#include #include #include "ircconnection.h" IRCConnection::IRCConnection(IRCServer *server) { m_server = server; m_socket = new QSocket(this); m_connected = FALSE; m_loggedIn = FALSE; connect(m_socket, SIGNAL(connected()), this, SLOT(login())); connect(m_socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(dataReady())); connect(m_socket, SIGNAL(error(int)), this, SLOT(error(int))); connect(m_socket, SIGNAL(connectionClosed()), this, SLOT(disconnect())); connect(m_socket, SIGNAL(delayedCloseFinished()), this, SLOT(disconnect())); } /* Connect to the IRC server */ void IRCConnection::doConnect() { ASSERT(!m_connected); m_socket->connectToHost(m_server->hostname(), m_server->port()); } /* Send commands to the IRC server */ void IRCConnection::sendLine(QString line) { while((line.right(1) == "\n") || (line.right(1) == "\r")) line = line.left(line.length() - 1); line.append("\r\n"); m_socket->writeBlock(line, line.length()); } void IRCConnection::sendCTCP(QString nick, QString line) { sendLine("NOTICE " + nick + " :\001"+line+"\001"); } /* * login() is called right after the connection * to the IRC server has been established */ void IRCConnection::login() { char hostname[256]; QString loginString; emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_CLIENTMESSAGE, tr("Connected, logging in .."))); m_connected = TRUE; gethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname)-1); hostname[sizeof (hostname) - 1] = 0; /* Create a logon string and send it */ if (m_server->password().length()>0) { loginString += "PASS " + m_server->password() + "\r\n"; } loginString += "NICK " + m_server->nick() + "\r\n" + "USER " + m_server->username() + " " + hostname + " " + m_server->hostname() + " :" + m_server->realname() + "\r\n"; sendLine(loginString); } /* Called when data arrives on the socket */ void IRCConnection::dataReady() { while(m_socket->canReadLine()) { IRCMessage message(m_socket->readLine()); if (!m_loggedIn && message.isNumerical() && message.commandNumber() == 1) { m_loggedIn = TRUE; emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_CLIENTMESSAGE, tr("Successfully logged in."))); } emit messageArrived(&message); } } /* Called if any type of socket error occurs */ void IRCConnection::error(int num) { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Socket error : ") + strerror(num))); } void IRCConnection::disconnect() { m_connected = FALSE; m_loggedIn = FALSE; emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_CONNCLOSE, tr("Connection closed"))); } bool IRCConnection::isConnected() { return m_connected; } bool IRCConnection::isLoggedIn() { return m_loggedIn; } void IRCConnection::close() { m_socket->close(); if (m_socket->state()==QSocket::Idle) { disconnect(); } }