#include "generatemail.h" #include "mailwrapper.h" #include #include const char* Generatemail::USER_AGENT="OpieMail v0.6"; Generatemail::Generatemail() { } Generatemail::~Generatemail() { } void Generatemail::addRcpts( clist *list, mailimf_address_list *addr_list ) { clistiter *it, *it2; for ( it = clist_begin( addr_list->ad_list ); it; it = it->next ) { mailimf_address *addr; addr = (mailimf_address *) it->data; if ( addr->ad_type == MAILIMF_ADDRESS_MAILBOX ) { esmtp_address_list_add( list, addr->ad_data.ad_mailbox->mb_addr_spec, 0, NULL ); } else if ( addr->ad_type == MAILIMF_ADDRESS_GROUP ) { clist *l = addr->ad_data.ad_group->grp_mb_list->mb_list; for ( it2 = clist_begin( l ); it2; it2 = it2->next ) { mailimf_mailbox *mbox; mbox = (mailimf_mailbox *) it2->data; esmtp_address_list_add( list, mbox->mb_addr_spec, 0, NULL ); } } } } char *Generatemail::getFrom( mailimf_field *ffrom) { char *from = NULL; if ( ffrom && (ffrom->fld_type == MAILIMF_FIELD_FROM) && ffrom->fld_data.fld_from->frm_mb_list && ffrom->fld_data.fld_from->frm_mb_list->mb_list ) { clist *cl = ffrom->fld_data.fld_from->frm_mb_list->mb_list; clistiter *it; for ( it = clist_begin( cl ); it; it = it->next ) { mailimf_mailbox *mb = (mailimf_mailbox *) it->data; from = strdup( mb->mb_addr_spec ); } } return from; } char *Generatemail::getFrom( mailmime *mail ) { /* no need to delete - its just a pointer to structure content */ mailimf_field *ffrom = 0; ffrom = getField( mail->mm_data.mm_message.mm_fields, MAILIMF_FIELD_FROM ); return getFrom(ffrom); } mailimf_field *Generatemail::getField( mailimf_fields *fields, int type ) { mailimf_field *field; clistiter *it; it = clist_begin( fields->fld_list ); while ( it ) { field = (mailimf_field *) it->data; if ( field->fld_type == type ) { return field; } it = it->next; } return NULL; } mailimf_address_list *Generatemail::parseAddresses(const QString&addr ) { mailimf_address_list *addresses; if ( addr.isEmpty() ) return NULL; addresses = mailimf_address_list_new_empty(); bool literal_open = false; unsigned int startpos = 0; QStringList list; QString s; unsigned int i = 0; for (; i < addr.length();++i) { switch (addr[i]) { case '\"': literal_open = !literal_open; break; case ',': if (!literal_open) { s = addr.mid(startpos,i-startpos); if (!s.isEmpty()) { list.append(s); qDebug("Appended %s",s.latin1()); } // !!!! this is a MUST BE! startpos = ++i; } break; default: break; } } s = addr.mid(startpos,i-startpos); if (!s.isEmpty()) { list.append(s); qDebug("Appended %s",s.latin1()); } QStringList::Iterator it; for ( it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); it++ ) { int err = mailimf_address_list_add_parse( addresses, (char*)(*it).latin1() ); if ( err != MAILIMF_NO_ERROR ) { qDebug( "Error parsing" ); qDebug( *it ); } else { qDebug( "Parse success! %s",(*it).latin1()); } } return addresses; } mailmime *Generatemail::buildFilePart(const QString&filename,const QString&mimetype,const QString&TextContent ) { mailmime * filePart = 0; mailmime_fields * fields = 0; mailmime_content * content = 0; mailmime_parameter * param = 0; char*name = 0; char*file = 0; int err; int pos = filename.findRev( '/' ); if (filename.length()>0) { QString tmp = filename.right( filename.length() - ( pos + 1 ) ); name = strdup( tmp.latin1() ); // just filename file = strdup( filename.latin1() ); // full name with path } int disptype = MAILMIME_DISPOSITION_TYPE_ATTACHMENT; int mechanism = MAILMIME_MECHANISM_BASE64; if ( mimetype.startsWith( "text/" ) ) { param = mailmime_parameter_new( strdup( "charset" ), strdup( "iso-8859-1" ) ); mechanism = MAILMIME_MECHANISM_QUOTED_PRINTABLE; } fields = mailmime_fields_new_filename( disptype, name, mechanism ); content = mailmime_content_new_with_str( (char*)mimetype.latin1() ); if (content!