); Version=type; sh=new ExcelSheet; if(type) { sh->type=type; sh->position=Position; sh->name=QString(""); }; if(type==8||type==7) { ReadSheet(sh); }; return sh; }; void ExcelBook::ParseSheets(void) { int BOFs; ExcelBREC* r; BOFs=1; r=GetBREC(); while(BOFs) { r=GetBREC(); switch(r->code) { case XL_SST: HandleSST(r); break; case XL_TXO: break; case XL_NAME: break; case XL_ROW: break; case XL_FORMAT: HandleFormat(r); break; case XL_XF: HandleXF(r); break; case XL_BOUNDSHEET: HandleBoundSheet(r); break; case XL_EXTSST: break; case XL_CONTINUE: break; case XL_EOF: BOFs--; break; default: break; }; }; }; void ExcelBook::GetSheets(void) { ExcelSheet* sheet; Sheets.resize(0); sheet=GetSheet(); while (sheet->Cells.count()!= 0 ) { Sheets.resize(Sheets.count()+1); Sheets[Sheets.count()-1]=sheet; sheet->name=*Names[Sheets.count()-1]; sheet=GetSheet(); }; }; bool ExcelBook::ParseBook(char *file) { dateformat=QString(""); DetectEndian(); OpenFile(file); SeekBOF(); ParseSheets(); GetSheets(); return true; }; QString ExcelBook::GetASCII(char* inbytes, int pos, int chars) { int i; QString outstr=""; for (i = 0; i < chars; i++) { outstr.append(inbytes[i+pos]); }; return outstr; }; QString ExcelBook::GetUnicode(char * inbytes, int pos, int chars) { QString outstr=""; int i; int rc; for (i=0; icode = xf; rec->type = formatter[i].type; rec->format = formatter[i].format; return rec; }; void ExcelBook::HandleSetOfSST(ExcelBREC* rec/*, SSTList* cont*/, char* bytes) { QString str=QString(""); char* data; int chars, pos, options, i; int richstring, fareaststring, runlength=0; int richruns=0,fareastsize=0; int totalstrings; int uniquestrings; data = GetDataOfBREC(rec); totalstrings = Integer4Byte(data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3]); uniquestrings = Integer4Byte(data[4], data[5], data[6], data[7]); pos = 8; for (i = 0; i < uniquestrings; i++) { richruns=0; fareastsize=0; chars = Integer2Byte(data[pos], data[pos+1]); pos += 2; options = data[pos]; pos++; fareaststring = ((options & 0x04) != 0); richstring = ((options & 0x08) != 0); if(richstring) { richruns= Integer2Byte(data[pos],data[pos+1]); pos+=2; }; if(fareaststring) { fareastsize=Integer4Byte(data[pos], data[pos+1], data[pos+2], data[pos+3]); pos+=4; }; if ((options & 0x01) == 0) //8 bit chars { /* ascii */ str = GetASCII(bytes,pos,chars); pos=pos+chars; if(str[0]=='=') str[0]=' '; }else //16 bit chars { /* unicode */ str = GetUnicode(bytes,pos,chars); pos=pos+chars*2; }; // HERE TO PUT richformat handling if (richstring) { pos += 4 * richruns; }; if (fareaststring) { pos += fareastsize; }; //printf("String=%s, length=%d first=0x%x\r\n",str.ascii(),str.length(),str[0].unicode()); SharedStrings.resize(SharedStrings.count()+1); SharedStrings[SharedStrings.count()-1]=new QString(str); } }; char* ExcelBook::MergeBytesFromSSTs(ExcelBREC* rec,SSTList* cont) { int i, pos; int length; char* data; char* bytes; length = rec->length; for (i = 0; i < (int) cont->rec.count(); i++) { length += cont->rec[i]->length; } bytes = GetDataOfBREC(rec); pos = rec->length; for (i = 0; i < (int) cont->rec.count(); i++) { data = GetDataOfBREC(cont->rec[i]); *bytes += pos; bytes = data; pos += cont->rec[i]->length; } return bytes; }; void ExcelBook::HandleSST(ExcelBREC* rec) { char* bytes; SSTList* cont; cont= new SSTList; ExcelBREC* nr; nr = PeekBREC(); while (nr->code == XL_CONTINUE) { cont->rec.resize(cont->rec.count()+1); cont->rec[cont->rec.count()-1]=GetBREC(); nr = PeekBREC(); } bytes = MergeBytesFromSSTs(rec,cont); HandleSetOfSST(rec, bytes); for(int w1=0;w1<(int)cont->rec.count();w1++) { if(cont->rec[w1]!