SettingsBase QDialog name Settings geometry 0 0 238 353 caption Configuration layoutMargin layoutSpacing margin 11 spacing 6 QTabWidget name TabWidget enabled true layoutMargin layoutSpacing QWidget name tab title Servers margin 11 spacing 6 QLayoutWidget name Layout2 margin 0 spacing 6 QLabel name Servers text Servers name Spacer2 orientation Horizontal sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 QLayoutWidget name Layout8 margin 0 spacing 6 QListBox name servers selectionMode Extended QLayoutWidget name Layout6 margin 0 spacing 6 QCheckBox name active text Active Server QLabel name TextLabel1_3 text Name: QLabel name TextLabel2_3 text URL: QLineEdit name servername QLineEdit name serverurl QPushButton name btnChangeServer text Change QPushButton name removeserver enabled true text Remove autoDefault false QPushButton name newserver enabled true text New autoDefault false QWidget name tab title Destinations margin 11 spacing 6 QLayoutWidget name Layout3 margin 0 spacing 6 QLabel name Destinations text Destinations name Spacer2_2 orientation Horizontal sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 QLayoutWidget name Layout5 margin 0 spacing 6 QPushButton name newdestination enabled true text New autoDefault false QPushButton name removedestination enabled true text Remove autoDefault false name Spacer3 orientation Horizontal sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 QListBox name destinations selectionMode Single QLayoutWidget name Layout13 margin 0 spacing 6 QLabel name TextLabel1_3_2_2 text URL: QPushButton name btnChangeDest text Change QLineEdit name destinationname QLabel name TextLabel1_3_2 text Name: QCheckBox name linkToRoot text Link To Root checked true QLineEdit name destinationurl QWidget name tab title Proxies QLabel name TextLabel1_2 geometry 1 19 67 22 text HTTP Proxy QLineEdit name txtFtpProxy geometry 74 72 110 22 QLineEdit name txtHttpProxy geometry 74 19 110 22 QLabel name TextLabel4 geometry 1 153 67 22 text Password QLineEdit name txtUsername geometry 74 125 110 22 QLineEdit name txtPassword geometry 74 153 110 22 QCheckBox name chkFtpProxyEnabled geometry 74 100 110 19 text Enabled QLabel name TextLabel2 geometry 1 72 67 22 text FTP Proxy QLabel name TextLabel3 geometry 1 125 67 22 text Username QCheckBox name chkHttpProxyEnabled geometry 74 47 110 19 text Enabled QPushButton name btnProxyApply geometry 74 181 110 28 text &Apply QWidget name tab title General QLabel name TextLabel1 geometry 20 30 150 20 text (Will take effect on restart) QCheckBox name jumpTo geometry 17 14 150 20 text Show Jump To Letters newserver clicked() Settings newServer() removeserver clicked() Settings removeServer() newdestination clicked() Settings newDestination() removedestination clicked() Settings removeDestination() servers highlighted(int) Settings editServer(int) destinations highlighted(int) Settings editDestination(int) btnChangeServer clicked() Settings changeServerDetails() btnChangeDest clicked() Settings changeDestinationDetails() jumpTo toggled(bool) Settings toggleJumpTo(bool) btnProxyApply clicked() Settings proxyApplyChanges() activeServerChanged() changeDestinationDetails() changeServerDetails() createLinksToDest() destNameChanged(const QString&) destUrlChanged(const QString&) editDestination(int) editServer(int) installationSettingChange(int) installationSettingSetName(const QString &) linkEnabled(bool) newDestination() newInstallationSetting() newServer() proxyApplyChanges() removeDestination() removeInstallationSetting() removeLinksToDest() removeServer() renameInstallationSetting() serverNameChanged(const QString&) serverUrlChanged(const QString&) toggleJumpTo(bool) servers newserver removeserver servername serverurl active btnChangeServer TabWidget destinations newdestination removedestination destinationname destinationurl linkToRoot btnChangeDest jumpTo