/********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "polished.h" #include #include PolishedDecoration::PolishedDecoration() : ref(0) { } PolishedDecoration::~PolishedDecoration() { } int PolishedDecoration::metric( Metric m, const WindowData *wd ) const { switch ( m ) { case TopBorder: return 1; break; case LeftBorder: case RightBorder: return 2; case BottomBorder: return 6; case TitleHeight: if ( QApplication::desktop()->height() > 320 ) return 20; else return 18; default: return WindowDecorationInterface::metric( m, wd ); break; } return 0; } void PolishedDecoration::drawArea( Area a, QPainter *p, const WindowData *wd ) const { int th = metric( TitleHeight, wd ); QRect r = wd->rect; switch ( a ) { case Border: { const QColorGroup &cg = wd->palette.active(); QColor c; if ( wd->flags & WindowData::Active ) { c = cg.color(QColorGroup::Highlight); } else { c = cg.color(QColorGroup::Background); } drawBlend( p, QRect(r.x(),r.bottom()+1,r.width(),metric(BottomBorder,wd)), c.dark(180), c.light() ); int lb = metric(LeftBorder,wd); int rb = metric(RightBorder,wd); int tb = metric(TopBorder,wd); int bb = metric(BottomBorder,wd); p->fillRect( r.x()-lb, r.y()-th-tb, lb, r.height()+th+tb+bb, c.dark(180) ); p->fillRect( r.right()+1, r.y()-th-tb, rb, r.height()+th+tb+bb, c.dark(180) ); p->fillRect( r.left(), r.y()-th-tb, r.width(), tb, c.dark(180) ); } break; case Title: if ( r.height() < 2 ) { WindowDecorationInterface::drawArea( a, p, wd ); } else { const QColorGroup &cg = wd->palette.active(); QColor c1, c2; if ( wd->flags & WindowData::Active ) { c1 = cg.color(QColorGroup::Highlight).light(); c2 = cg.color(QColorGroup::Highlight).dark(180); } else { c1 = cg.color(QColorGroup::Background); c2 = cg.color(QColorGroup::Background).dark(180); } drawBlend( p, QRect(r.x(),r.y()-th,r.width(),th), c2, c1 ); } break; case TitleText: p->drawText( r.left()+5+metric(HelpWidth,wd), r.top()-th, r.width(), th, Qt::AlignVCenter, wd->caption ); break; default: PolishedDecoration::drawArea( a, p, wd ); break; } } void PolishedDecoration::drawButton( Button b, QPainter *p, const WindowData *wd, int x, int y, int w, int h, QWSButton::State state ) const { WindowDecorationInterface::drawButton( b, p, wd, x, y, w, h, state ); } QRegion PolishedDecoration::mask( const WindowData *wd ) const { return WindowDecorationInterface::mask( wd ); } QString PolishedDecoration::name() const { return qApp->translate( "Decoration", "Polished" ); } QPixmap PolishedDecoration::icon() const { return QPixmap(); } void PolishedDecoration::drawBlend( QPainter *p, const QRect &r, const QColor &c1, const QColor &c2 ) const { int h1, h2, s1, s2, v1, v2; c1.hsv( &h1, &s1, &v1 ); c2.hsv( &h2, &s2, &v2 ); int split = r.height()/3; for ( int j = 0; j < split; j++ ) { p->setPen( QColor( h1 + ((h2-h1)*(j+split))/(2*split-1), s1 + ((s2-s1)*(j+split))/(2*split-1), v1 + ((v2-v1)*(j+split))/(2*split-1), QColor::Hsv ) ); p->drawLine( r.x(), r.y()+j, r.right(), r.y()+j ); } for ( int j = 0; j < r.height()-split; j++ ) { p->setPen( QColor( h1 + ((h2-h1)*j)/(r.height()-split-1), s1 + ((s2-s1)*j)/(r.height()-split-1), v1 + ((v2-v1)*j)/(r.height()-split-1), QColor::Hsv ) ); p->drawLine( r.x(), r.bottom()-j, r.right(), r.bottom()-j ); } } QRESULT PolishedDecoration::queryInterface( const QUuid &uuid, QUnknownInterface **iface ) { *iface = 0; if ( uuid == IID_QUnknown ) *iface = this; else if ( uuid == IID_WindowDecoration ) *iface = this; if ( *iface ) (*iface)->addRef(); return QS_OK; } Q_EXPORT_INTERFACE() { Q_CREATE_INSTANCE( PolishedDecoration ) }