=NULL) {delete cont->rec[w1];cont->rec[w1]=NULL;}; }; cont->rec.resize(0); }; void ExcelBook::HandleLabelSST(ExcelSheet* sheet, ExcelBREC* rec) { int index, row, col; char* data; data = GetDataOfBREC(rec); index = Integer4Byte(data[6], data[7], data[8], data[9]); row = Integer2Byte(data[0], data[1]); col = Integer2Byte(data[2], data[3]); sheet->Set(row,col, CellLabel(row, col, *GetString(index))); }; ExcelCell* ExcelBook::CellLabel(int row, int col, QString str) { ExcelCell* c; c= new ExcelCell; c->row = row; c->col = col; c->type = CELL_LABEL; c->valuec = str; return c; }; ExcelCell* ExcelBook::CellNumber(int row, int col, int index, double d) { ExcelCell* c; c=new ExcelCell; c->row = row; c->col = col; c->xfindex = index; c->type = CELL_NUMBER; c->valued = d; return c; }; QString* ExcelBook::CellDataString(ExcelSheet* sh, int row, int col) { time_t date; struct tm *tmptr; ExcelCell* c; char str[128]; QString format; int precision; int utcOffsetDays = 25569; int sInADay = 24 * 60 * 60; c = sh->Get(row,col); if (c == NULL) return new QString(""); switch (c->type) { case CELL_LABEL: return new QString(c->valuec); case CELL_NUMBER: if (XFRecords[c->xfindex]->type == DATEFORMAT) { format = XFRecords[c->xfindex]->format; date = (time_t) ((c->valued - utcOffsetDays) * sInADay); tmptr = gmtime(&date); if (dateformat) { strftime(str,1024,dateformat.ascii(),tmptr); } else { strftime(str,1024,format.ascii(),tmptr); }; } else if (XFRecords[c->xfindex]->type == NUMBERFORMAT) { format = XFRecords[c->xfindex]->format; //sprintf(str,format.ascii(),c->valued); // the real format is ignored... // because there is more work to be done in the field precision = CellGetPrecision(c->valued); sprintf(str,"%.*f",precision,c->valued); }else { precision = CellGetPrecision(c->valued); sprintf(str,"%.*f",precision,c->valued); }; break; case CELL_DATE: break; case CELL_BOOLEAN: break; case CELL_ERROR: break; } return new QString(str); }; int ExcelBook::CellGetPrecision(double d) { double t; int i,x; int count; if (d < 0) d *= -1; i = (int)d; t = d - (double)i; if (t <= 0) { return 0; }; count = 0; for (x = 6; x > 1; x--) { i = (int)d; t = d - (double)i; t *= pow(10,x - 2); i = (int)t; t = t - (double)i; t *= 10; i = (int)t; if (i > 0) break; count++; }; return (5 - count); }; void ExcelBook::CellSetDateFormat(char *d) { dateformat = QString(d); }; void ExcelBook::HandleMulrk(ExcelSheet* sheet, ExcelBREC* record) { struct mulrk mulrk; char* data; ExcelCell* cell; int len; int i; len = record->length; data = GetDataOfBREC(record); mulrk.row = Integer2Byte(data[0],data[1]); mulrk.first = Integer2Byte(data[2],data[3]); mulrk.last = Integer2Byte(data[len - 2],data[len - 1]); mulrk.numrks = mulrk.last - mulrk.first + 1; MulrkRead(&mulrk, data); for (i = 0; i < mulrk.numrks; i++) { cell = CellNumber(mulrk.row, mulrk.first + i, mulrk.xfindices[i], mulrk.rkdbls[i]); sheet->Set(mulrk.row,mulrk.first+ i, cell); //printf("handleMULRK:row=%d,col=%d,val=%f\r\n",mulrk.row,mulrk.first+i,mulrk.rkdbls[i]); } //delete(mulrk.xfindices); //delete(mulrk.rkdbls); }; void ExcelBook::MulrkRead(struct mulrk *mulrk, char* data) { double d; int i; int pos; pos = 4; mulrk->xfindices.resize(mulrk->numrks); mulrk->rkdbls.resize(mulrk->numrks); for (i = 0; i < mulrk->numrks; i++) { mulrk->xfindices[i] = Integer2Byte(data[pos], data[pos+1]); d=Double4Byte(data[pos+2], data[pos+3], data[pos+4], data[pos+5]); //printf("double:%f\r\n",d); mulrk->rkdbls[i] = d; pos += 6; } }; void ExcelBook::HandleNumber(ExcelSheet* sheet, ExcelBREC* record) { int xfindex, row, col; char* data; double d; data = GetDataOfBREC(record); row = Integer2Byte(data[0], data[1]); col = Integer2Byte(data[2], data[3]); xfindex = Integer2Byte(data[4], data[5]); #if defined(__arm__) && !defined(__vfp__) d=Double8Byte(data[10], data[11], data[12], data[13],data[6], data[7], data[8], data[9]); #else d=Double8Byte(data[6], data[7], data[8], data[9],data[10], data[11], data[12], data[13]); #endif //even if ARM is little endian... doubles are been placed as bigendian words. //thanks pb_ for that. :) sheet->Set(row,col, CellNumber(row,col,xfindex,d)); //printf("handleNumber:row=%d,col=%d,val=%f\r\n",row,col,d); }; ExcelFormat::ExcelFormat() { code=0;type=0;format=""; }; ExcelFormat::ExcelFormat(int c,int t, QString s) { code=c;type=t;format=s; }; void ExcelBook::HandleFormat(ExcelBREC* rec) { ExcelFormat* xfrec; char* data; int format; data = GetDataOfBREC(rec); format = Integer2Byte(data[2],data[3]); xfrec = GetFormatting(format); /*int idx; idx=XFRecords.count()-1; XFRecords[idx]->code=xfrec->code; XFRecords[idx]->type=xfrec->type; XFRecords[idx]->format="manos"; //XFRecords[XFRecords.count()-1]=xfrec; printf("6\r\n");*/ }; void ExcelBook::HandleXF(ExcelBREC* rec) { ExcelFormat* xfrec; char* data; int format; data = GetDataOfBREC(rec); format = Integer2Byte(data[2],data[3]); xfrec = GetFormatting(format); XFRecords.resize(XFRecords.count()+1); XFRecords[XFRecords.count()-1]=xfrec; }; void ExcelBook::HandleRK(ExcelSheet* sheet, ExcelBREC* record) { int xfindex, row, col; char* data; double d; data = GetDataOfBREC(record); row = Integer2Byte(data[0], data[1]); col = Integer2Byte(data[2], data[3]); xfindex = Integer2Byte(data[4], data[5]); d=Double4Byte(data[6], data[7], data[8], data[9]); sheet->Set(row,col,CellNumber(row,col,xfindex,d)); //printf("handleRK:row=%d,col=%d,val=%f\r\n",row,col,d); }; void ExcelBook::HandleFormula(ExcelSheet* sheet, ExcelBREC* record) { int xfindex, row, col; char* data; double d; data = GetDataOfBREC(record); row = Integer2Byte(data[0], data[1]); col = Integer2Byte(data[2], data[3]); if (data[6] == 0 && data[12] == -1 && data[13] == -1) { // string } else if (data[6] == 1 && data[12] == -1 && data[13] == -1) { // boolean } else if ( data[6] == 2 && data[12] == -1 && data[13] == -1) { // error } else { // number xfindex = Integer2Byte(data[4], data[5]); d=Double8Byte(data[6], data[7], data[8], data[9],data[10], data[11], data[12], data[13]); QString s1; int sz; sz=Integer2Byte(data[20],data[21]);// size of the formula char* formuladata; formuladata=new char[sz]; for(int w1=0;w1Set(row,col,CellLabel(row,col,s1)); } }; QString ExcelBook::GetFormula(int row, int col, ExcelSheet* sheet, char* data, int sz) { int length=sz; printf("{FormulaParser}\r\n"); printf("row=%d, col=%d, length=%d\r\n",row,col,length); int idx=0; int w1,w2,w3,w4; double d1; int token; QString s1; QList operands; operands.setAutoDelete(TRUE); QString formula; operands.clear(); while( idxascii(); operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0x13://ptgUminus printf("token:ptgUminus\r\n"); s1=QString("-")+operands.first()->ascii(); operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0x03://ptgAdd printf("token:ptgAdd\r\n"); operands.first(); s1=operands.next()->ascii() +QString("+")+operands.first()->ascii(); operands.removeFirst();operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0x04://ptgSub printf("token:ptgSub\r\n"); operands.first(); s1=operands.next()->ascii() +QString("-")+operands.first()->ascii(); operands.removeFirst();operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0x05://ptgMul printf("token:ptgMul\r\n"); operands.first(); s1=operands.next()->ascii() +QString("*")+operands.first()->ascii(); operands.removeFirst();operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0x06://ptgDiv printf("token:ptgDiv\r\n"); operands.first(); s1=operands.next()->ascii() +QString("/")+operands.first()->ascii(); operands.removeFirst();operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0x07://ptgPOWER printf("token:ptgPow\r\n"); operands.first(); s1=QString("POWER(")+operands.next()->ascii() +QString(",")+operands.first()->ascii()+QString(")"); operands.removeFirst();operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0x08://ptgConcat printf("token:ptgConcat\r\n"); operands.first(); s1=QString("CONCATENATE(")+operands.next()->ascii() +QString(",")+operands.first()->ascii()+QString(")"); operands.removeFirst();operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0x15://ptgParenthesis printf("token:ptgParenthesis\r\n"); s1=QString("(")+operands.first()->ascii()+QString(")"); operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0x14://ptgPercent printf("token:ptgPercent\r\n"); s1=operands.first()->ascii()+QString("*0.01"); operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0x9://ptgLessThan printf("token:ptgLESS\r\n"); operands.first(); s1=operands.next()->ascii() +QString("<")+operands.first()->ascii(); operands.removeFirst();operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0xa://ptgLessEqual