=0 && fields != 0) { if (param) { clist_append(content->ct_parameters,param); param = 0; } if (filename.length()>0) { QFileInfo f(filename); param = mailmime_parameter_new(strdup("name"),strdup(f.fileName().latin1())); clist_append(content->ct_parameters,param); param = 0; } filePart = mailmime_new_empty( content, fields ); } if (filePart) { if (filename.length()>0) { err = mailmime_set_body_file( filePart, file ); } else { err = mailmime_set_body_text(filePart,strdup(TextContent.data()),TextContent.length()); } if (err != MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) { qDebug("Error setting body with file %s",file); mailmime_free( filePart ); filePart = 0; } } if (!filePart) { if ( param != NULL ) { mailmime_parameter_free( param ); } if (content) { mailmime_content_free( content ); } if (fields) { mailmime_fields_free( fields ); } else { if (name) { free( name ); } if (file) { free( file ); } } } return filePart; // Success :) } void Generatemail::addFileParts( mailmime *message,const QList&files ) { const Attachment *it; unsigned int count = files.count(); qDebug("List contains %i values",count); for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i ) { qDebug( "Adding file" ); mailmime *filePart; int err; it = ((QList)files).at(i); filePart = buildFilePart( it->getFileName(), it->getMimeType(),"" ); if ( filePart == NULL ) { qDebug( "addFileParts: error adding file:" ); qDebug( it->getFileName() ); continue; } err = mailmime_smart_add_part( message, filePart ); if ( err != MAILIMF_NO_ERROR ) { mailmime_free( filePart ); qDebug("error smart add"); } } } mailmime *Generatemail::buildTxtPart(const QString&str ) { mailmime *txtPart; mailmime_fields *fields; mailmime_content *content; mailmime_parameter *param; int err; param = mailmime_parameter_new( strdup( "charset" ), strdup( "iso-8859-1" ) ); if ( param == NULL ) goto err_free; content = mailmime_content_new_with_str( "text/plain" ); if ( content == NULL ) goto err_free_param; err = clist_append( content->ct_parameters, param ); if ( err != MAILIMF_NO_ERROR ) goto err_free_content; fields = mailmime_fields_new_encoding(MAILMIME_MECHANISM_8BIT); if ( fields == NULL ) goto err_free_content; txtPart = mailmime_new_empty( content, fields ); if ( txtPart == NULL ) goto err_free_fields; err = mailmime_set_body_text( txtPart, (char*)str.data(), str.length() ); if ( err != MAILIMF_NO_ERROR ) goto err_free_txtPart; return txtPart; // Success :) err_free_txtPart: mailmime_free( txtPart ); err_free_fields: mailmime_fields_free( fields ); err_free_content: mailmime_content_free( content ); err_free_param: mailmime_parameter_free( param ); err_free: qDebug( "buildTxtPart - error" ); return NULL; // Error :( } mailimf_mailbox *Generatemail::newMailbox(const QString&name, const QString&mail ) { return mailimf_mailbox_new( strdup( name.latin1() ), strdup( mail.latin1() ) ); } mailimf_fields *Generatemail::createImfFields(const Opie::osmart_pointer&mail ) { mailimf_fields *fields = NULL; mailimf_field *xmailer = NULL; mailimf_mailbox *sender=0,*fromBox=0; mailimf_mailbox_list *from=0; mailimf_address_list *to=0, *cc=0, *bcc=0, *reply=0; clist*in_reply_to = 0; char *subject = strdup( mail->getSubject().latin1() ); int err; int res = 1; sender = newMailbox( mail->getName(), mail->getMail() ); if ( sender == NULL ) { res = 0; } if (res) { fromBox = newMailbox( mail->getName(), mail->getMail() ); } if ( fromBox == NULL ) { res = 0; } if (res) { from = mailimf_mailbox_list_new_empty(); } if ( from == NULL ) { res = 0; } if (res && from) { err = mailimf_mailbox_list_add( from, fromBox ); if ( err != MAILIMF_NO_ERROR ) { res = 0; } } if (res) to = parseAddresses( mail->getTo() ); if (res) cc = parseAddresses( mail->getCC() ); if (res) bcc = parseAddresses( mail->getBCC() ); if (res) reply = parseAddresses( mail->getReply() ); if (res && mail->Inreply().count()>0) { in_reply_to = clist_new(); char*c_reply; unsigned int nsize = 0; for (QStringList::ConstIterator it=mail->Inreply().begin(); it != mail->Inreply().end();++it) { if ((*it).isEmpty()) continue; QString h((*it)); while (h.length()>0 && h[0]=='<') { h.remove(0,1); } while (h.length()>0 && h[h.length()-1]=='>') { h.remove(h.length()-1,1); } if (h.isEmpty()) continue; nsize = strlen(h.latin1()); /* yes! must be malloc! */ c_reply = (char*)malloc( (nsize+1)*sizeof(char)); memset(c_reply,0,nsize+1); memcpy(c_reply,h.latin1(),nsize); clist_append(in_reply_to,c_reply); qDebug("In reply to: %s",c_reply); } } if (res) { fields = mailimf_fields_new_with_data( from, sender, reply, to, cc, bcc, in_reply_to, NULL, subject ); if ( fields == NULL ) { qDebug("Error creating mailimf fields"); res = 0; } } if (res) xmailer = mailimf_field_new_custom( strdup( "User-Agent" ), strdup( USER_AGENT ) ); if ( xmailer == NULL ) { res = 0; } else { err = mailimf_fields_add( fields, xmailer ); if ( err != MAILIMF_NO_ERROR ) { res = 0; } } if (!res ) { if (xmailer) { mailimf_field_free( xmailer ); xmailer = NULL; } if (fields) { mailimf_fields_free( fields ); fields = NULL; } else { if (reply) mailimf_address_list_free( reply ); if (bcc) mailimf_address_list_free( bcc ); if (cc) mailimf_address_list_free( cc ); if (to) mailimf_address_list_free( to ); if (fromBox) { mailimf_mailbox_free( fromBox ); } else if (from) { mailimf_mailbox_list_free( from ); } if (sender) { mailimf_mailbox_free( sender ); } if (subject) { free( subject ); } } } return fields; } mailmime *Generatemail::createMimeMail(const Opie::osmart_pointer &mail ) { mailmime *message, *txtPart; mailimf_fields *fields; int err; fields = createImfFields( mail ); if ( fields == NULL ) goto err_free; message = mailmime_new_message_data( NULL ); if ( message == NULL ) goto err_free_fields; mailmime_set_imf_fields( message, fields ); txtPart = buildTxtPart( mail->getMessage() ); if ( txtPart == NULL ) goto err_free_message; err = mailmime_smart_add_part( message, txtPart ); if ( err != MAILIMF_NO_ERROR ) goto err_free_txtPart; addFileParts( message, mail->getAttachments() ); return message; // Success :) err_free_txtPart: mailmime_free( txtPart ); err_free_message: mailmime_free( message ); err_free_fields: mailimf_fields_free( fields ); err_free: qDebug( "createMimeMail: error" ); return NULL; // Error :( } clist *Generatemail::createRcptList( mailimf_fields *fields ) { clist *rcptList; mailimf_field *field; rcptList = esmtp_address_list_new(); field = getField( fields, MAILIMF_FIELD_TO ); if ( field && (field->fld_type == MAILIMF_FIELD_TO) && field->fld_data.fld_to->to_addr_list ) { addRcpts( rcptList, field->fld_data.fld_to->to_addr_list ); } field = getField( fields, MAILIMF_FIELD_CC ); if ( field && (field->fld_type == MAILIMF_FIELD_CC) && field->fld_data.fld_cc->cc_addr_list ) { addRcpts( rcptList, field->fld_data.fld_cc->cc_addr_list ); } field = getField( fields, MAILIMF_FIELD_BCC ); if ( field && (field->fld_type == MAILIMF_FIELD_BCC) && field->fld_data.fld_bcc->bcc_addr_list ) { addRcpts( rcptList, field->fld_data.fld_bcc->bcc_addr_list ); } return rcptList; }