NNTPconfigUI QDialog name NNTPconfigUI geometry 0 0 413 520 caption Configure NNTP layoutMargin layoutSpacing margin 3 spacing 3 QTabWidget name TabWidget2 layoutMargin layoutSpacing QWidget name tab title Account margin 3 spacing 3 QLineEdit name serverLine QLabel name portLabel text Port QLineEdit name portLine QLineEdit name accountLine toolTip Name of the Account QLabel name accountLabel text Account QLabel name serverLabel enabled true caption text Server layoutMargin layoutSpacing Line name line1 caption orientation Horizontal layoutMargin layoutSpacing QCheckBox name sslBox text Use SSL Line name line2 enabled true caption orientation Horizontal layoutMargin layoutSpacing QLabel name userLabel text User QLabel name passLabel text Password name spacer orientation Vertical sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 QCheckBox name loginBox text Use Login QLineEdit name userLine enabled false QLineEdit name passLine enabled false echoMode Password QWidget name tab title Groups margin 3 spacing 3 QListView name ListViewGroups QPushButton name GetNGButton text Get newsgroup list from server QListView
-1 -1 0 5 5 image0
image0 789c6dd2c10ac2300c00d07bbf2234b7229d1ddec44f503c0ae2a154410f53d0ed20e2bf6bdb656dd6861dd23d9a66591b0587fd1654235ebded6f0edcd53e419d87ae7b1f4f9b8f906d0bfe012317426a70b07bdc2f3ec77f8ed6b89559061a0343d06a124cc105596482585094bc0ae599b04646c9018926491b2205e140c485cace25755c175d0a967b622ff900b8cc9c7d29af594ea722d589167f813aa852ba07d94b9dce296e883fe7bb163f23896753 accountLine serverLine portLine sslBox loginBox userLine passLine