/*************************************************************************** klines.cpp - description ------------------- begin : Fri May 19 2000 copyright : (C) 2000 by Roman Merzlyakov email : roman@sbrf.barrt.ru copyright : (C) 2000 by Roman Razilov email : Roman.Razilov@gmx.de ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ /* changes 21.05.2000 Roman Razilov Menu game/Next */ // // The implementation of the KLines widget // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "cfg.h" #include #include "klines.h" /* Creates the KLines widget and sets saved options (if any). */ KLines::KLines(QWidget *par, const char* n, WFlags fl) : QMainWindow(par,n,fl) { time_t t; time(&t); srand((unsigned int)t + getpid()); setCaption(QString("ZLines")); mwidget = new MainWidget(this); setCentralWidget( mwidget ); lsb = mwidget->GetLsb(); lPrompt = mwidget->GetPrompt(); menu = menuBar(); game = new QPopupMenu; edit = new QPopupMenu; game->insertItem(tr("&New game"), this, SLOT(stopGame()), CTRL+Key_N ); game->insertSeparator(); game->insertItem(tr("Ne&xt"), this, SLOT(makeTurn()), Key_N ); game->insertSeparator(); idMenuPrompt = game->insertItem( tr("&Show next"), this, SLOT(switchPrompt()), CTRL+Key_P ); game->setCheckable(true); game->setItemChecked(idMenuPrompt, lPrompt->getState()); game->insertSeparator(); game->insertItem(tr("&Quit"), qApp, SLOT(quit()), CTRL+Key_Q ); idMenuUndo = edit->insertItem(tr("Und&o"), this, SLOT(undo()), CTRL+Key_Z ); menu->insertItem( tr("&Game"), game ); menu->insertItem( tr("&Edit"), edit ); menu->show(); score = 0; prev_score = 0; mwidget->setMessage(tr("Points: 0")); startGame(); } /* Saves the options and destroys the KLines widget. */ KLines::~KLines() { } /* Resize event of the KLines widget. */ void KLines::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent *e ) { QMainWindow::resizeEvent(e); } void KLines::setMinSize() { // setMinimumSize( gr->wHint(), gr->hHint() + menu->height() + stat->height() + // tool->height() ); } void KLines::startGame() { score = 0; prev_score = 0; bUndo=TRUE; lsb->clearField(); generateRandomBalls(); placeBalls(); generateRandomBalls(); edit->setItemEnabled(idMenuUndo, FALSE ); updateStat(); } void KLines::stopGame() { debug("Klines::stopGame"); endGame(); } void KLines::searchBallsLine() { } void KLines::generateRandomBalls() { for( int i = 0 ; i < BALLSDROP ; i++ ) { nextBalls_undo[i] = nextBalls[i]; nextBalls[i] = bUndo ? rand() % NCOLORS: nextBalls_redo[i]; } lPrompt->SetBalls(nextBalls); } void KLines::placeBalls() { lsb->placeBalls(nextBalls); debug("exit from placeBalls"); } void KLines::undo() { debug("Undo"); if (!bUndo) return; for( int i = 0 ; i < BALLSDROP ; i++ ) { nextBalls_redo[i] = nextBalls[i]; nextBalls[i] = nextBalls_undo[i]; } lPrompt->SetBalls(nextBalls); lsb->undo(); switchUndo(FALSE); } void KLines::makeTurn() { placeBalls(); generateRandomBalls(); switchUndo(TRUE); } void KLines::addScore(int ballsErased) { if(ballsErased >= 5){ score += 2*ballsErased*ballsErased - 20*ballsErased + 60 ; if( !lPrompt->getState() ) score+= 1; updateStat(); }; } void KLines::updateStat() { mwidget->setMessage(tr(" Score: %1 ").arg(score)); } void KLines::endGame() { startGame(); } void KLines::switchPrompt() { lPrompt->setPrompt(!lPrompt->getState()); game->setItemChecked(idMenuPrompt, lPrompt->getState()); } void KLines::switchUndo(bool bu) { bUndo = bu; edit->setItemEnabled(idMenuUndo, bUndo ); } void KLines::help() { // KApplication::getKApplication()->invokeHTMLHelp("", ""); }