/*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "passwd.h" // Needed for crypt_make_salt(); #include #include #include #include Passwd::Passwd() { } Passwd::~Passwd() { } // This function is taken from 'busybox'. int Passwd::i64c(int i) { if (i <= 0) return ('.'); if (i == 1) return ('/'); if (i >= 2 && i < 12) return ('0' - 2 + i); if (i >= 12 && i < 38) return ('A' - 12 + i); if (i >= 38 && i < 63) return ('a' - 38 + i); return ('z'); } // This function is taken from 'busybox'. char *Passwd::crypt_make_salt() { time_t now; static unsigned long x; static char result[3]; time(&now); x += now + getpid() + clock(); result[0] = i64c(((x >> 18) ^ (x >> 6)) & 077); result[1] = i64c(((x >> 12) ^ x) & 077); result[2] = '\0'; return result; } // opens the files /etc/passwd & /etc/group and loads the contents into passwdStringList & groupStringList bool Passwd::open() { int returnvalue=false; QFile passwd_file("/etc/passwd"); QFile group_file("/etc/group"); passwdStringList.clear(); groupStringList.clear(); if((passwd_file.open(IO_ReadOnly))) { if((group_file.open(IO_ReadOnly))) { QTextStream ts_passwd(&passwd_file); while(!(ts_passwd.eof())) { passwdStringList << ts_passwd.readLine(); } QTextStream ts_group(&group_file); while(!(ts_group.eof())) { groupStringList << ts_group.readLine(); } returnvalue=true; group_file.close(); } passwd_file.close(); } return returnvalue; } // Writes back the contents of passwdStringList to /etc/passwd & groupStringList to /etc/group bool Passwd::close() { int returnvalue=false; QFile passwd_file("/etc/passwd"); QFile group_file("/etc/group"); if((passwd_file.open(IO_WriteOnly))) { if((group_file.open(IO_WriteOnly))) { QTextStream ts_passwd(&passwd_file); for(QStringList::Iterator it=passwdStringList.begin(); it!=passwdStringList.end(); ++it) { ts_passwd << (*it) + "\n"; } QTextStream ts_group(&group_file); for(QStringList::Iterator it=groupStringList.begin(); it!=groupStringList.end(); ++it) { ts_group << (*it) + "\n"; } returnvalue=true; group_file.close(); } passwd_file.close(); } return returnvalue; } // Splits a "passwd" line into the components and stores them in the pw_* variables. void Passwd::splitPasswdEntry(QString &userString) { userdataStringList=QStringList::split(":",userString,true); QStringList::Iterator it=userdataStringList.begin(); pw_name=(*it++); pw_passwd=(*it++); pw_uid=(*it++).toInt(); pw_gid=(*it++).toInt(); pw_gecos=(*it++); pw_dir=(*it++); pw_shell=(*it++); } // Splits a "group" line into the components and stores them in the gr_* variables. void Passwd::splitGroupEntry(QString &groupString) { groupdataStringList=QStringList::split(":",groupString,true); QStringList::Iterator it=groupdataStringList.begin(); gr_name=(*it++); it++; gr_gid=(*it++).toInt(); gr_mem=QStringList::split(",",(*it++)); } // Find a user in the passwdStringList. Return true if found and also fill the pw_* variables. bool Passwd::searchUser(QRegExp &userRegExp) { QStringList tempStringList(passwdStringList.grep(userRegExp)); if((tempStringList.isEmpty())) { return false; } else { userString=(*(tempStringList.begin())); splitPasswdEntry(userString); } return true; } // Find a user by login. bool Passwd::findUser(const char *username) { QRegExp userRegExp(QString("^%1\\:").arg(username)); return searchUser(userRegExp); } // Find a user by uid. bool Passwd::findUser(int uid) { QRegExp userRegExp(QString(":%1\\:").arg(uid)); return searchUser(userRegExp); } // Add a user to the passwdStringList, create home directory, and optionally create a group for the user. bool Passwd::addUser(QString pw_name, QString pw_passwd, int pw_uid, int pw_gid, QString pw_gecos,QString pw_dir, QString pw_shell, bool createGroup) { QString tempString; if((createGroup) && (!(findGroup(pw_gid)))) addGroup(pw_name,pw_gid); pw_passwd = crypt(pw_passwd, crypt_make_salt()); tempString=pw_name+":"+pw_passwd+":"+QString::number(pw_uid)+":"+QString::number(pw_gid)+":"+pw_gecos+":"+pw_dir+":"+pw_shell; passwdStringList.append(tempString); // Make home dir. QDir d; if(!