#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "resources.h" #include "systemfile.h" #define TEMPLATEDIR "networktemplates/" QString TemplDir; SystemFile::SystemFile( const QString & N, const QString & P, bool KDI ){ Name = N; Path = P; F = 0; // get template info { QString S; QFileInfo FI; // find location of templates TemplDir = QPEApplication::qpeDir() + "etc/" + TEMPLATEDIR; FI.setFile( TemplDir ); if( ! FI.isDir() ) { // try current dir TemplDir = "./" TEMPLATEDIR; FI.setFile( TemplDir ); if( ! FI.isDir() ) { hasPreSection = hasPostSection = hasPreNodeSection = hasPostNodeSection = hasPreDeviceSection = hasPostDeviceSection = 0; return; } } // have found location S = TemplDir + Name + "/presection"; FI.setFile( S ); hasPreSection = ( FI.exists() && FI.isReadable() ); S = TemplDir + Name + "/postsection"; FI.setFile( S ); hasPostSection = ( FI.exists() && FI.isReadable() ); S = TemplDir + Name + "/prenodesection"; FI.setFile( S ); hasPreNodeSection = ( FI.exists() && FI.isReadable() ); S = TemplDir + Name + "/postnodesection"; FI.setFile( S ); hasPostNodeSection = ( FI.exists() && FI.isReadable() ); S = TemplDir + Name + "/predevicesection"; FI.setFile( S ); hasPreDeviceSection = ( FI.exists() && FI.isReadable() ); S = TemplDir + Name + "/postdevicesection"; FI.setFile( S ); hasPostDeviceSection = ( FI.exists() && FI.isReadable() ); } KnowsDeviceInstances = KDI; } SystemFile::~SystemFile( void ) { if( F ) delete F; } bool SystemFile::open( void ) { if( F ) { F->close(); delete F; } F = new QFile( Path + "bup" ); if( ! F->open( IO_WriteOnly ) ) { return 0; } setDevice( F ); return 1; } bool SystemFile::close( void ) { if( ! F ) { return 1 ; } QString OldP = Path + "bup"; F->close(); delete F; F = 0; return ( rename( OldP.latin1(), Path.latin1() ) >= 0 ); } bool SystemFile::preSection( void ) { if( hasPreSection ) { QFile Fl( TemplDir + Name + "/presection" ); if( ! Fl.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) return 0; // error // copy file to this file F->writeBlock( Fl.readAll() ); } return 1; } bool SystemFile::postSection( void ) { if( hasPostSection ) { QFile Fl( TemplDir + Name + "/postsection" ); if( ! Fl.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) return 0; // error // copy file to this file F->writeBlock( Fl.readAll() ); } return 1; } bool SystemFile::preNodeSection( ANetNodeInstance * NNI, long ) { if( hasPreNodeSection ) { QFile Fl( TemplDir + Name + "/prenodesection" ); if( ! Fl.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) return 0; // error QTextStream TX( &Fl ); QString Out; QString S = TX.readLine(); while( ! TX.eof() ) { Out = S. arg(NNI->nodeClass()->name()); (*this) << Out << endl; S = TX.readLine(); } } return 1; } bool SystemFile::postNodeSection( ANetNodeInstance * NNI, long ) { if( hasPostNodeSection ) { QFile Fl( TemplDir + Name + "/postnodesection" ); if( ! Fl.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) return 0; // error QTextStream TX( &Fl ); QString Out; QString S = TX.readLine(); while( ! TX.eof() ) { Out = S. arg(NNI->name()); (*this) << Out << endl; S = TX.readLine(); } } return 1; } bool SystemFile::preDeviceSection( ANetNode * NN ) { if( hasPreDeviceSection ) { QFile Fl( TemplDir + Name + "/predevicesection" ); if( ! Fl.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) return 0; // error QTextStream TX( &Fl ); QString Out; QString S = TX.readLine(); while( ! TX.eof() ) { Out = S.arg(NN->name()); (*this) << Out << endl; S = TX.readLine(); } } return 1; } bool SystemFile::postDeviceSection( ANetNode * NN ) { if( hasPostDeviceSection ) { QFile Fl( TemplDir + Name + "/postdevicesection" ); if( ! Fl.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) return 0; // error QTextStream TX( &Fl ); QString Out; QString S = TX.readLine(); while( ! TX.eof() ) { Out = S.arg(NN->name()); (*this) << Out << endl; S = TX.readLine(); } } return 1; }