OTMainGUI QWidget name OTMainGUI geometry 0 0 240 385 caption Bluetooth Manager margin 11 spacing 6 QLayoutWidget name Layout4 margin 0 spacing 6 name Spacer4_2 orientation Horizontal sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 QCheckBox name MustBeEnabled_CB text Bluetooth Enabled QLabel name TextLabel5 sizePolicy 0 1 text Use device : name Spacer7 orientation Horizontal sizeType Fixed sizeHint 20 20 name Spacer7_2 orientation Horizontal sizeType Fixed sizeHint 20 20 name Spacer7_3 orientation Horizontal sizeType Fixed sizeHint 20 20 QLabel name TextLabel1 sizePolicy 7 1 text Select to manage your local Bluetooth hardware alignment WordBreak|AlignVCenter|AlignLeft wordwrap QLabel name TextLabel1_2 sizePolicy 7 1 text Select to scan the bluetooth network for reachable devices using the selected local device alignment WordBreak|AlignVCenter|AlignLeft wordwrap name Spacer4 orientation Horizontal sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 QComboBox name DeviceList_CB sizePolicy 7 0 QLabel name TextLabel1_2_2 sizePolicy 7 1 text Select to manage all pairings known on the local device to any remote device regardless if it is currently reachable or not alignment WordBreak|AlignVCenter|AlignLeft wordwrap name Spacer5_2 orientation Horizontal sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 QPushButton name Scan_But text Scan Neighbourhood QPushButton name Pairing_But text Manage Pairing QPushButton name ManageLocalHW_But text Local Bluetooth hardware name Spacer5_2_2 orientation Horizontal sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 ManageLocalHW_But clicked() OTMainGUI SLOT_Manage() Scan_But clicked() OTMainGUI SLOT_Scan() MustBeEnabled_CB toggled(bool) OTMainGUI SLOT_EnableBluetooth(bool) Pairing_But clicked() OTMainGUI SLOT_Pairing() SLOT_EnableBluetooth(bool) SLOT_Manage() SLOT_Scan() SLOT_Pairing()