(d.exists(pw_dir))) { d.mkdir(pw_dir); chown(pw_dir,pw_uid,pw_gid); chmod(pw_dir,S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IXUSR); } return 1; } // Update info for a user in passwdStringList, take info from the pw_* fields. bool Passwd::updateUser(QString login) { QRegExp userRegExp(QString("^%1\\:").arg(login)); for(QStringList::Iterator it=passwdStringList.begin(); it!=passwdStringList.end(); ++it) { if(userRegExp.find((*it),0)!=-1) { *it=QString(pw_name+":"+pw_passwd+":"+QString::number(pw_uid)+":"+QString::number(pw_gid)+":"+pw_gecos+":"+pw_dir+":"+pw_shell); return true; } } return false; } // Delete a user from passwdStringList. bool Passwd::deleteUser(QRegExp &userRegExp, bool delGroup) { for(QStringList::Iterator it=passwdStringList.begin(); it!=passwdStringList.end(); ++it) { if(userRegExp.find((*it),0)!=-1) { splitPasswdEntry(*it); if(delGroup) this->delGroup(pw_gid); passwdStringList.remove(it); return true; } } return false; } // Delete a user by login, and optionally also delete group. bool Passwd::delUser(const char *username, bool delGroup) { QRegExp userRegExp(QString("^%1\\:").arg(username)); return deleteUser(userRegExp,delGroup); } // Delete a user by uid, and optionally also delete group. bool Passwd::delUser(int uid, bool delGroup) { QRegExp userRegExp(QString(":%1\\:").arg(uid)); return deleteUser(userRegExp,delGroup); } // Locate a group in the groupStringList, fill out the gr_* variables and return "true" if found. bool Passwd::searchGroup(QRegExp &groupRegExp) { QStringList tempStringList(groupStringList.grep(groupRegExp)); if((tempStringList.isEmpty())) { return false; } else { groupString=(*(tempStringList.begin())); splitGroupEntry(groupString); } return true; } // Find a group by groupname. bool Passwd::findGroup(const char *groupname) { QRegExp groupRegExp(QString("^%1\\:").arg(groupname)); return searchGroup(groupRegExp); } // Find a group by gid. bool Passwd::findGroup(int gid) { QRegExp groupRegExp(QString(":%1\\:").arg(gid)); return searchGroup(groupRegExp); } // Add a group to groupStringList bool Passwd::addGroup(QString gr_name, int gr_gid) { QString tempString; tempString=gr_name+":*:"+QString::number(gr_gid)+":"; groupStringList.append(tempString); return 1; } // Update fields for a group in groupStringList, take info from the gr_* variables. bool Passwd::updateGroup(int gid) { QRegExp groupRegExp(QString(":%1\\:").arg(QString::number(gid))); for(QStringList::Iterator it=groupStringList.begin(); it!=groupStringList.end(); ++it) { if(groupRegExp.find((*it),0)!=-1) { *it=QString(gr_name+":*:"+QString::number(gr_gid)+":"); for(QStringList::Iterator member=gr_mem.begin(); member!=gr_mem.end();) { *it+=*member; ++member; if(member!=gr_mem.end()) *it+=","; } return true; } } return false; } // Delete a group from groupStringList. bool Passwd::deleteGroup(QRegExp &groupRegExp) { for(QStringList::Iterator it=groupStringList.begin(); it!=groupStringList.end(); ++it) { if(groupRegExp.find((*it),0)!=-1) { groupStringList.remove(it); return true; } } return false; } // Delete a group by groupname. bool Passwd::delGroup(const char *groupname) { QRegExp groupRegExp(QString("^%1\\:").arg(groupname)); return deleteGroup(groupRegExp); } // Delete a group by gid. bool Passwd::delGroup(int gid) { QRegExp groupRegExp(QString(":%1\\:").arg(gid)); return deleteGroup(groupRegExp); } // Add a user as a member to a group in groupStringList. bool Passwd::addGroupMember(QString groupname, QString member) { if(!(findGroup(groupname))) return false; QRegExp memberRegExp(QString("^%1$").arg(member)); QStringList templist=gr_mem.grep(memberRegExp); if(templist.isEmpty()) gr_mem << member; if(!(updateGroup(gr_gid))) return false; return true; } // Delete a user as a groupmember from a group in groupStringList. bool Passwd::delGroupMember(QString groupname, QString member) { if(!(findGroup(groupname))) return false; for(QStringList::Iterator it=gr_mem.begin(); it!=gr_mem.end(); ++it) { if(*it==member) { gr_mem.remove(it); it=gr_mem.end(); } } if(!(updateGroup(gr_gid))) return false; return true; } // Global Object Passwd *accounts;