Name: libwellenreiter Author: Martin J. Muench NOTE: This is just a very short summary of the functions included in libwellenreiter, written because a lack of time. The whole library will be rewritten with extended documentation and test programs. Included functions: Log to syslog/info: void wl_loginfo(const char *, ...); Log to syslog/err: void wl_logerr(const char *, ...); Use like printf() function with format strings and so on. Setup udp socket for incoming commands: int commsock(const char *, int); Fist argument is the host where it should listen and second is the port. Return values: Send command to udp socket: int sendcomm(const char *, int, const char *, ...); First two arguments are the host and port where the command should be send to, followed by buffer that should be send. Thats it for the moment.