#include "ircmisc.h" /* OPIE */ #include #include #include using namespace Opie::Core; IRCTabBar::IRCTabBar(QWidget *parent, const char *name) : QTabBar(parent, name) { } int IRCTabBar::insertTab(QTab *tab, int index) { /* FIXME: find some nicer way to do this */ QExtTab *ext = new QExtTab(); ext->color = black; ext->label = tab->text(); ext->r = tab->rect(); ext->enabled = tab->isEnabled(); ext->iconset = tab->iconSet(); delete tab; return QTabBar::insertTab(ext, index); } void IRCTabBar::setTabColor(int index, QColor color) { ((QExtTab *)tab(index))->color = color; update(); } void IRCTabBar::paintLabel(QPainter* p, const QRect& br, QTab* t, bool focus) const { QRect r = br; QTabBar::paintLabel(p, br, t, focus); if (t->id == currentTab()) r.setBottom(r.bottom() - style().defaultFrameWidth()); p->setPen(((QExtTab *)t)->color); p->drawText(r, AlignCenter | ShowPrefix, t->label); } IRCTabWidget::IRCTabWidget(QWidget *parent, const char *name) : QTabWidget(parent, name) { setTabBar(new IRCTabBar(this, "tab control")); } void IRCTabWidget::setTabColor(int index, QColor color) { ((IRCTabBar *)tabBar())->setTabColor(index, color); } static OKeyConfigManager* s_manager = 0; OKeyConfigManager* IRCHistoryLineEdit::keyConfigInstance() { if ( !s_manager ) { /* * black list with the DeviceButtons as default * because we do not grab the keyboard and they * wouldn't work */ OKeyPair::List blackList = OKeyPair::hardwareKeys(); blackList.append( OKeyPair::returnKey() ); blackList.append( OKeyPair::leftArrowKey() ); blackList.append( OKeyPair::upArrowKey() ); blackList.append( OKeyPair::downArrowKey() ); s_manager = new OKeyConfigManager(new OConfig("opieirc-keys"), "keys", blackList, false, 0, "irc_history_line_keyconfigm" ); s_manager->addKeyConfig( OKeyConfigItem( tr("Next Tab"), "next_tab", QPixmap(), KeyNextTab, OKeyPair(Qt::Key_N, Qt::ControlButton) )); s_manager->addKeyConfig( OKeyConfigItem( tr("Previous Tab"), "prev_tab", QPixmap(), KeyPrevTab, OKeyPair(Qt::Key_P, Qt::ControlButton) )); s_manager->load(); } return s_manager; } IRCHistoryLineEdit::IRCHistoryLineEdit(QWidget *parent, const char *name) : QLineEdit(parent, name) { m_index = -1; installEventFilter(this); } void IRCHistoryLineEdit::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) { int key = event->key(); if (key == Key_Up) { if (m_history.count() > 0 && m_index < (signed int)m_history.count()-1) { m_index++; setText(m_history[m_index]); } } else if (key == Key_Down) { if (m_history.count() > 0 && m_index > 0) { m_index--; setText(m_history[m_index]); } if (m_index == 0) { m_index = -1; setText(""); } } else if (key == Key_Return) { m_history.prepend(text()); m_index = -1; } switch( keyConfigInstance()->handleKeyEventId( event ) ) { case KeyNextTab: emit nextTab(); return; case KeyPrevTab: emit prevTab(); return; default: break; } QLineEdit::keyPressEvent(event); } bool IRCHistoryLineEdit::eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event) { if (event->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) { QKeyEvent *k = (QKeyEvent *) event; /* Catch tab characters */ if (k->key() == Key_Tab) { emit nextTab(); return TRUE; } } return QLineEdit::eventFilter(object, event); } void IRCHistoryLineEdit::setEditFocus() { setActiveWindow(); setFocus(); }