/********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ /* local includes */ #include "tableviewer.h" #include "ui/tvbrowseview.h" #include "ui/tvfilterview.h" #include "ui/tvlistview.h" #include "ui/tveditview.h" #include "ui/tvkeyedit.h" #include "db/datacache.h" /* QPE includes */ #include #include #include /* QTE includes */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /*! \class TableViewerWindow \brief The main window widget of the application This is the main widget of the table viewer application. It is the co-ordination point. */ /*! Constructs a new TableViewerWindow */ TableViewerWindow::TableViewerWindow(QWidget *parent, const char *name, WFlags f) : QMainWindow(parent, name, f) { setCaption(tr("Table Viewer")); /* Build data */ ds = new DBStore(); doc.setType("text/x-xml-tableviewer"); doc.setName("table"); dirty = FALSE; ts.current_column = 0; ts.kRep = ds->getKeys(); /* build menus */ menu = new QMenuBar(this, 0); QPopupMenu *file_menu = new QPopupMenu; file_menu->insertItem("New", this, SLOT(newDocument())); file_menu->insertItem("Open", this, SLOT(selectDocument())); file_menu->insertSeparator(); file_menu->insertItem("Properties"); /* later will want to set this up to clean up first via this, SLOT(quit) */ menu->insertItem("Document", file_menu); QPopupMenu *edit_menu = new QPopupMenu; edit_menu->insertItem("Edit Item", this, SLOT(editItemSlot())); edit_menu->insertItem("Edit Keys", this, SLOT(editKeysSlot())); edit_menu->insertItem("Edit filters", this, SLOT(filterViewSlot())); menu->insertItem("Edit", edit_menu); QPopupMenu *view_menu = new QPopupMenu; view_menu->insertItem("Browse View", this, SLOT(browseViewSlot())); view_menu->insertItem("List View", this, SLOT(listViewSlot())); menu->insertItem("View", view_menu); QVBoxLayout *main_layout = new QVBoxLayout; /* Build tool bar */ navigation = new QPEToolBar(this, "navigation"); QToolButton *newItemButton = new QToolButton( QIconSet(Resource::loadPixmap("new")), "New Item", QString::null, this, SLOT(newItemSlot()), navigation, "New Item"); QToolButton *editItemButton = new QToolButton( QIconSet(Resource::loadPixmap("edit")), "Edit Item", QString::null, this, SLOT(editItemSlot()), navigation, "Edit Item"); QToolButton *deleteItemButton = new QToolButton( QIconSet(Resource::loadPixmap("trash")), "Delete Item", QString::null, this, SLOT(deleteItemSlot()), navigation, "Delete Item"); navigation->addSeparator(); QToolButton *firstItemButton = new QToolButton( QIconSet(Resource::loadPixmap("fastback")), "First Item", QString::null, this, SLOT(firstItem()), navigation, "First Item"); QToolButton *previousItemButton = new QToolButton( QIconSet(Resource::loadPixmap("back")), "Previous Item", QString::null, this, SLOT(previousItem()), navigation, "Previous Item"); QToolButton *nextItemButton = new QToolButton( QIconSet(Resource::loadPixmap("forward")), "Next Item", QString::null, this, SLOT(nextItem()), navigation, "Next Item"); QToolButton *lastItemButton = new QToolButton( QIconSet(Resource::loadPixmap("fastforward")), "Last Item", QString::null, this, SLOT(lastItem()), navigation, "Last Item"); navigation->addSeparator(); QToolButton *browseButton = new QToolButton( QIconSet(Resource::loadPixmap("day")), "View Single Item", QString::null, this, SLOT(browseViewSlot()), navigation, "View Single Item"); QToolButton *listButton = new QToolButton( QIconSet(Resource::loadPixmap("month")), "View Multiple Items", QString::null, this, SLOT(listViewSlot()), navigation, "View Multiple Items"); setToolBarsMovable(FALSE); setToolBarsMovable(FALSE); setToolBarsMovable(FALSE); /* Build widgets */ browseView = new TVBrowseView(&ts, this, 0); listView = new TVListView(&ts, this, 0); filterView = new TVFilterView(&ts, this, 0); fileSelector = new FileSelector("text/csv;text/x-xml-tableviewer", this, "fileselector"); fileSelector->setNewVisible(FALSE); fileSelector->setCloseVisible(FALSE); cw = new QWidgetStack(this, 0); cw->addWidget(listView, ListState); cw->addWidget(browseView, BrowseState); cw->addWidget(filterView, FilterState); cw->addWidget(fileSelector, FileState); current_view = FileState; cw->raiseWidget(current_view); fileSelector->reread(); connect(browseView, SIGNAL(searchOnKey(int, TVVariant)), this, SLOT(searchOnKey(int, TVVariant))); connect(browseView, SIGNAL(sortChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setPrimaryKey(int))); connect(fileSelector, SIGNAL(closeMe()), this, SLOT(browseViewSlot())); connect(fileSelector, SIGNAL(fileSelected(const DocLnk &)), this, SLOT(openDocument(const DocLnk &))); main_layout->addWidget(menu); main_layout->addWidget(cw); setCentralWidget(cw); } /*! Destroys the TableViewerWindow */ TableViewerWindow::~TableViewerWindow() { if(dirty) saveDocument(); } /*! Opens a file dialog and loads the file specified by the dialog */ void TableViewerWindow::selectDocument() { if(dirty) saveDocument(); current_view = FileState; cw->raiseWidget(current_view); fileSelector->reread(); } void TableViewerWindow::saveDocument() { if(!dirty) return; FileManager fm; QIODevice *dev = fm.saveFile(doc); if(!ds->saveSource(dev, doc.type())){ qWarning("Save unsuccessful"); return; } dev->close(); dirty = FALSE; } void TableViewerWindow::newDocument() { DocLnk nf; nf.setType("text/x-xml-tableviewer"); nf.setName("table"); delete ds; ds = new DBStore(); ts.current_column = 0; ts.kRep = ds->getKeys(); browseView->reset(); listView->reset(); filterView->reset(); doc = nf; dirty = FALSE; current_view = BrowseState; cw->raiseWidget(current_view); /* now set up for editing the keys */ ts.kRep->addKey("key", TVVariant::String); editKeysSlot(); } void TableViewerWindow::setDocument(const QString &f) { openDocument(DocLnk(f, TRUE)); } void TableViewerWindow::openDocument(const DocLnk &f) { if (!f.isValid()) return; FileManager fm; QIODevice *dev = fm.openFile(f); doc = f; if(ds->openSource(dev, doc.type())) { DataElem *d; browseView->reset(); listView->reset(); filterView->reset(); current_view = BrowseState; cw->raiseWidget(current_view); /* set up new table state and ensure sub widgets have a reference */ ts.current_column = 0; ts.kRep = ds->getKeys(); browseView->rebuildKeys(); listView->rebuildKeys(); filterView->rebuildKeys(); ds->first(); /* set up the list view */ listView->clearItems(); do { d = ds->getCurrentData(); if(d) listView->addItem(d); } while(ds->next()); /* Set up browse view, Will be based of structure of listView */ listView->first(); ts.current_elem = listView->getCurrentData(); browseView->rebuildData(); listView->rebuildData(); QString scratch = "Table Viewer";/* later take from constant */ scratch += " - "; scratch += ds->getName(); setCaption(tr(scratch)); dirty = FALSE; } else { qWarning(tr("could not load Document")); } dev->close(); } /*! Moves to the first item of the current table */ void TableViewerWindow::firstItem() { listView->first(); ts.current_elem = listView->getCurrentData(); browseView->rebuildData(); } /*! Moves to the lat item of the current table */ void TableViewerWindow::lastItem() { listView->last(); ts.current_elem = listView->getCurrentData(); browseView->rebuildData(); } /*! Moves to the next item of the current table */ void TableViewerWindow::nextItem() { listView->next(); ts.current_elem = listView->getCurrentData(); browseView->rebuildData(); } /*! Moves to the previous item of the current table */ void TableViewerWindow::previousItem() { listView->previous(); ts.current_elem = listView->getCurrentData(); browseView->rebuildData(); } /*! Raises the List View. This is a mode change for the application. */ void TableViewerWindow::listViewSlot() { if(current_view == FilterState) applyFilter(); current_view = ListState; cw->raiseWidget(current_view); } void TableViewerWindow::applyFilter() { DataElem *d; listView->clearItems(); ds->first(); do { d = ds->getCurrentData(); if(d) if(filterView->passesFilter(d)) listView->addItem(d); } while(ds->next()); listView->first(); listView->rebuildData(); } /*! Raises the Browse View. This is a mode change for the application. */ void TableViewerWindow::browseViewSlot() { if(current_view == FilterState) applyFilter(); ts.current_elem = listView->getCurrentData(); browseView->rebuildData(); current_view = BrowseState; cw->raiseWidget(current_view); } /*! Raises the List View. This is a mode change for the application. */ void TableViewerWindow::filterViewSlot() { current_view = FilterState; cw->raiseWidget(current_view); } void TableViewerWindow::editItemSlot() { if(TVEditView::openEditItemDialog(&ts, ts.current_elem, this)) { listView->rebuildData(); browseView->rebuildData(); dirty = TRUE; } } void TableViewerWindow::newItemSlot() { DataElem *d = new DataElem(ds); if (TVEditView::openEditItemDialog(&ts, d, this)) { ds->addItem(d); ts.current_elem = d; applyFilter(); listView->rebuildData(); browseView->rebuildData(); dirty = TRUE; } } void TableViewerWindow::deleteItemSlot() { /* delete the actual item, then do a 'filter' */ DataElem *to_remove = ts.current_elem; if(!to_remove) return; listView->removeItem(); ds->removeItem(to_remove); applyFilter(); listView->rebuildData(); browseView->rebuildData(); dirty = TRUE; } void TableViewerWindow::editKeysSlot() { DataElem *d; KeyList *k = TVKeyEdit::openEditKeysDialog(&ts, this); if(k) { /* set as new keys */ ds->setKeys(k); ts.current_column = 0; ts.kRep = k; browseView->reset(); listView->reset(); filterView->reset(); browseView->rebuildKeys(); listView->rebuildKeys(); filterView->rebuildKeys(); ds->first(); /* set up the list view */ listView->clearItems(); do { d = ds->getCurrentData(); if(d) listView->addItem(d); } while(ds->next()); /* Set up browse view, Will be based of structure of listView */ dirty = TRUE; } } /*! A Slot that allows for widgets above to indicate a search should be done on a specified key index for a specified value */ void TableViewerWindow::searchOnKey(int i, TVVariant v) { listView->findItem(i, v); ts.current_elem = listView->getCurrentData(); browseView->rebuildData(); } void TableViewerWindow::setPrimaryKey(int i) { ts.current_column = i; listView->rebuildData(); browseView->rebuildData(); }