printf("token:ptgLESS_EQUAL\r\n"); operands.first(); s1=operands.next()->ascii() +QString("<=")+operands.first()->ascii(); operands.removeFirst();operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0xb://ptgEQUAL printf("token:ptgEQUAL\r\n"); operands.first(); s1=operands.next()->ascii() +QString("==")+operands.first()->ascii(); operands.removeFirst();operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0xc://ptgGREATER_EQUAL printf("token:ptgGREAT_EQUAL\r\n"); operands.first(); s1=operands.next()->ascii() +QString(">=")+operands.first()->ascii(); operands.removeFirst();operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0xd://ptgGREAT_THAN printf("token:ptgGREAT_THAN\r\n"); operands.first(); s1=operands.next()->ascii() +QString(">")+operands.first()->ascii(); operands.removeFirst();operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0xe://ptgNOT_EQUAL printf("token:ptgNOTequal\r\n"); operands.first(); s1=operands.next()->ascii() +QString("!=")+operands.first()->ascii(); operands.removeFirst();operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0x19://attribute can be Sum,If,Choose w3=Integer2Byte(data[idx],data[idx+1]);idx=idx+2; idx++; printf("token:ATTRIBUTE:0x%x\r\n",w3); for(w4=idx;w4ascii()+QString(")"); operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0x10://COS s1=QString("COS(")+operands.first()->ascii()+QString(")"); operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0x11://tan s1=QString("TAN(")+operands.first()->ascii()+QString(")"); operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0x62://asin s1=QString("ASIN(")+operands.first()->ascii()+QString(")"); operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0x63://ACOS s1=QString("ACOS(")+operands.first()->ascii()+QString(")"); operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0x12://ATAN s1=QString("ATAN(")+operands.first()->ascii()+QString(")"); operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0xe5://SINH s1=QString("SINH(")+operands.first()->ascii()+QString(")"); operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0xe6://COSH s1=QString("COSH(")+operands.first()->ascii()+QString(")"); operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0xe7://TANH s1=QString("TANH(")+operands.first()->ascii()+QString(")"); operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0xe8://ASINH s1=QString("ASINH(")+operands.first()->ascii()+QString(")"); operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0xe9://ACOSH s1=QString("ACOSH(")+operands.first()->ascii()+QString(")"); operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0xea://ATANH s1=QString("ATANH(")+operands.first()->ascii()+QString(")"); operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0x13://pi s1="PI()"; operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0x14://sqrt s1=QString("SQRT(")+operands.first()->ascii()+QString(")"); operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0x15://exp s1=QString("EXP(")+operands.first()->ascii()+QString(")"); operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0x16://LN s1=QString("LN(")+operands.first()->ascii()+QString(")"); operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0x17://LOG10 s1=QString("LOG10(")+operands.first()->ascii()+QString(")"); operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0x18://ABS s1=QString("ABS(")+operands.first()->ascii()+QString(")"); operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0x19://int s1=QString("INT(")+operands.first()->ascii()+QString(")"); operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0x1a://sign s1=QString("SIGN(")+operands.first()->ascii()+QString(")"); operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0x1b://round operands.first(); s1=QString("ROUND(")+operands.next()->ascii() +QString(",")+operands.first()->ascii() +QString(")"); operands.removeFirst();operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0x1d://index