Name: libwellenreiter Author: Martin J. Muench NOTE: This is just a very short summary of the functions included in libwellenreiter, written because a lack of time. The whole library will be rewritten with extended documentation and test programs. -- Wellenreiter types: In proto.hh the following type (wl_network_t) is declared: typedef struct { int net_type; /* 1 = Accesspoint ; 2 = Ad-Hoc */ int ssid_len; /* Length of SSID */ int channel; /* Channel */ int wep; /* 1 = WEP enabled ; 0 = disabled */ char mac[64]; /* MAC address of Accesspoint */ char bssid[128]; /* BSSID of Accesspoint */ } wl_network_t; When a network is found, the structure has to be set and sent to the send_network_found() function. When the GUI receives a found network string it calls the get_network_found() function to get its own structure set. -- Included functions: -- Protocol: Send a found network to GUI: int send_network_found (const char *, int, void *); The first two arguments are the guihost and the guiport. The third is the filled structure (wl_network_t), that will be send to the GUI. Setup structure for found network: int get_network_found (void *, const char *); When the GUI receives a new network found packet it calls this function and passes a wl_network_t structure and the received buffer. The function will strip the data from the buffer and set it to the structure. -- Log to syslog/info: void wl_loginfo(const char *, ...); Log to syslog/err: void wl_logerr(const char *, ...); Use like printf() function with format strings and so on. -- Setup udp socket for incoming commands: int commsock(const char *, int); Fist argument is the host where it should listen and second is the port. Socket is returned, on failure -1 is returned. Recvfrom socket: int recv_commsock(int *, char *, int); First argument is the address of the socket, second is a buffer that should be filled in and the third is the maxlength of the buffer. On error, -1 is returned, on success the number of packet type is returned. (return value should be used with switch command, for types see proto.hh) Send command to udp socket: int sendcomm(const char *, int, const char *, ...); First two arguments are the host and port where the command should be send to, followed by buffer that should be send. On error, -1 is returned. --- Thats it for the moment. mjm.