operands.first(); s1=QString("INDEX(")+operands.next()->ascii() +QString(",") +operands.first()->ascii()+QString(")"); operands.removeFirst(); operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0x1: // if ATTRIBUTE operands.first();operands.next(); s1=QString("IF(")+operands.next()->ascii()+QString(","); operands.first(); s1=s1+operands.next()->ascii()+QString(","); s1=s1+operands.first()->ascii()+QString(")"); operands.removeFirst(); operands.removeFirst(); operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0x81://isblank s1=QString("ISBLANK(")+operands.first()->ascii() +QString(")"); operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0x80://isnumber s1=QString("ISNUMBER(")+operands.first()->ascii() +QString(")"); operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0x120://ceiling operands.first(); s1=QString("CEILING(")+operands.next()->ascii() +QString(",")+operands.first()->ascii() +QString(")"); operands.removeFirst();operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0x11d://floor operands.first(); s1=QString("FLOOR(")+operands.next()->ascii() +QString(",")+operands.first()->ascii() +QString(")"); operands.removeFirst();operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0x157://degrees s1=QString("DEGREES(")+operands.first()->ascii() +QString(")"); operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0x156://radians s1=QString("RADIANS(")+operands.first()->ascii() +QString(")"); operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0xb8://fact s1=QString("FACT(")+operands.first()->ascii() +QString(")"); operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0x27://MOD operands.first(); s1=QString("MOD(")+operands.next()->ascii() +QString(",")+operands.first()->ascii() +QString(")"); operands.removeFirst();operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0x151://power operands.first(); s1=QString("POWER(")+operands.next()->ascii() +QString(",")+operands.first()->ascii() +QString(")"); operands.removeFirst();operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0x3f://rand() s1="RAND()"; operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0x4://sum for(w4=1;w4ascii() +QString(")"); operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0x6://min for(w4=1;w4ascii() +QString(")"); operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0x7://max for(w4=1;w4ascii() +QString(")"); operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0x5://average for(w4=1;w4ascii() +QString(")"); operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0x2e://var for(w4=1;w4ascii() +QString(")"); operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0xc2://varp for(w4=1;w4ascii() +QString(")"); operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0xc://stdev for(w4=1;w4ascii() +QString(")"); operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0xc1://stdevp for(w4=1;w4ascii() +QString(")"); operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0x143://skew for(w4=1;w4ascii() +QString(")"); operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0x142://kurt for(w4=1;w4ascii() +QString(")"); operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; case 0x0://count for(w4=1;w4ascii() +QString(")"); operands.removeFirst(); operands.prepend(new QString(s1)); break; default: printf("token:FUNCTION_UNKNOWN=0x%x\r\n",w1); return QString("FUNC_UNKNOWN"); break; }; break; default: printf("tokenUNKNOWN=0x%x\r\n",token); return QString("TOKEN_UKNOWN"); //it is dangerous to go to idx++ and not return // because the result is unexpected. // but there is a possibility the the parser will give the correct // answer, because there are some tokens in excel formulas that can be //ignored. idx++; break; }; }; printf("{////FormulaParser}\r\n"); printf("GetFormula:::::::r=%d,c=%d,,,%s\r\n",row,col,s1.ascii()); printf("\r\n"); s1=operands.first()->ascii(); operands.clear(); return QString(s1); }; QString ExcelBook::FindCellName(int row, int col) { row++;col++; QString s1=""; int i1=col % 26; int i2=col / 26; if (i2!=0) s1=(char)(i2+65); //65 =A s1=s1+(char)(i1+65-1); return (s1+QString::number(row)); };